TER General Board

Thank you, in the future I will. (eom)
Girl Next Door 7272 reads
1 / 20

Only Staff can de-list or ban members.  Moderators cannot.

De-listed providers are banned by Staff from posting on TER discussion boards, so ads and promos for providers who have been de-listed from TER will be removed.

If you have questions about your status, you can contact Staff through TER Mail or email them at [email protected] .  

If you have questions about posting on the discussion boards, please read my posts below this one, which give guidelines for posting on the discussion boards.  After reading them, if you still have questions, you can write to your local regional board moderator or to me by TER Personal Mail, and someone can help you out.

Girl Next Door
National Moderator

-- Modified on 5/8/2005 3:27:00 PM

Girl Next Door 3494 reads
2 / 20

Posting ads:

Use Regional boards, not the National Board.
One ad allowed per 7 days.
Ladies must post their own ads - No guys doing it for them.
If you don’t allow yourself to be reviewed on TER, then you can’t advertise on TER.
Provide a link to your website or reviews or mall ad, not to other review sites.
If you link to your website, it needs the TER Site Reviews logo on its first or second page, or a TER banner on its first page.
The logo or banner must link to TER (that’s called a reciprocal link).
Site Listings: http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing .  
Banner Farm:  http://theeroticreview.com/link/TERadBanners.asp .
No ads for escort malls.  Ads for Independents and Agencies are ok.


No links to other review sites on the discussion boards.
No posting detailed reviews.  Ok to link to a review and comment.
Problems in reviews - use "Report a Problem" button on review.
Before posting, try the Newbies Board, and use "search."
Post under the related thread, until it falls off the 1st page (or gets close to falling off).

-- Modified on 5/8/2005 1:01:59 PM

Girl Next Door 2545 reads
3 / 20

Here are more detailed guidelines for posting your ads, which might help you out.

Post your own ads.
Ads posted by other parties will be deleted (except when a lady employs someone to do her advertising and booking).
Ladies, do not ask guys to post ads for you--it only gets them moderated.
Ads and promos for providers who have been de-listed from TER will be removed.

Providers may post 1 ad per week (any 7-day period).
When touring, you may also post 1 ad per week on the board for the city you will be visiting to announce your visit. Include the dates of your visit in the subject line of your ad.
Escort agencies may post 1 ad per week per region they serve.
Posts regarding contact info, availability, announcing a new website or new pics all count as ads.
Help us keep it fair by reporting violations of the limit to the local moderator of the board on which it appears or to Girl Next Door.

Post your ad on the regional board that is closest to the area you are servicing.
Porn Stars may advertise on the Porn Star board, and transexuals are encouraged to advertise on the Transexual board.
Ads are not allowed on other TER discussion boards; however, providers may reply to ISOs (In Search Of) on any board with their links (see below for link guidelines).

Please do not write ads in ALL CAPS.
Your ad must include a link that goes to your website, to your TER review profile, or directly to your ad on an escort mall.
Agencies need to link to their own websites.
Your contact information must be on the site you link to.
You may not link to a provider ad that is hosted on another escort review site.
If you link to your website, it needs the TER Site Reviews logo on its first or second page, or a TER banner on its first page.
The logo or banner needs to link to TER.
The logo or banner needs to be full size and unaltered.

If you list your site with in the TER Site Reviews, you will be sent the html code that will put the logo on your site and link it automatically.  The more people who click through from your website to TER's, the higher on the Site Reviews your listing will appear.
To get the TER logo, list your site in the TER Site Reviews: http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing/index.asp .
Site Listing Tips: http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing/tips.asp .
Add your website:  http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing/submit_site.asp?category_id=27&city_id=1 .
Or, grab a TER banner here: http://theeroticreview.com/link/TERadBanners.asp .

TER Moderators may, at their discretion and judgment, delete any ads that, in their opinion, do not follow these guidelines.

By participating in the discussions on TER discussion boards, you can greatly increase your visibility and give potential clients the opportunity to get to know you better.  You may include your link in messages you contribute to any TER discussion board, and that does not count toward your ad limit.  In fact, you are encouraged to include your link, because it helps everyone get to know you better.  Just please make those linked messages meaningful, entertaining or helpful contributions.

Thank you,
Girl Next Door
TER Personal Mail:  Girl Next Door

-- Modified on 5/8/2005 12:58:19 PM

40-Watt 16 Reviews 2860 reads
4 / 20

While moderators do not have the power to ban, their recommendations on banning are most often followed. Staff does not generally have time to listen to appeals.

We must be careful if we like it here.

sicnarf 2620 reads
5 / 20

Does TER accept reviews for delisted providers?

Mr. Info 3163 reads
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mr.ed 14 Reviews 4078 reads
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you might get through to the all-powerful Wizard of TER.  He owns the copyright!  (see bottom of all TER pages)

So, if there's appealing to be done, and if GND and Staff turn you down, I say it's time to go straight to the top.  Talk to the Warped Monkey...and that's Mr. Warped Monkey to you, pal!

Girl Next Door 3097 reads
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He's usually correct, and it saves me from having to say the same thing.  Several of the members who have been around here a while and have seen the same questions arise before sometimes help out, and I appreciate it.  We're a big, happy family, right? {group hug}  ;-)

Girl Next Door 3351 reads
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that the provider's profile has been removed from TER, either because of misconduct (usually self-reviewing) or by her request, or she has asked not to be reviewed.

So, reviews for de-listed providers are not accepted, unless they are rip-offs.  At least, that's my understanding.

Snowblind 10 Reviews 3351 reads
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I'm sure it does make your job lot easier, the time you spend sifting thru all our shit must be never ending.

On the other hand, if he answers and is correct, you don't need too (I wouldn't either), but the person who asked in the first place now doesn't know for sure because there's only the answer from an alias (an arguement for another time, I know).

It's happened to me more than once, most recently on the TC board. I posted a question directly to you in a topic that at the time was a bit of a sore spot with many. What I got was an answer from him.

Had I wanted an answer from just anybody on the board it would have been different, but I was looking for an answer from a moderator so that I could be sure it was correct.

So in the end I was left wondering (along with another person who posted to the thread)... Was that the correct answer? Or was that just a viable answer that was wrong but is enough to shut us up and avoid further arguement so the moderator let it go?

I understand, he makes a mostly thankless job you have here easier, but often times it's just as much about WHO the information comes from as it is what the information is.

-- Modified on 5/10/2005 7:12:38 PM

Mr. Info 2922 reads
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-- Modified on 5/10/2005 11:11:39 AM

Snowblind 10 Reviews 3509 reads
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If you'd like to discuss it further, feel feel to crawl out from under your alias and PM me. Otherwise, I'm writing this off as beating my head against the wall.

-- Modified on 5/10/2005 7:12:02 PM

Mr. Info 3989 reads
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Girl Next Door 2213 reads
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I'm sure it's more common in the reviews area of TER, because then I think it's usually done for review fraud.

When I have had serious problems with certain members on the boards, I passed them up to Staff to deal with.  Sometimes they shaped up; sometimes they didn't and were banned.

-- Modified on 5/10/2005 4:57:13 PM

Girl Next Door 4000 reads
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I understand.  Whenever there's a question on the board that you would like me to answer or confirm, please PM me.  :-)

Snowblind 10 Reviews 3165 reads
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sicnarf 5035 reads
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Sorry.... Sicnarf tiptoeing quietly away from group....

coochmeister 59 Reviews 2101 reads
20 / 20
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