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The Thrill is Gone....
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 868 reads

Not to say, I don't enjoy a good romp, but the thrill that was there when I first started mongering at the age of 21 in 2002 has long gone.  Anyone feel that same....?

Back then I was a young professional, and just a hair above broke. Fresh from college. Spending $250/300 every other week was a luxury.  But I managed. Did some side hustles to pay for the indulgences. Did some crazy shit like called DC Robin every day for 6 months until she answered my phone.. Her mailbox would fill up at 8:00 AM every morning. LOL.. Those were the days..   Went to happy hours and mingled with the like minded and swapped stories, and swapped other things in the parking lot afterwards. LOL.  

Not to say I don't enjoy good romp but there are other things as well that give as much pleasure - like enjoying a good book, a bottle of fine wine with some good quality Sushi., watching a good ball game, and of course weed, and not to discount listening to some old classic rock and roll from 70s and 80s..  

Anyone feel the same way... The landscape of this lifestyle has definitely changed.  But that being said, at least for me.the thrill is just gone, or am I just jaded at this point...

-- Modified on 9/19/2024 11:09:41 AM

Let's face it...few businesses have changed this much, this fast, in just the last few years. Prices have skyrocketed, choice is limited as ladies find other avenues of income in SW, verification methods have become more and more intrusive, etc so I hear you.
I find myself jumping through more hoops, incurring bigger costs and traveling further than I ever have in order to get the same thrill as before.
All that said, I still enjoy it just as much but I have had to make a few changes. One of them was taking lengthy breaks now and then to avoid what you seem to be describing i.e. burn out or becoming jaded, however you wish to phrase it.  
The breaks allow me to put this lifestyle into its proper perspective and I don't come off a break until I miss it again, which usually doesn't take too long. This def helps with burnout, as I used to feel that way before I started to incorporate these breaks. It also allowed me to avoid it from becoming an addiction which is unhealthy.
Interesting post. Thanks for sharing it.

Like all things, maybe just stepping away for a while is a good idea.  

I still get butterflies when anticipating a fantasy FMTY, or creating a dream date. The longer I plan in advance the more fun it is. My epic dates this year have all been booked 1 month, or more in advance. My fun hobby lifestyle has allowed me to see U2 at the Sphere, massages at the Bellagio, indulge in a phenomenal buffet at Caesar’s Palace, relax for a weekend getaway in Sedona & massages at the Enchantment Resort, fly to paradise for a vacation in Mexico, plus I get to entertain  friends who adore the pleasure of my company. I love flirting shamelessly over a fine meal. I have been fortuitous to have a genuine connection & truly enjoy the time we share together.  

I was jaded when I did not have standards in this hobby. Before I created my tribe over 14 years ago the thrill was gone for me. I retired. I took a break. When I did choose to enter back I was selective. I cared whom I share my energy with because I don’t want to waste my time. Time is something you never get back. I choose to spend my time with those who celebrate me.

Great post. I hit the like button. I love music!
Classic love this.

Enjoy the day & thanks for sharing.

-- Modified on 9/19/2024 6:51:48 AM

There is not much that is new for me given the years I've lived so I find a lot of the excitement I felt when younger, or first starting out with some new experiene, fades over time.

For me it's not so much about the thrill going away as the newness but I find there is still a lot to enjoy even with things or people that are very familiar to me. In fact, in some ways familiarity has added some qualities that the pure thril of something new and exciting cannot produce.

worried4 reads

Take a week, month or quarter.  TAKE A BREAK.  Spend your money on something different.  I'm thinking Double Eagle Very Rare bourbon, but that's me, which I've NOT tried yet.  

After partying ways with my last SB in May, 2024 I have hardly had any action. I did see someone in July but it wasn't a good fit.  Been away from any action since July..  In my early 20s, i couldn't have even imagined being away for 2 months. This would have been record.

Men (and a few women I know) are hunters.  P4P is a sure thing, so it's not like a seduction, where there is a lot of fantasy aforethought and testing of your "hunting" skills.  I love a good challenge, so my escape from the routine of P4P is to still pick up civvie women, mostly at the gym, but occasionally at clubs or on business trips where there might be single women (at least for that night) staying at the same hotel as me.   There's a lot of bored pussy out there looking for an adventure with NSA, so if you have the confidence, personality and have learned the seduction skills used to get one-night stands, you can add a little excitement to your extracurricular activities.  The sex may not always be as good as a professional, but they are usually more enthusiastic with their efforts, at least that has been my experience.  If you ONLY have experience paying for sex, this is going to be a little more challenging for you.  Lol

This is the honest truth. My friend recently took a break from the hobby & has not paid for pussy in months. He did tell me that professionals do provide better sex.

worried3 reads

Practice does make perfect, but the pros still leak the guy's cum from the BBFS CIP session 10 minutes prior.

I’ve been here for decades & don’t consider BBFS to be professional. We can agree to disagree. Sorry, but that sounds disgusting. STD risk factors are real, and PH balance as a female is an issue. How many here would engage in BBFS & consider the provider a professional?
Would you mind the next man’s jizz cream pie?

Your choice of wording is odd.  To say that a provider is not a professional simply because she offers BBFS is ridiculous.  The term PSE = porn star experience which a bunch of providers use to drive up pricing is derived from that very assumption.  I think it's more unprofessional for providers to offer PSE, and or GFE and then when the money is collected lay down ground rules that don't traditionally align with PSE or GFE e.g. no kissing, or kissing with only CBJ or collecting the fee for PSE/Greek only to say "you're too big" and not return the additional fee paid for Greek.  I have seen a number of real porn stars and done BBFS.  I'd consider them more professional than the lot of scammers this game has turned into.  

Rafl3 reads

It’s gone for me also since I’ve figured out exactly what I want. Unfortunately, what I want isn’t common. When I see that certain lady pop up I give her a try. It’s all good.

... I just change genres. For a long time I was heavily into AMP's and all of the good fun they bring. But in the last couple of months I got really burnt out on it and switched back to strip clubs, which I am enjoying again. When I get burnt out on that I'll probably go back to K-girls for a while. It's certainly is nice to have a plentiful supply of different options available 😀👍

"Didn't you mean to say: When I start getting burnt out, I just change genders."

About 10 yrs ago I switched form P4P to SB and that experience lasted for a while.. It was good.. Met some cool chics - met some crazies too.  The amount of time needed to find a good, reliable SB has drastically starting to outweigh benefits.  

I do enjoy the strip club experience, but just for lap dances.. Every 3-4  months I go to South Florida for a weekend.  

You are right about change of scenery to add more spice to life. Might be a good idea to go to a foreign country and see if that can add some much needed excitement.

Pricing used to actually mean something, now not so much.  Not to sound old, but when I started if a provider charged 400/500 for example, it more often than not meant GFE, MSOG, BBBJ, etc.  Providers that didn't do those things, didn't come near that pricing.  Now with the scamming, a provider will charge 500, de-list if she knows about her reviews, or not want to be reviewed altogether and be totally non-GFE.  Of course that won't be disclosed prior to the session and as I've said before, once the money is handed over you're kind of SOL.  Add to that a bunch of the old traditions that I first observed have gone by the wayside e.g. grandfathering, references, even reviews, etc.  Once you separate those that don't have or want reviews, then you have to deal with deposits and sky high prices.  

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