TER General Board

Start with the "Report a Problem" link on your profile page...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 15 reads

Give TER all the facts about the case you can get such as emails, texts, etc. and hope for the best.

Do not get your hopes up too much, TER is admittedly biased against providers in this regard.

If they say the review stays as is, you then have two options:

One is to get so many great reviews that the bad one becomes an outlier, and prospective clients will just overlook it.

The other is to request that TER take down your profile.   You can then try to come back anew with a new name, website, computer (They can look at the address of your computer) and email as well as carrier.   Or just resign to be under the radar.

Best of luck with this.


I received a completely false review with serious accusations, and I would like to know how I can defend myself. Any suggestion? I'm very sad about it.

Give TER all the facts about the case you can get such as emails, texts, etc. and hope for the best.

Do not get your hopes up too much, TER is admittedly biased against providers in this regard.

If they say the review stays as is, you then have two options:

One is to get so many great reviews that the bad one becomes an outlier, and prospective clients will just overlook it.

The other is to request that TER take down your profile.   You can then try to come back anew with a new name, website, computer (They can look at the address of your computer) and email as well as carrier.   Or just resign to be under the radar.

Best of luck with this.

Agreed. Much much respect to Mr Fisher, but the only response a PR will get for this is “for this problem report please contact TER customer support.”

RespectfulRobert13 reads

On the one hand, you have a provider with a 4 year track record of excellent reviews while on the other, you have a prolific reviewer with many whitelists.

Yes hard to prove in either direction. The six year gap in reviews is suspicious but doesn’t prove anything.  

Jensen is asking good questions about whether she thinks she never met the guy at all or if they met and he’s upset about something else so he’s doing this. And no I’m not throwing away the possibility that it did happen. Anything is possible.  

I’ve heard rumors that TER will allegedly ask both parties for screenshots of their correspondence in cases like this. If that’s true and they never met, I guess she could get it taken down.  

Yeah she’s spent four years building a reputation and probably was able to raise her rates along the way because of that reputation. I would think she’s smart enough not to toss that out for whatever this guy had in his wallet. But anything is possible.  

If she did rob him, of course she would try to get it taken down but posting here only puts more attention on it. Seems like the choice an innocent person would make but again that proves nothing.  

It’s also possible some ROB is using this provider’s name. Like maybe the guy got robbed by someone else. I dunno.

I sent them two messages and I texted the person who wrote the absurd review but so far I haven't hear back frod back frm back from them. I'm so. It’s horrible how they don't give you any assistance about a serious thing like that.

Steve_Trevor14 reads

how you know the reviewer’s phone number, to be able to text them?

ask too many uncomfortable questions.  Lol

Like I said yesterday, she saw him and just doesn’t like his review.

Steve_Trevor18 reads

about how to get a review removed are moot. If he met her, I think it’s pretty much impossible that the review will be removed.  

And yesterday, you conjectured that she met him. There was no evidence of that until today. Hence my question, to learn the truth, so there’s no need for conjecture.

-- Modified on 5/21/2024 7:03:53 PM

RespectfulRobert15 reads

I am not saying he lied. I have no idea as to the facts. She could be lying for all I know. No one but the two people involved really know the truth. Like I said yesterday, this is a difficult case as it's a "he said, she said" and they are almost always impossible to determine the facts.

Robert has conceded that it MIGHT be the provider who is lying.  Lol

Are you saying a sessions never occurred or that what is described in the review never took place?

As Fisher says, report it to TER, but I think you need to use the Contact Us at the bottom of the page rather than the Report a Problem link. (TER seems to want that used for simple, obvious issues they don't expect to have any back and forth communications about.)

If the session never occurred you'll need to convince TER that the session nevern happened. That could be as simply as proving you were touring some other location at the time the reviewer claimed to see you.

Submit a problem report by clicking on your profile. If we don’t report it we condone slander. I wish TER had consequences for liars & losers. Sorry that happened.

I would do both. Click on contact us as well. TER varies for helping depending upon who cares. TER contact us & report a problem are both routes I would take.  

I read your last review & if you’re referring to him he has a long list of whitelists here on TER. Based on what was written it would hard to prove on your behalf. I am interested to hear more from your side. This is an opportunity for you to defend yourself.

-- Modified on 5/19/2024 6:04:14 AM

RespectfulRobert13 reads

Those are there to handle very minor issues like hair color change, as an example. Things that need an investigation would need the "Contact Us."

under TER guidelines is if you are alleging that you never say the guy at all.  If you want to claim you didn't see him, and that the review is fake, others above have told you how and who to report it to.  When TER gets your challenge, they will typically contact the reviewer and tell him that you are challenging his review as fake.  Then the burden of proof shifts to the reviewer to prove he saw you.  TER will ask him for copies of email exchanges or text messages that show he booked the appointment.  If he has this proof, it is unlikely that the review will be removed, because a review is the opinion of the reviewer, and TER does not typically remove content of the reviewer once the reviewer has proven that he booked the appointment and saw you.  Since you came to his hotel, there should be a communication trail of test or email setting up all of the details of the meeting.  If the guy says he deleted it and cannot provide proof, it is likely that the review will be removed.  

Be complete and forthcoming in your exchange with TER.  They don't know you, so after talking with both of you, they will make a determination as to the credibility of your respective stories and whatever supporting evidence you have that will decide whether the review stays or comes down.  Good luck, and may the most truthful party prevail.  

Reading the OP one thing she doesn’t say is that she never met or saw the reviewer or that she doesn’t know who he is. She says it’s a fake review. This would have been the first thing she would have said if it was true. I’d predict that this was a date that went off the rails and she doesn’t like or agree with the hobbyist’s account of the details. My understanding is that if these are the circumstances the review will stand as written. The best she can hope for is a notation in the body of the review by Admin that “Provider Disputes Review.”

If not for the gap, I agree this would be hard to prove. The 6 year gap is a major red flag. Hackers target both provider and client profiles that are inactive. I have seen it on the provider side, which TBH is the easier one, where they have a review after a major gap and it turns out not to be the provider that previously got all the reviews from 6+ years ago.

Clients can be trickier because you need to gain access. But it still can be done. That said, there would need to be a motive. It could be a client or a fellow provider. Someone who has a bone to pick. Something happened. What idk.

If it is completely fake and you never saw the person (which I have had) it took me submitting FIVE reports (which were all closed saying the gent said he did see me). No clue who this person was and asked him multiple times for a day/time/location (I keep track of ALL of my appts w/an email address) and the reviewer in question as well as TER could not provide this because the visit never happened. The review was not bad, just never saw the guy. Now you would think this would be enough to get the review pulled, but no. I had to put TER on blast on twitter before it was removed. This was after waiting a month for them to do something.  Unfortunate it had to get to that level and just a prime example of a major overhaul needed to TER to make this site fair and honest for the reviewer AND the provider.  
I did have another gent who was scammed by a person impersonating me and he wrote a rip off report. When I contacted him to tell him it was not me he did contact TER himself as well to tell them it was a mistake and the review was removed.  
Now if you DID see the gent but he just gave you a really shitty review I would not get your hopes up. If he can prove he saw you via text messages or email exchanges very unlikely they will remove it or even edit it. In this case having your profile pulled is about it. This has been the decision of WAAYYY too many reputable providers at this point and why this site has become a bit of ghost town.

Posted By: WIMissScarlet
... I did have another gent who was scammed by a person impersonating me and he wrote a rip off report. When I contacted him to tell him it was not me he did contact TER himself as well to tell them it was a mistake and the review was removed. ...
This is the sort of possibility I was thinking of (with more general variations).
"Stoya" is a pretty unique name, so the "Oops. I reviewed the wrong Stoya." excuse is unlikely to apply. It is known to happen when a reviewer finds a list of Profiles for 20 different "Mary"s or a bunch of K-girls all named Hana or Coco and they pick the wrong Profile to launch and prefill data in their new review.  
The review is pretty specific, but it might still be about someone who pretended to be Stoya. Can the OP (Stoya) prove anything about her whereabouts during the approximate (public info) or exact (if the reviewer tells TER the exact day of his meeting) time.  If Stoya has proof that she was in NY or LA or just plain NOT in Tampa on the day the reviewer tells TER he saw her, that should prove that the reviewer must have been scammed by a fake-Stoya.  
The reviewer might also be able to tell TER what email or phone number he was using to contact Stoya. If he answered an ad with email stoyafla@ ... that is different from Stoya's Profile email which uses "fl" for Florida, not "flA".  And so on.  
I'd try to keep the inquiry cordial so all of you (Stoya, reviewer, and TER) can cooperate and work together to find the source of any discrepancy ... or PROOF ("Here's a selfie of me and Stoya, hotel logo on the towel, time stamped, and geo-location stamped at the hotel" or "Here's hotel security video of me and Stoya at the bar, walking thru the lobby, and going up the elevator ...") that the meeting did occur.  
In the meantime ... search local ads (ask TER to find out which sites the reviewer used) for anyone who looks like you and might still be scamming others as a fake Stoya.

It would be great if there was a function where you can flag a review that's in dispute. Since sometimes it can take months to get a review taken down or even cleansed of questionable details. This way ppl looking at the profile could visually see that the review is in question. I'm sure it's terrible for girls business but it's also not great for a guy looking at profiles trying to decide if he wants to see the girl or not. Of course this assumes that TER even has developers available to implement changes or that they even care to make changes. I don't think this site has had any major updates in 15 years. The UI is still confusing.

Why? Because simply identifying that a review is in dispute leaves out so much information it's almost useless. For example, there would still be no way to know if it was the provider or a monger disputing the review. And if you don't know that....

a process for challenging a review already in place.  Sometimes providers have to follow up on a dispute with Admin, and other times, reviewers do not check their messages from TER every day, so it can take a little time to resolve.  Your suggestion could be helpful in an instance where a provider only had one review, but the adventurous reviewers that have a TOFTT mentality are usually willing to take the risk on a girl with no reviews or only a few, regardless of the score or narrative.  Most guys here look for multiple reviews before choosing a provider, and since it's a YMMV sport, will discount reviews that seem to be outliers, whether on the high or low end of the grading scale.  Disputed reviews are relatively rare in relation to the number of new reviews posted monthly, so the odds of you coming across a review that is in a current dispute is extremely low.  

As I recall, TER made some major renovations on this site around 2017.  I could be slightly off on the date, but during the development of the Beta version, many posters and reviewers selected by TER were allowed access during development to test the new version and provide feedback before it went live publicly.  Personally, I think the upgrades made during that time were a huge success.   It hasn't been anywhere near15 years since the improvements were implemented.

Since 2009, I recall 2 "major" software upDATES. (1) I call them upDATES, not upGRADES, for obvious reasons. (2) There have also been many lesser, minor updates, e.g., adding "auto-populate" to the Review template (BIG PLUS!! Well done!) and adding more data fields to the Profiles (and review form): so far, so good; no major disasters or crashes.  
One of the updates (the second one, I think) was so bad and buggy that TER had to bring back "TER Classic" for a long time while they tried to fix things and respond to all of the complaints about "New TER". (Recall "New Coke" and "Coke Classic": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Coke "The American public reacted negatively, and New Coke [New TER] was considered a major failure. The company reintroduced the original formula within three months, rebranded "Coca-Cola Classic" [TER Classic]."
It is my opinion / belief that all of TER is proprietary code, written in-house or by contract programmers (K-6 or maybe high school students writing code during school vacations, I think). It is hard to support a lot of legacy code without full-time staff with a deep knowledge of all the changes and fixes and WHY that weird line of code is in there and the whole system crashes when it's removed. It is even HARDER to modify old (10+ year old) code and not do more harm than good.  
I have been encouraging a switch of the Forums to any of many really good open-source (free!) Forum Softwares. These softwares, maintained and updated by large consortiums of volunteers, have lots of good features, including internal e-mail systems and search features, ... and "FREE" updates and full-time maintenance and bug fixes. (E.g., every time there is a change in an internet standard, e.g.,, HTML#; Javascript libraries; no more Flash; etc., lots of old code might have to be updated / maintained to remain compliant. Let the open source consortium folks do that!) The BIGGEST problem would be migrating the current forums (users, messages, etc.) to any new interface. The consortia often provide help to new adopters to migrate their old data. Worst case: run NEW Forums and the locked (no new posts) but searchable OLD TER Forum archive simultaneously.  
TER Profile and TER Database software would probably have to remain in-house and proprietary to TER. I can't think of any TER-similar open source offerings. (NOTE: there is open source database software but it is far too generic and would still need a lot of TER programming.)  
Making suggestions to TER (usually on S&P) is a good idea. They might not act on everything, but it gives them stuff to think about regarding any future changes.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Not really necessary, since there . . .  
a process for challenging a review already in place.  Sometimes providers have to follow up on a dispute with Admin, and other times, reviewers do not check their messages from TER every day, so it can take a little time to resolve.  Your suggestion could be helpful in an instance where a provider only had one review, but the adventurous reviewers that have a TOFTT mentality are usually willing to take the risk on a girl with no reviews or only a few, regardless of the score or narrative.  Most guys here look for multiple reviews before choosing a provider, and since it's a YMMV sport, will discount reviews that seem to be outliers, whether on the high or low end of the grading scale.  Disputed reviews are relatively rare in relation to the number of new reviews posted monthly, so the odds of you coming across a review that is in a current dispute is extremely low.    
 As I recall, TER made some major renovations on this site around 2017.  I could be slightly off on the date, but during the development of the Beta version, many posters and reviewers selected by TER were allowed access during development to test the new version and provide feedback before it went live publicly.  Personally, I think the upgrades made during that time were a huge success.   It hasn't been anywhere near15 years since the improvements were implemented.

I’m pretty sure it was 2017. If not, then it was ‘16. I remember hitting the “switch to TER classic” button every time I logged on lol.  

I agree with you and Nicky46 about the asterisk next to a review under challenge being a bit unnecessary. On the face of it, it does sound kinda cool to have a symbol of some sort letting you know this review is under further review or in mediation or currently under investigation or whatever you wanna call it. Would let you know to take that review with three grains of salt instead of the usual one that should go with most every review.  

But everyone should already be doing that with outliers anyway. Whether it’s a sudden change in appearance or menu, or she allegedly starts robbing clients; when something significant doesn’t line up with previous reviews you look at it suspiciously. Even if you wanted to say that people could see the challenge asterisk and bookmark it, put her on a “watchlist” and check later after it’s resolved; anyone can already do that for themselves if they see an outlier that’s making them nervous. Go nuts, make as many favorites folders as you want. lol  

If you circle back to a profile and the misfit review is gone, you know it was successfully challenged. If it’s still there but more recent reviews contradict it, that’s just more reason to discount it. No asterisk was needed for any of that.  

I don’t think it would be totally devoid of any redeeming qualities, but probably more work than it’s worth.

The "NEW TER" vs "Classic TER" problem I'm thinking of goes back to 2010!

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin
Re: Not really necessary, since there . . .  
I’m pretty sure it was 2017. If not, then it was ‘16. I remember hitting the “switch to TER classic” button every time I logged on lol. ...
NEW TER was so bad and had so many complaints that they kept TER Classic available for a few years, until 2015, I think.

-- Modified on 5/20/2024 3:11:20 PM

I wasn’t here in 2010. As far as your other post, I don’t remember a changeover that went so awry that they hit abort and went back to the old way completely. That was before my time. I definitely remember a period when the default version, or what they wanted folks to start thinking of as just regular, was “new TER” and you could switch to “classic”. I thought I was here for the launch of the new but maybe not. Maybe I just found classic and preferred it for some reason. That, or I’m remembering what was actually a relaunch. Was there ever a time that it defaulted to classic for lurkers but members were seeing new?

Anyways I was thinking classic was available at least into 2016 but it could’ve been taken in 15. I certainly wouldn’t pound on the table and swear that it was 16 but I thought so.  

I do remember new coke but wow I would’ve lost a bet over when it was discontinued. Who was drinking that until 2002??? I also remember crystal pepsi. That was such a big deal at the time. We’re easily entertained lmao!

Not sure why someone would do this. Interesting that the reviewer has written many good reviews and has been on TER a long time. Unfortunately I usually tend to believe those reviewers. Seems random he’d just randomly write a fake review. Maybe a former client that you pissed off somehow someway….? If it is fake then just email TER - he will have to provide proof that he saw you at least via whatever method  you all used to set up the date.

Just an fyi, the 'client' does not have to submit any documentation to support that he saw the provider, he only has to say "yes, I saw the provider". This happened to me and it took a LOT of hoops to jump through to get it removed. TER is unfortunately very biased towards the client and this will just continue to drive away good providers that have no desire to deal with this nonsense. I do not know the OP so no idea what the details are with this situation, but to get a lot of providers to consider returning to this platform at the very least a section needs to be added where providers can make comments and add context to a review.

It's a bias towards free speech and encouraging reviews.  After all, it's a review site.  Without the reviews, no one except the keyboard jockeys would be here.   There may also be a bias against allowing providers to try to manipulate reviewers, reviews and what is written by customers about looks and services.  

With that said, there are SOME bad actors among reviewers who write fake reviews, or use reviews for their own manipulation or revenge, but I think the vast majority of reviewers try to be honest.  (A word to reviewers, . . . . the more anonymous you can remain, the easier it is to be completely honest without worrying about blowback from a provider who thinks she is much better than you did.)  

Many providers will eventually figure out that their looks score comes from the customer's eyes and their performance score comes from his dick, and they will adjust their approach accordingly.  Lol

At the very least it could be entertaining. I think a lot of times it wouldn’t have a ton of value. In the case of the review this OP got, or if a guy said a provider arrived two hours late and ended up in the hotel hallway screaming like a lunatic, she’s obviously going to say it didn’t happen. Everyone expects that. So I don’t know how many people will be convinced by her comment section. Most people will weigh it out based on the previous reputations of the monger and provider in question, like they do now.  

In more minor or nuanced matters, I agree that some context from the other side could be helpful. It would at least make things look a bit more balanced. I think you already know this, but I don’t think balance was ever in the mission statement. I’ve seen debates over whether or not it should be, but I don’t think I’ve seen anybody claim that it is.  

The only place I’m aware of that allows what you’re describing seems to delete any reviews that aren’t positive, supposedly. So there’s not a lot of challenging or denying of reviews. Lots of “thanks for the review, I had a great time too” type stuff. If we did it here I’m not sure how nasty it might get. I’m not against it just sort of thinking out loud.  

Anyway we’re slowly evolving into that. I’ve seen a review where the guy pasted the back and forth between himself and the provider from another site into his review. So just give it time?

And yes TER toxicity drives away good providers. Which is too bad because this place is a valuable resource. Some people think only scammers and bad providers don’t want to be listed here because they don’t want their bad behavior exposed. I’m sure the bad ones DON’T want to be here, but I’ve had a few great providers ask me for help with getting their profile removed. Which seems to be getting harder than it used to be.

One of the competitor sites that also does reviews and ads, allows for providers to respond to reviews. That said, that other review site is also notorious for removing or not posting bad reviews, presumably so the providers won't leave the platform.

420Smoka4Eva19 reads

I had a review disputed many years ago. TER reached out to me and the only evidence I provided was "I saw her and can provide screenshots/proof if necessary" and that was the end of it. They didn't need anything else from me.

That being said, the same provider who disputed the review sent me a PM asking me to remove the review and post a new review with a higher rating in return for discounts. It wasn't a bad review, just a mixed review. I turned her down and the review still stands to this day.

OjackieO31 reads

I hate this happened to you. It happened to me too. (Not here that I know of) It's outright slander what this man has done to me for years & years. I am pretty sure it's a man I worked for a while that treats women like $hi! & I left out on my own & stung him a bit. There's many reasons this can happen. An ex, of course they're gonna try to ruin you, competition, that want others to see them & try to make you look bad. Sad that people are like this in the world. The other bad part is many won't review at all so they can gategkeep. But refuse to see someone, or have someone return, & you are THE world's WORST person. I hope you get it sorted out!

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