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Stack and Rack
AllbSure 14 Reviews 694 reads
1 / 21

For sex trafficking among other charges.    From the news it reads that flying an adult person across states who is fully consensual and even party to the 'transaction' is a felony.  Is Paying an escort to Travel to you for Sex is trafficking? I read the law is not exclusive to minors if I read it correctly. The offer of compensation is considered coercion..?  

So basically Fly me to you is super high risk for clients.?

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 7 reads
2 / 21

Often the person would need an IV after a night of freaking where he would watch & provide drugs + alcohol. He also, video recorded these freak offs. I was interested at the rem commercial sex workers. Interesting indeed.

420Smoka4Eva 4 reads
3 / 21

Honestly the law is written so broadly that it sounds like getting a cab/uber for a provider or even hosting an outcall is enough to get you busted for trafficking.

impposter 49 Reviews 18 reads
4 / 21

Maybe they are applying the Mann Act:  
"... In its original form, the act made it a felony to engage in interstate or foreign commerce transport of "any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose". Its primary stated intent was to address prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking, particularly where trafficking was for the purposes of prostitution. ..."
Which reminds me of a story ...
The porpoises at the zoo were being particularly frisky and displaying behaviors not suitable for family viewing. The zoo keeper knew that he could calm them down with a meal of freshly killed sea gulls. The quickest route from the food prep area to the porpoise tank was through the lion cage. It sounds dangerous to carry fresh bloody kill near the lions but they were old, tired and well fed. The zoo keeper took the dead birds into the cage, hopped over the lions sprawled therein, scratched Leo behind the ears and proceeded to feed the porpoises who quickly calmed down. As he left the lion's cage to go back to the kitchen, he was cuffed and arrested.  "What's goin' on! What'd I do? What's the charge?"  
"Transporting gulls across staid lions for immoral porpoises."  
(Eliot Spitzer, NY Governor, had arranged to be visited at his DC hotel room by someone that would come down from New Jersey. He was being investigated for FINANCIAL crimes but they could have charged him like the zoo keeper.  
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_Spitzer_prostitution_scandal )
Any excuse to tell the staid lions joke. Thank you.

Posted By: AllbSure

For sex trafficking among other charges.    From the news it reads that flying an adult person across states who is fully consensual and even party to the 'transaction' is a felony.  Is Paying an escort to Travel to you for Sex is trafficking? I read the law is not exclusive to minors if I read it correctly. The offer of compensation is considered coercion..?  
 So basically Fly me to you is super high risk for clients.?

impposter 49 Reviews 20 reads
5 / 21

(Haven't read the original news account yet, but ...)

Posted By: 420Smoka4Eva
Re: Its bad
Honestly the law is written so broadly that it sounds like getting a cab/uber for a provider or even hosting an outcall is enough to get you busted for trafficking.
If it was a Fed charge, it would have to involve inTERstate transport ... which could still be via Uber. But: Brooklyn to Manhattan = inTRAstate, no Fed problem. Stamford (CT) to White Plains (NY) crosses state lines: "Book 'im, Dano."

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 2 reads
6 / 21

Speaking of old Spitzer jokes, when Ashley Dupré was named as the prostitute he was seeing, the question on everyone's mind was "Did she swallow or did she Spitzer?"

Autumndesilva See my TER Reviews 3 reads
7 / 21

This is a very good question.  The laws are very murky regarding this issue of legality and culpability.

RespectfulRobert 0 reads
8 / 21
inicky46 61 Reviews 3 reads
9 / 21

was Fester born without a sense of humor or was it surgically removed?

cornerrack 3 Reviews 4 reads
10 / 21

The FEDS will stack and rack charges on top of each other and 'if' They lose the case, they will take what they learned from it and come at him from another angle, Using someone else from a whole different case.

The FEDS don't lose and will use INTERPOL if necessary, once they put the choke hold on him, he will roll on everyone and when that starts, well,,,,,,, lets just say I hope he checks his brakes..

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 2 reads
11 / 21

Read the indictment.  

He threatened and coerced some of the participants. Assaulted some. He he defaced guns in his possession.  

This goes way beyond flying sex workers in for parties.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 3 reads
12 / 21

That's a fair point to make. But I really didn't like the bit about inticing with financial incentives as part of the types of coersion used. Offing to pay someone is not coercion and I wish they would take that bit out. Unless the claim is he offered money and then didn't pay up. But that's just fraud so....

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 3 reads
13 / 21

The only federal law in regards to sex work is the Mann Act, previously called the "white slavery law" which was enacted in 1910. It criminalizes the transportation of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.” It can be applied to consensual sex work, sex trafficking, or an individual of any age. So no, paying an escort to travel to you is not sex trafficking, but for this federal law it does not matter if it is consensual or not.  
Mr. Combs had a lotta lotta bad stuff he was doing, so they are going to throw everything at him and see what sticks. Because the Mann Act is a federal law (as well as several other federal laws he broke) and he is considered a flight risk he will be held without bail.  
So yes, technically if you fly a sex worker to you from a different state you are breaking the Mann Act. I do not know you, but I highly doubt you are flying multiple male and female sex workers to a location to drug them and force them to perform various sex acts on each other for days, so I think you should be good.  
Please be aware I am *not* a lawyer, I just play one on TV.  

As always, stay sane and stay safe....

impposter 49 Reviews 11 reads
14 / 21

I haven't read any of the docs, myself. I'm not a lawyer. I don't play a lawyer on TV. I'm not LE. I don't play LE on TV. But, ...
Don't they sometimes just file the "easiest" or most obvious charges first, in order to justify arrest and detention? Then, they modify (add and remove charges) on the papers as more evidence and details come in from searches and witness statements?

Posted By: 36363jensen
Re: Combs
That's a fair point to make. But I really didn't like the bit about inticing with financial incentives as part of the types of coersion used. Offing to pay someone is not coercion and I wish they would take that bit out. Unless the claim is he offered money and then didn't pay up. But that's just fraud so....

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 3 reads
15 / 21

LMFAO. thats a fucking joke

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 2 reads
16 / 21

I never read the statute but I believe you could be charged for flying yourself interstate to meet a client, i.e. touring.

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 4 reads
17 / 21

Of course, defendants can get re-indicted and re-arraigned.  

This investigation has apparently been going on for quite a while and based on the wording in the indictment it would seem that at least one person on the inside is cooperating with the prosecution.  

I have a feeling that more  people are going to be taking a fall besides just Combs.  

-- Modified on 9/18/2024 8:34:03 AM

-- Modified on 9/18/2024 8:35:00 AM

36363jensen 4 Reviews 4 reads
18 / 21

I just read the first page or two since to download the document wanted me to register for some new site. Nor am I a legal expert either but I've have seen a lot of creep in the application of a number of laws over the years.

In any case, my take on that specific part of the charges (or language in the law) suggests that someone can be charged for getting married when the proposal is aout financial security and standard of life. That just seems way to broad unless there is something else in the law that talks about how to separate the different situation that is not purely ad hoc.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 2 reads
19 / 21

I got a young Miami b1tch from the city
I'm spendin' money like a trick, no Diddy
I rock pissy yellow diamonds, no Diddy
But she can't be underage, no Diddy

Rule number one, never be too friendly
These industry ninjas have bad intentions
I don't trust nobody and I stay my distance
Plus your whole team sorry like the Detroit Pistons


impposter 49 Reviews 12 reads
20 / 21

Kind of gives a whole new meaning to "It's got a GOOD BEAT and you can dance to it."

cornerrack 3 Reviews 3 reads
21 / 21

Of course more will go down, thats how the FEDS work,,, Then hit him and everyone else with RICO

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