TER General Board

Spoken like a true Singletonteeth_smile
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2253 reads

I understand where you are coming from, brotha, but I disagree.  It is possible to have better and better sex with your ATF and still not lose perspective.  It isn't "easy", but neither are most things that are great in the world.

After you meet a provider a couple of times, is your sexual experience less intense or getting more intense.  Or, does it get more intense until the 3rd or 4th visit and then goes downhill from there ?  I guess you get to know them more personally by 3rd or 4th visit, which may trigger certain changes.

Getting to know them more, if they really are an ATF and not just the "hot new thing" makes it soooo much better.

but I guess ATF means different things to different people. Like she may be your ATF in the 10 visits within 10 months and then it declines. Or, she maybe your ATF in the first 30 visits in 5 months, then you fall apart... Or she may be your ATF in the first 4 visits, and then it declines.  I hope that clarifies my question. thanks!

musta3386 reads

Rarely does it increase. It is basic human male biology to spread it as widely as possible.

Turkana2129 reads

Really interesting question.  In  all the time I've hobbied, there have been maybe 6 to 8 providers I've seen at least half a dozen times; of those, I'd only consider two to be ATFs. With all of them -- meaning the 6 to 8, it just got better and better with time.   With the ATFs, time, experience, experimentation, getting to know each other, letting down barriers, just sent it off the charts...

-- Modified on 6/15/2004 8:57:38 PM

about you Hunkie... you so-called ATF is as faithful as long as you are paying the fee, nothing more than that. Ask her for credit and get your answer. Whether you see her every week or every month, your "love" affair is contingent upon you playing the fee in an envelope and not asking her to do anything out of her comfort zone. I guarantee any talk of ATF in either direction is directly correlated to paying the fee.

ATF may becomes less faithful performing her job. If you scroll below, one hobbyist complained that his ATF talked to him for 30 minutes about her problem (so the less time for love making and that's time he pays her).  The more I know my ATF, the more time she spend talking to me -- the less the time for the action I am paying for (BBBJ, DATY, FS, etc).  You get what I mean. It's not about being faithful. ATF will talk about other things like her problems, her hubby, money, etc .. and taking up your play time. Some people here says it turns them off... so I ask if it does diminish the sexual attraction. Some people like the talking and getting to know the ATF, and increase their attraction.

-- Modified on 6/15/2004 10:23:30 PM

Cynicalman4047 reads

I too found an ATF early in my hobbying and had many of the same questions you are now pondering. An ATF is a provider who for reasons sexual, emotional and intangible has you wanting to visit over and over and over. Just like a steady girlfriend the added intimacy will both create closeness AND friction between you both. Remember however that as long as you are paying for your time with her it is as I always say
"All About The Money".
  A great ATF is a wonderful thing to find. Remember though that an ATF has one special power that other providers don't. That power is the ability to break your heart.


cuz if it doesn't, then that's the start of Trouble

I understand where you are coming from, brotha, but I disagree.  It is possible to have better and better sex with your ATF and still not lose perspective.  It isn't "easy", but neither are most things that are great in the world.

shamrocker1995 reads

Personally for me the longer i know my ATF..the feelings i have of making a true friend increases :)

sham :)

how do you develop a friendship with someone who you have to pay to screw her brains out?

veryeager2503 reads

Downhill?  Absolutely not! Gets even better every time!

-- Modified on 6/16/2004 5:57:15 PM

It hasn't yet.
We have been together many times and it just gets better.

We completely enjoy each others company, we are friends outside the business, and YES, we are keeping everything in it's proper perspective.

We both see others, but she has never told me couldn't see me anytime I wanted.

So, in answer to your question..in my case, no, my sexual attraction to my ATF has not declined over time.

But as with everything in this hobby...YMMV.

Just my opinion...

I have only been with her professionally 4 or 5 times.
We met socially at a provider/hobbiest social and just clicked.
She is a very sweet mature lady, fantastic body and delicious with a little kink thrown in. We talk frequently on the phone (twice today), have lunch or dinner. We have become great friends first. When I see her I ALWAYS donate the expected gift plus a tip. Never ask for a discount. I respect her too much for that. Oh, I am single so this poses no bad situation for either of us.
Good luck to you all and play safe.

This is just me, but no. It's only gets better and better over time. I think it's has to be both of us feeling the same way.

I been very lucky meeting someone who I do click with and her with me. I have learned just to go with the flow of the moment. Just letting us enjoy each other without anything plan. What ever happens.....happens. It has given both of us alot of very fun personal times together!

Just me,

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