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Something I found to work well
CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 1646 reads
1 / 24

The PHD is in ! ( and hopefully no one steals my shit again ) LMAO

Nipple play..
I find it so erotic when men love their nipples to be played with.. It gets me more hot than a gent touching mine  ? Call me WEIRD....

I never ask, i just graze over the gents nipple on accident, and see his reaction - then go to town-

Many men in Buffalo love it ! Just call me Ciara from Nippalo !!

Then other men, they are like in horror.. Like its some sort of weird thing ?

I really dont know what this question is.. Anyone have the answer though?

why do men that don't like it , act so shocked, why is it dirty to you ?

Lusty_Lolita See my TER Reviews 1058 reads
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The majority of gentlemen I tried that with usually end up short of breath. LOL THATS how I know they like it.
If I feel or 'hear no response I move on to more 'tender' areas that get that result I'm looking for.
I would like to know what you guys feel about it also. I'm curious just as Ciara.


CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 1588 reads
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Mobile Sam 8873 3 Reviews 875 reads
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I like it. I don't get particularly aroused by it, no more so than you touching me somewhere else, but I do like it.

balathazar 1 Reviews 936 reads
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It doesn't excite me, nor does it make me feel weird. I don't get shocked or feel dirty, but the erotica from it is about the same as kissing the back of my hand.


zisk 86 Reviews 1268 reads
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oh, but to answer your question: I do love it personally...don't know why but the sensation is great for me. Licking and light, stress light, teeth.

dickus 513 reads
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Besides, I like having that done to me--just as I like doing it to you!

jdriggs 413 reads
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I love it so much that I'd almost rather she not touch me anywhere else.  Nothing turns me on as much.

Trygger 28 Reviews 415 reads
10 / 24

A bit of gentle work with the tongue is nice, particularly if there is also full body contact while doing it.  

I do feel a little strange about it.  Here is why:  I have a hairy chest.  While the lady is sucking my nipples all I can imagine is the poor woman with a mouth full of hair.  Not a picture you want in your mind while trying to enjoy yourself.  But I just can't bring myself to wax my chest.

KatherineCharms See my TER Reviews 266 reads
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I've always giggled inside when they act so shocked or completely turned off by it.  I guess some men see it as an insult to their manhood or something.  I find it erotic when a man is sensitive around his nipple areas.  Mmmmmmm.  It's like another added bonus to the playground.

Neurosexy4 1053 reads
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Dear Dr. Ciara:
I was wondering why would you have an proclivity for that erogenous zone? Also in you infinite years of service and coital activity as a heterosexual women how would you know what erogenous zones to concentrate on for different client and what information is shared so you know where to go?

greatrush 3 Reviews 348 reads
13 / 24

with your penchant for nipple play... love it and it's great knowing it gets you off. It's a wonder more providers don't share what gets to them... it's important that you love your work in my opinion and when provider's don't it kills the moment(s) for me. I try to get gone as quickly as possible because there is nothing worse than being someone in a state of self-loathing and fear that they might like the person they are with just enough to say something as simple as, "I hope to see you again soon... I  so liked that way we connected and here's what you did that made it really go well for me.... Simple, huh... too bad, most of us don't have the verbal skills to pull that off and be sincere...

VisitingProf 26 Reviews 313 reads
14 / 24

for my own enjoyment is, if instead of the lady using her fingers/mouth directly on the nipples, instead use a piece of her lingerie (silk or satin works great) on top, and then use the finger tips to stimulate the nipples. The fabric tends to 'spread' the sensation a bit, which is nice for those of us who find direct touch either too intense, or conversely, not intense enough.

Side note - men can train themselves to get close to an orgasm by stimulating their nipples each day. After a while the become conditioned to joining int he arousal process. This makes sense since some research shows that there is a nerve pathway for women between their clitoris, nipples, and lips (usually the lower one). Stimulating all three simultaneously can be be an intensifier for the ladies.

zinaval 7 Reviews 417 reads
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Way back when . . . I just couldn't imagine somebody being turned on by men's nipples and wanting to suck them-- especially when they're hairy. It wasn't initially pleasurable for me, and it has never been pleasurable as the other way around.

I got over it, but to me it was immediately strange-- and, how do I describe it? I had to let go of something first.

It puts a straight guy in the position of "nursing," and if he can't get that out of his mind, he's not going to be able to do it.

mminanton 3 Reviews 444 reads
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I'm not into it. . . If I had a six-pack abs, and a chiseled chest it might do something for me, but it sort of draws attention to my flaws, so I'm not into it.


foodcritic 15 Reviews 674 reads
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with nipples more sensitive than this mans!

Nikki_Greedy See my TER Reviews 634 reads
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Love to suck, lick and nibble on them..

Like you say, some like it, some love it, others it has no effect and then the "OMG! PLEASE don't do that!!!" types..

I have found a few that are into the extreme far side - clamps, teeth, pinch and twist.. hehehehe

Hardwood469 18 Reviews 849 reads
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rockmeat 1 Reviews 364 reads
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I agree with the High Flyer - it's fun, it seems to arouse my partner more than me, but then her arousal leads to my arousal and you know where this sort of escalation is bound to end up . . .

washdc1 60 Reviews 847 reads
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I had a provider with a well known but under the radar agency in DC do this to me about 5 years ago; she said a prior boyfriend told her it was erogenous for him.  She tried it with me and I went through the roof--better than a BJ and when paired with intercourse, out of this world. She called a man's nipples the 'keys to the kingdom'.

I do get other providers who seem to shy away from touching, and definitely licking or sucking them, even though I keep them 'clean'. Funny, I'd think given a choice of where to put your lips, that nipples would be an easy pick.  Oh, well. Sometimes, I can't come without this extra stimulation.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 351 reads
22 / 24

I didn't know that  -
Must be like me on my period days-
touch my tits and die a slow horrible death !

hungry1951 29 Reviews 1559 reads
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As with other activities, I think it's about techinque. I had one provider who apparently felt the need to take my nipples with her when she left. OUCH!!!!! I'm sure some of you ladies know how that feels, but like with you, nice soft touching and licking can drive me crazy.

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