TER General Board

Sing it sister!!! +1 eom-teeth_smile
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 327 reads


I just commented on my regional board about reviews and something occurred to me.

 I have always considered the review format clunky, unflattering and in some cases disrespectful. It's why I don't read many. There are a few members that pull this off, maintaining what TER wants and still being able to convey the passion of the experience tastefully. I'm not suggesting it needs to read like a romance novel, but damn, put some effort into it.  

Which brought me to this:

 Have any providers/clients written their review together? How did it go? What happened next?


Zangari495 reads

Posted By: ThirteenEcho
 I have always considered the review format clunky, unflattering and in some cases disrespectful. It's why I don't read many.
  I never wrote reviews here or anywhere else.  But I appreciate my TER brothers who are objective, fair, & take the time to do this.  Before the sugarbowl, I'd check to see if a provider had reviews, just as a screen for authenticity.  But like you, I rarely read them.
Posted By: ThirteenEcho
Have any providers/clients written their review together? How did it go? What happened next?
 What you're describing is not a review.  That's a shill.  By writing a review "with your provider", you've surrendered your objectivity and your integrity as a reviewer.  If that doesn't get you banned from the site, then at the very least you'll damage your reputation & credibility with your TER brothers.  Don't do it.  --z

Never considered that viewpoint. Makes sense though

GaGambler292 reads

Either that or the guy was gay.

Men and women look at life and sex in quite different ways, when a review starts describing how luxurious her incall is, or goes into more detail about what she wore than what she did, you can bet the provider had a hand in writing the review and those reviews are completely worthless to us guys as they come to us from the female perspective not the guys perspective, you might as well allow her to write herself an ad and then sign your name to it.

1. I've never done a review with a provider present ...  
2. I have no intention to ...
3. If I did, it wouldn't be ANY different ...  

You don't need the provider there to embellish or shill.  
I could and would certainly write the same review even if she was in bed with me when I did. Writing reviews is tedious. I'm split between vivid detail done as tastefully and being as explicit as possible. I do both

My intention and the results are to benefit both the lady and the hobbyist. An ATF asked me for a review on her way over and I let her read it before I posted it. Very graphic, I didn't or wouldn't change a word. She loved it.

Another time, I asked an Elite and UTR lady if she'd like a review and she told me she loved my writing, how I was able to crossover between the graphic and the event and it was one of the reasons she approached me. Of course, $$$ was a motive too. .. lol  

When I saw her again, I read her my work and she said she loved how I captured our time together. It was a courtesy that I offered her. And due to some technical issues, I never posted it.  

A few hobbyists who shared some PMs with me, knew of our time together and clamored for me to post it.  

For me, there's a fine line between too much ego and the event. It's why I rarely post. And I do mean rarely.  

I love to write and capturing an intimate or totally lustful moment doesn't come easy where I try to be fair to all concerned. I find it tedious and I'm really more of a kiss and don't tell guy.  

I'm sitting, in my mind anyway, on 2 reviews that I've promised to post. It's a promise I've broken before but the lady's know my aversion to writing them although you'd think otherwise if you've read one. Comprende?  

I get your point about the "shill", but who needs a lady present to write a phony or misleading review? It's exactly why I do read reviews. I look for a common thread and pay less attention to the outliers, while I'm understanding the YMMV concept.  

At the end of the day, it's all about the reviewer's honor. Yes, authenticity is a good choice of a word

You don't need to rely on some cuckoo formula like "the reviews were posted in the same month" or "the provider was there when he wrote the review"?

You, sir, must be vastly more intelligent than many of the posters on this board. That's the first statement in this post that's not sarcasm.

Now, be specific here, are you referring to reviews that where co-written with input from the provider or fake reviews written by assholes.  

There is a discernable difference, you know. Surely you can pick those up .... the only pre-requisite for this skill is being able to reed and right 😲

Selecting outstanding providers is easier than eating pussy with a fork! Ladies, all together now .... OUCH !!!
In 10+ years, I don't remember once initiating a PM asking if a provider was equal to her reviews. For that I do have a formula. Start at 10/10 and work your way down to your lowest acceptable limit.  

For me, it's 8/8 period. I lean heavier on 8/9 and up. Now if I can't discern excellence, even I'd consider myself stupid.  

btw, I'm  not claiming to be more intelligent than anyone here. That would be too easy. lmao. But thank you 😉  

Posted By: wholewheelofchz
You don't need to rely on some cuckoo formula like "the reviews were posted in the same month" or "the provider was there when he wrote the review"?  
 You, sir, must be vastly more intelligent than many of the posters on this board. That's the first statement in this post that's not sarcasm.

She will affect the review, it is just human nature and common sense.  

Being objective is hard enough in life as we all have our biases, but having someone drapped over your every word, syllable and utterance makes it just all the more difficult

I agree with Jack. What's that worth? Not much? Figures. How many reviews do you have?

-- Modified on 5/15/2016 6:02:30 PM

143?? Wow. Not that I'm feeling inadequate or anything.  

Some of them are repeats in duo format though. That's a consolatio

...TER checks IP addresses. If you and the provider write it together TER will note if either of you logged in from the others IP address and/or any combination of devices. They would be suspicious of this and at the very least not post the review. They could delist her and have done so to others in the past. There would likely be a consequence of some kind for you.

There is nothing wrong with literally talants and a review should be tasteful, but some looks and performance might be heighten easily. Well, if you wish any good to an escort anyway. What if permormance and expectations won't be on par with actual thing? Do you still want to write it together? Very awkward. If you want some kind of special treatment from a lady, this might work though. But then hobbyists will be deluded. And they are who is paying. Since TER only get small equal amount for VIP membership from both, clients and escorts and beneficiary here are nevertheless escorts, resource should maintain credibility. I believe TER more for male hobbysts since they need more information on particular escort. Xo

and if I was offered any menu items that don't appear on her profile, I ask about whether or not I should mention those (typically not.)

But to write the review as a joint venture is obviously not a good idea from the point of view of integrity.

As for the state of people's writing skills, I share your dismay, but at least they can write which is more than what about 15-20% of the adult population can do, sadly.  (And that is for people that speak English as their native tongue.)

I agree in that I've always asked if she objects to a review.  
I've had several ask to not be reviewed and two locals have had their entire set of reviews removed...not sure why
So I respect her wishes.

It's contrary to the entire concept of a review.  
And frankly it puts you into a category of reviewer that is useless to other VIPs.  
If you want to make her happy either tip her or buy her a nice gift.  
But co-writing the review is a weenie move.

Posted By: ThirteenEcho
I just commented on my regional board about reviews and something occurred to me.  
  I have always considered the review format clunky, unflattering and in some cases disrespectful. It's why I don't read many. There are a few members that pull this off, maintaining what TER wants and still being able to convey the passion of the experience tastefully. I'm not suggesting it needs to read like a romance novel, but damn, put some effort into it.  
 Which brought me to this:  
  Have any providers/clients written their review together? How did it go? What happened next?  

Posted By: ThirteenEcho
I just commented on my regional board about reviews and something occurred to me.  
  I have always considered the review format clunky, unflattering and in some cases disrespectful. It's why I don't read many. There are a few members that pull this off, maintaining what TER wants and still being able to convey the passion of the experience tastefully. I'm not suggesting it needs to read like a romance novel, but damn, put some effort into it.  
 Which brought me to this:  
  Have any providers/clients written their review together? How did it go? What happened next?  

I completely understand why it's a conflict of interest now. I suppose I didn't think about that side of it when I started this thread.

 The context of the original conversation was, fake reviews and/or false content of those reviews. (different thread)

What I had in mind was more of a collaboration, with both sides agreeing on the content and the manner in which is was presented. When it comes down to it though, I'm the one holding the cursor over the submit button. Nothing gets written that wasn't true.  

Well..... that's why you post things like this. You may not get the response you expect but, you still get to learn something.  

This is a whole new world to me.  
Thanks everybody!

NoYellowEnvelope319 reads

... mongers and the provider:  asking the provider to validate profile info for a first review--the one that creates the provider's profile.  I've seen many cases over the years where the initial profile was inaccurate in one or more respects, or there were "don't know"s that could have been filled in if the provider had been asked (although some of those might have been for "YMMV" situations).

I may never write one. I may write one soon. I don't know yet.

 I was just contemplating a different approach.  

It's kinda what I do.

Posted By: Myskyns
Are you dipping your toe in the water now?

GaGambler227 reads

Some people here seem to think you "owe" the rest of us regular reviews. Obviously, peer pressure hasn't worked on me either. I do commend you for asking relevant questions and not getting all bent out of shape when you get answers you weren't expecting. Lots of newbies come on these boards trying to tell everyone else how they should do things, the smart ones try to get a feel for things before running their mouths. You definitely seem to be in category number two. Good for you.

I sure couldn't write a unbias review right after I cum!   I store the draft away in a secure place 7 post it after a week or 2...  after re-reading & possible editing.

...when my time to be reviewed comes.

I've heard about fake reviews on this website before. I don't need them. I feel very assured about the libidinous and delectable time I create for my gentlemen.

no, that's the exact opposite of a reason to write a review.

it's one thing to let a girl check to see if there's something she didn't want in the review (for instance, i mentioned once that one girl was studying psychology; she asked me to take that out, thinking it might identify her too much in the real world).  but you might as well let the girl write her own review if you want to do it together.

be firm but fair.

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