TER General Board

is it just me or
nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 635 reads

is it just me ... it seems like there are more and more ... well lets call then "less hot" ladies advertising on the site ..  does that mean anything ?     either more are seeking funds via the hobby out of desperation,  or perhaps there is now a reduced stigma about escorting and more are entering the activity that might not have considered before ?  

not passing judgement on any one provider,  just noticing a trend.  

Buddy, I advertise myself as a solid 6/10, but I thoroughly appreciate all of the gents who think otherwise!  
When you say "less hot" I am assuming you mean younger? Most young gals have heard horror stories about some of the "hobbyists" who thought it was acceptable to call them ugly, fat, stupid, etc. on this site so they moved to twitter.  
All you have left are the old crusty hags, including myself, who have thick enough skin to tell the old assholes to go fuck themselves (in the nicest way, of course!)  
The trend you have noticed is that a lot of gals know that they don't have to deal with the nonsense on this site to be successful. *HOPEFULLY* someday TER takes note of this so we can have a very vibrant, active, supportive, and educational site that it could be and should be.

I've said it before and will say it again - your pictures do not do you justice. You're well above a "6" in looks.

I don't pay too much attention to the advertising here although lately I've been watching my local "BUZZ" board here and there.

No !!!! He means the females are not super hot model types who gets his dick hard the second he sees them

Why aren't you comfortable owning your own words? Of course you're passing judgement. No one here will stop you from doing that. Every player here does that when we assign numerical scores and reviews of the providers we meet. We just don't cower under some cheap deflection.

well lets just sit back and try to understand what this site is all about..........the erotic reviews site, which in itself is totally subjective to the reader even though it is objective for the writer, but is still one person's opinion depending on the moment, the chemistry, and the ego needed to be protrayed by the reviewer in what they write. We need to get out of the 'Shallow Hal" mindset and just do you own research and purchasing from your head first and then your down below.........I may never buy the same sport coat that turns Old Ranger on and for sure not the same 'knickers' that Snafu might come out with and the shoes that vorlon wears ...have you seen them ?? lol, but on here anything written IS passing judgement.
MissScarlet may consider herself a 6/10 but read her volume of reviews and her reviewers are consistently leaving very happy and always commenting on  their desire to return. Maybe she does not consider herself a pin up model but personally since I do have those "Shallow Hal" moments since  I continue to message incessantly the hotties on MNE that at the end of any day simply hit delete and do not know what they are losing out on..........we need to spend more time reading and learning about the 6/10s and then realizing what we are missing out on in this hobby that will NEVER be fulfilled by the schedulers that protect the ones that consider themselve the 9/10s  
 Now to defend a little bit on  NEVERTOOLARGE, if you look at the ladies he is trying to compare Minneapolis crew vs Vegas, Dallas, LA and Phoenix with.....think about it, the markets are a bit different and our 'Vegas/Dallas ladies" or they think they are, are either on MNE and snobs, or trying to charge Vegas and LA fees (boy is that going to get me in trouble)  
Also look at Never....Es reviews and he grades very high the ladies that he has shared with and notice that he has multiple (I mean I am drolling with envy) whitelistings ....so the ladies that he is choosing must like him a little anyways.......so his comment must be taken in with midwestern hobbying mindset. We have amazing ladies to choose from who deliver stellar service and will probably continue whether we judge them as 'average ' or not. They look great to me in denim and flannel which does not remain on them very long and I don't care how it balls up and looks on the floor. And miss S.....yes I continue to miss your touring dates of our great state :)  my bad !!

Your words are very kind, thank you!!  
I am back to school right now but will try to be back to the great state of MN the beginning of next year.  
I think they only let me cross the border because I bring gifts of cheese.   :)  

On a side note....great win for both teams today, but.....GOPACKGO!!!!!  


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