TER General Board

She doesn't qualify . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 21 reads

for a statue in the park yet, but we could pick a time slot later in the day and call it, "The QB Hour", . . . . or am I getting carried away?  Lol

I met a provider in Europe this weekend. She has no website (Lots is going via so called 'image modelling' agencies on Instagram nowadays so i cannot review, no link available) The girl is Ukranian and lives in the EU since the war.
However, she has noted that her prictures are being used by an independent provider in the USA (In this case Chicago) who uses them in her ad.

So how to proceed? The main objectives:
-Prevent my fellow hobbyists from experiencing a bait and switch experience/disappointment
-Getting her pictures removed would be a bonus

Anyone who has suggsestions, feel free to share.

If you have Instagram links you might be able to convince TER that the girl was in Europe at the time the profile is saying a provider is in Chicago. If the profile says photo of a different person then probably nothing you're going to do and not something that really changes things for anyone looking at the profile.

Respectable you’re trying to help, but has anyone contacted the person directly who is using stolen photos? In the past this is what I would do. I contact them & instruct them to stop using my photos, or I will take legal action. It’s usually a female with a pimp who is being mismanaged. If she doesn’t have a criminal attorney she can flag all the online content herself & contact every site she’s listed on using her fake photos it’s time consuming, but you get results. I thought this community was to warn others, so the first thing to do is post the culprit.

Conan The Grammarian salutes her!  
Progress is possible!
Smile for me!!!

for a statue in the park yet, but we could pick a time slot later in the day and call it, "The QB Hour", . . . . or am I getting carried away?  Lol

a bad day all the way around.  Lol

I'm on the West Coast and often get the last word of the day.  

But not the last word!  You need to chat with your pal, the one I call SwallowMeat. He cherishes the last word and employs many lame rhetorical tricks to get it. He always fails. Even when I grant him the last word it's only because it's blatantly obvious to all that his final retort was pathetically lame.
Don't go there.

If she is on TER, you should report it to them. I would also contact the ad sites and let them know. Not sure if IG can do much. But posting everything here would also be a good idea. It may show up in a web search if you include the name she is using.

Search both General and Newbie for "Takedown Notice" or "DMCA" or "DMCA Takedown Notice." A person can fill out and file the forms themselves or they can hire a lawyer to help. Even if a website refuses to comply, ISPs can and must shut down access to the website violating the copyright.  
How to File an Instagram DMCA Takedown: Ultimate Guide
DIY (Do It Yourself) DMCA Takedowns
DMCA.com provides a complete DIY Takedown service toolkit for webmasters, site owners, blog writers etc.

Posted By: rongel

I met a provider in Europe this weekend. She has no website (Lots is going via so called 'image modelling' agencies on Instagram nowadays so i cannot review, no link available) The girl is Ukranian and lives in the EU since the war.  
 However, she has noted that her prictures are being used by an independent provider in the USA (In this case Chicago) who uses them in her ad.  
 So how to proceed? The main objectives:  
 -Prevent my fellow hobbyists from experiencing a bait and switch experience/disappointment  
 -Getting her pictures removed would be a bonus  
 Anyone who has suggsestions, feel free to share.
Also search Newbie and General for "watermark" or "watermarking" about how to watermark your (her) photos to make it harder for someone to steal and misuse pics. (If a photo has "Jane Doe" watermarked across her stomach, it makes it hard for "Mary Roe" to claim the photo as her own.)
Good luck!

See If she can get the person for Identity theft. Your image in a photo is just as valuable as any Id

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