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Thetraveler123 3 Reviews 893 reads

I was with a well known PSE who I am a regular with, and I noticed they had a marker and UV light out when counting. This is the first time I’ve noticed she used those to count the donation. She told me her agent requires her to now verify all cash due to counterfeit money being used. Is this really occurring more frequently now? I understand the reason but what’s happening? A hobby of trust is getting out of hand.

I always do my due diligence it’s nothing personal this is my business. Why wait until you’re gone to verify? You should not be offended lots of businesses require verification of bills. If she has an agent she’s responsible to account for the money.

I have never done this but I have never been given counterfeit cash before. Unfortunately you can thank the one asshole that gave her fake cash as to why she now checks all of the cash. I would say this is on par with going to Sam's club and they check the receipt to make sure you pay for everything. I have never stolen anything from Sam's club, I do not know anyone that stole anything from Sam's club, but there are obviously ass hole jerks that have stolen so now we all have to get our receipts checked. I have never heard anyone ever in the history of sex work calling this industry the "hobby of trust". You are paying to get your dick sucked bud. The only thing you should really trust is that the priest is not stealing money from the collection plate after Sunday Mass, but even I have heard of that happening so back we go to square one with you getting your cash checked to confirm it is real after you got your dick sucked.

There has always been scammers trying to pass off fake bills. I have heard many times of ladies getting an envelope of movie money. Or fake bills. So I do not blame her for checking especially if she is working for an agency. If she gives them any of the $ she is responsible for making that right with them. There was a posting on a well known site more than once even one this year that said to check bills. I have a friend who got like 1k all fake so it is best to use a marker and check bills.

this is freaking crazy to think apen to check my money ??  cuz in the midwest, Minnesota in particular, we still pay with two party out of state post dated checks and sheep parts and everyone is very happy LMAO
 stay well and hobby safe...........its all about the contract of the session

I found this on X today & thought of you. She received $2k of fake money 💵 from a reference… is that a trusted client? She definitely thought so. My question for you is if this was your business & it happened to you how would you feel? Do you think you would check bills after being cheated? Let us all know.

2K??? Wow, what a fucking dirt ball! And the kicker is we have no recourse. We do not have the ability to take the client to small claims court because our job is illegal.  
I do not accept references anymore without personal screening info and this just reinforces why I will continue this practice.  
So much for the "hobby of trust".

But I suspect the Treasury Dept would be interested in any information on the guy and not be overly interested in your business.

Whether or not that is a good idea I'll leave for you to decide.

Agreeing with jensen, Monopoly money or an envelope stuffed with newspaper gets a client IDed as a cheater, bad person, scammer, ... .  
Passing of "genuine" counterfeit money can get the client time in the Fed slammer ...

Posted By: 36363jensen
Re: Might not be able to go to small claims
But I suspect the Treasury Dept would be interested in any information on the guy and not be overly interested in your business.
One other suggestion.  
[Just Kidding Alert! Just kidding!]
Many cash businesses have more elaborate tools than the "pen" test. I.e., some kind of machine that scans currency for many of the anti-fake features (UV, hologram, etc.).  Just take your envelopes down to the hotel front desk and ask them to scan your wad for you!
[Just kidding!! Do NOT do that! Just kidding!]
$99 Counterfeit Bill Detector Machine, Automatic 4-Way Direction USD & Euro Value Counting.
Detects a bad bill in .7 seconds by several factors such as UV, MG, IR, Image, paper quality, size, thickness
This Counterfeit Money Detector scans currency with UV/IR/MG for Small Businesses and detects the validity of currency by using an array of detection sensors. Rejects counterfeit bills with audible and visual alarms. Also detects bleached bills - Genuine $1 and $5s converted to $20 and higher denominations. Quickly pays for itself! 110V power adapter included. One year limited warranty.

throwing out the baby with the bath water, or shooting yourself in the foot.  She got burned ONE time and now she is changing her policy which has worked up until know and is willing to lose the business from the majority of hobbyists who will NOT give personal information for screening when they have perfectly good references.   This is an example of the short-sightedness of many providers.

She got burned for 2K. That is a lot of money. The majority of clients DO give personal information for screening and have no issues. I have changed my policy over a year ago to no longer accept references and have found no decline in business, actually quite the opposite. I am busier than I have ever been.  
There are of course gentlemen that do not wish to give their info, that is their personal choice, just like providers have the choice to not see these gentlemen. If the price is too high or the screening information does not align with what someone feels comfortable giving then move on. My rates and screening requirements are non negotiable, just at they are with most other reputable providers. I do not do deposits, but that again is my personal choice as to how I run my business. There are many providers that do now require a deposit to book. Again, their choice how to run their business.  
This is a very good example of a provider who was trusting of clients to be honest and she got burned. And unfortunately this dirt ball is the one who ruined the "references only" that this provider was OK with previously.  
Most providers are only going to need one 2K bomb to blow up in their face to decide they are going to change their policies. That of course is her personal decision and I wish her all the best with her future endeavors as a provider.

She is over-reacting to an outlier situation.  Businesses do not typically change their entire way of doing business because they had ONE deal that they lost money on.  You learn from your mistakes and tighten up your procedures a little.  In commercial vernacular, losses like this are called "shrinkage", even if she has a big ass.  Over the course of a month, she moved a little less "product" so her gross profit was a little less.  You have to look at the big picture when you're running a business.  

Judging from the comments on this site and social media, it seems to me that there are far more women scamming hobbyists than there are hobbyists scamming providers.  If every hobbyist quit the business because they lost a deposit, got no-showed, or were misrepresented by photos, there would be no customers left for you ladies.  The other reason it's an over-reaction is because she did NOT lose any of her own money.  It's a service, which she didn't get paid for.  She's out the time but not the money.  It's not like she bought something for $1000 that she was going to sell for $2000.  If that were the case, she would be out a thousand dollars, and she's not.  All she did was waste her time.  When hobbyists get scammed, they are always out-of-pocket for the money they got scammed for, except on a no-show, then they are just out their time investment in driving to a place where she is not.  

Rafl5 reads

I agree people over react to one incident. Countless transactions happen with no issues. Not my problem I just don’t see ones like this

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Not sure if this is called. . . .
throwing out the baby with the bath water, or shooting yourself in the foot.  She got burned ONE time and now she is changing her policy which has worked up until know and is willing to lose the business from the majority of hobbyists who will NOT give personal information for screening when they have perfectly good references.   This is an example of the short-sightedness of many providers.

I went to the grocery store, & was getting back in my car. I was with a friend. The manager came out to the car & said "Can you come back inside?" We did. He proceeded to tell me a $100 bill I gave the cashier was fake. My friend is asking where I got it???? Uhhhhhhhhh...Well, I really didn't know, but being that it was a $100 bill most people would have gotten it from the bank & I hadn't been to the bank. I am thinking to myself, "Which client?" But couldn't SAY that & I didn't think it was done on purpose anyway really. He was nice about it, but I gave them a different bill, but he did say technically when that happens, they were supposed to just call the law. WTH. So, the next day, I take this to my bank. It wasn't fake. It was an older bill. I did call the store & tell them, so they would know I wasn't doing that. And to let them know they needed to educate themselves bc neither the cashier or the manager knew it was real. IF I did get burned tho, I'd prob be double checking too, but  that doesn't mean your person knew, it just means they are circulating. If they try to spend it somewhere, the cops are supposed to be called too, according to this store's policy. It is a shame everyone cant be trusted, but it can be a long chain.

I had a similar situation occur in a casino - playing a little blackjack one night and passed a fake $100 unbeknownst to me. I was questioned by security about where I got it as well. I basically said I gambled a lot, and it must have come from a casino, but I couldn’t say which one. I was then required to complete a written statement stating same. I suspect that further action may have been taken if they had thought I was lying and knew the money was counterfeit.  

It was a little scary actually and quite an inconvenience overall, besides losing the money itself. On top of that I was worried I might have more fakes in my possession and might find myself in that situation again.

That's scary...The last person held holding the fake currency has to suffer the loss - is what I understand.  

When I play with my SBs i just send them Cash App. Yes, it creates a paper trail, but I don't have a whole lot to hide from rest of the world. Also paper trail has some benefits, which you lose when you go hard currency.  No wife or kids and  small business owner. I also have no ambitions to run for any public office. LOL.

The most interesting bit for me was the suggestion that all the "prop" money used in Holliwood might be a huge source of conterfeit bills.  

Probably also worth noting that the pen test is not really good as it's testing the type of paper so you're really only catching the low end stuff. The UV is much better but that runs into the problem of being just a good as the visible in normal light printing -- in other words it can be copied too. A lot of the other preventive steps are a bit more difficult to check.

All that said, I don't worry about any stores that have checked the bills before accepting them as payment so I would not really worry if some provider did.

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