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sexuality is everywhere, except......
toad of toad hall 3391 reads

here's a quote from the french philosopher Roland Barthes. i'd appreciate your thoughts on what it means (and i think it does mean something!) i have my own ideas which i will share "apres."

"sexuality is everywhere, except during intercourse."

Ci Ci2046 reads

Sounds to me as if the poet was stating that there's tempting, sensual things everywhere (probably in his case the youth), but not in the household of a proper lady and gentleman. Sensuality probably didn't play out in his bedroom. Think about the year it was written. That says everything.


SEXY SHAYLA2595 reads

I think that must mean that sexuality is something you FEEL....not something you DO.


Here I was thinking that he was lamenting the "biology" of it all when the act actually arrives as opposed to the sensuality during the buildup, but I like your take on it better.

You go, girl!  Lemme see...sexy, smart, poetic, good taste in cinema :), and defender of the downtrodden.  Is there anything you don't do? :)

Ci Ci1595 reads

I respect them too much -- the little tunnelers. Wink!


That people sexually tease themselves a lot, but actually have sex seldom, and with little enthusiasm.  A side effect of Christianity.


"sexuality is everywhere"
Interpretation: birds do it, bees do it, ...

"except during intercourse"
Interpretation #1: If you refer to it as "intercourse", you're probably doing it to reproduce.  If you're trying to have fun, its called "fucking"

Interpretation #2: Except during *verbal* intercourse


Sexuality is a feeling, a aura about ones self, how one presents themselves to others, how others perceive us.
A great amount of mental processes are involved in sexuality.
Sexuality is a mental game we all play with each other.

Intercourse is just a physical act. There is no real mental process involved, just natural, animal instincts.

Just my opinion...

toad of toad hall3742 reads

thanks to everyone for your very insightful thoughts on this quote. personally, i think it is realted to the idea thast sexuality is "something that you feel, not something that you do." it's something that you feel maybe as a kind of substitute for doing -- so that when you're actually doing, you're not feeling quite the same thing.

someone recently told me about a museum of eroticism that she wanted to visit. i'm in no hurry. i imagine there are a lot of dildos and other artifacts. what's really erotic could not be put in any museum -- an unexpected glimpse, a secret touch

freud wrote thast it's not surprising that people masturbate, what's surprising is that they do anything else. i guess he could have meant fucking as well as masturbating. Maybe sexuality is the erotic element in non-fucking activites that allows us to stay interested in them. Or at least to get them done. Just like now, when i'm gonna go take out the garbage...

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