TER General Board

Security issues: Part II
jack bauer 2862 reads

The post below on security issues raises another question -- Have any of the guys ever been blackmailed by a provider threatening to tell a wife or employer?

Youreallygotaholdonme5175 reads

…It was her asshole webmaster/friend.

He found out, by reading our e-mails without her knowledge, that we had developed feelings for each other. He went a little further into my screening information than she knew about. Not only did he find out my home information, my wife’s and kids information, my fucking mother-in-laws name, but the asswipe also ran a credit check on me in the effort to discredit my fine ass self!!! At least I am over it now…lol
She was totally trustworthy, but who knew he was waiting in the background.

Ladies please, I understand the need for help with your websites, phone calls, photographers ect. Especially with someone you think you can trust and which you can be safe, but please don’t be TOTALLY trustworthy with your business dealings, it’s your reputation, and ours on the line. Putting the keys (or passwords) to your computer in someone else’s care may be too much temptation for most.

I almost didn’t want to tell this tale because many men will say SEE!!! That’s another reason not to give out personal information. Guys, as far as I am concerned, a woman’s safety is the #1 concern, and I wouldn't hesitate to give the same info again.

I am a big boy and always figured if I were exposed, I would have to deal with it, one way or another.

champkr2248 reads

In God we trust.  All others, we verify.

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