TER General Board

Screening Requirements
firsttimer1234 7 Reviews 2063 reads

Every provider has different screening requirements, a copy of driver's license, references ,  work badge, none, etc..  But a provider recently asked for a copy of my paystub?  I just got back into seeing providers after some years, didn't  if is this a standard requirement now.  

No, it's not standard, but I have come across one or two women who require that as part of screening. Not sure what the point is compared to a  work ID/LinkedIn/company which is much more common.

verifies that you do NOT work for LE.  The downside, and the reason it's a hard "NO" for me is that paystubs usually contain other personal information like your SS# and home address which could be used for blackmail or to do you financial harm.  A work ID badge can also be used against you unless you are the business owner and immune from a provider who didn't like your review calling your supervisor and telling him/her that she is prostitute that you spend time with.

It verifies no such thing. It's easy enough to provide a very fake paystub.

you are an employee, and you're not, now you have made yourself look dangerous and have moved from difficult screening to blacklisting.   Worth it?  I don't know.  I have never put myself in a position to risk getting blacklisted.  What would YOUR reaction be if a provider justifiably doxed you here on TER for giving her a fake paystub, or at the very least, put your name on the PO board to warn other providers?  You really didn't think this through, did you?

You are the one that did not think it though, obviously. And your MO is always to attempt to turn it back onto the person and attack and belittle them rather than staying on the topic for discussion. Narcissism 101, but I digress.  
You stated that providers ask for a paystub to confirm they are not LE. Mr. Holy responded that a fake pay stub can easily be made. Clearly *you* did not think this through.
If it were LE and they were trying to do a sting or trying to target a specific provider they would, of course, make a fake stub indicating they work in corporate finance at Microsoft making 10K a week after taxes. And to cover their bases of course they would have a phone number listed that would go back to the LE head quarters so the secretary can "confirm" all of the info about this "employee".  
I have met Mr. Holy. He is a very kind, genuine, and thoughtful person. He also sent me all of his screening info without question because he is an upstanding and respectful guy. To speak poorly of him actually just reflects poorly on you. Do better.  

don't really know how the SMART girls do this.  If the customer tells them he works at Microsoft, they are not going to call the number the customer gives them to verify this.  They will look up the number on the internet for HR at MS's company website, call and ask HTR to verify his employment there.  Only a provider who is a complete idiot would call the number they guy hands them on a piece of paper.  Jeez, you're dumb.  

Now, I have to agree with you on this one point.  I turned this back on you and belittled you because you don't know what you are talking about and are just sooooo fucking dumb, my little country bumpkin.  

Thank you for once again, in your most specular fashion, doing exactly what I said you would do. Again.  
This is getting way too easy...... LOL
As always, best of luck to you in life and have an amazing rest of your week!!!  


nothing substantive to refute what I said.  Talk about making it easy.  Lol

Anyone looking for an example or definition of Troll.....CDL

FUckin' ridiculous why you are even allowed to post the vicious pointless crap you do.... write 400 reviews all about low rent human trafficked K girls,  that alone should get you locked up in a hospital rubber wing.

seen Kgirls, and anyone who has seen them KNOWS they are not trafficked.  They come and go as they please and tour the country at will.  The agencies are just a place to work that is cheaper for them than renting a hotel room.

Do you see the irony in YOU calling my posts pointless crap when you are asking questions and posting shit that has already been covered a thousand times before here by Newbies that came before you.  Even your provider vouch said you are new and don't know much, so who are you to assess what anyone else posts here.  In fact, I'm the guy who defended you posting your false and stupid shit when others wanted you gone!!!  Aren't you coming up on your first full month here?  You're only about two or three years from knowing what you are talking about.  

If you see more providers and write some reviews, you will have a basis for posting INFORMATION here rather than just posting personal attacks directed at the veterans here who are laughing at you for the false and stupid shit you post.   Carry on.  

Talk about "posting your false and stupid shit."  Where did you pull that statistic out of - thin air or your butt?  That's not even true in Los Angeles, let alone NATIONALLY.

members HERE . . . ."   I was talking about those members posting HERE, on TER.  Maybe I should have said "posters" to be more clear.    As far as LA goes, I would say that MORE than half of those posting on the GD and Kgirl boards have seen Kgirls.  If they are posting on the discussion boards, we can see their review history with one click, if they aren't posting here, it would be a monumental task to discern how many UTR members also see Kgirls. Use a little common sense.  

Do at least a little research on Kgirls!
Yes, trafficking is real, but not with Kgirls!


After I get the key from the gate keeper when I arrive at the AAMP, I always ask the Kgirl and she assures me that she is free to come 'n' go!

"Low rent human", why would you put down these women because you don't like someone who likes them?

you ain't half bad, you did call them human!

420Smoka4Eva30 reads

Most companies outsource employment verification to a third party vendor, the most popular being The Work Number by Equifax. If you call up HR at Microsoft or search their website they will direct you to The Work Number's website. A source included below for reference. Nobody does employment verifications over the phone anymore, its all digital and outsourced. I doubt smart girls are calling up the HR departments of Fortune 500 companies since these days it doesn't get them anywhere.

I've never worked for any company, big or small, that put their phone number on their paystubs.  

And if it's a relatively large company, good luck getting a hold of anyone there to verify employment. Many big firms I've worked for had dedicated contacts for employment verification and unless you are given that information there is no way you'd be able to find it.

How come there are constant busts regardless of paystub being asked for or not?

If Leo's want to go undercover, they can absolutely create a fake paystub and a story. No undercover op ever was stopped because they required an ID and a paystub to verify. Come on now lol.  

Paystub isn't asked for because of leo implications. It's to have a hold on your pii AND see that you're who you're claiming to be and have stable employment as to pay for the services.  

Basically that you're not just some guy off the street. With how easy it is to fake shit nowadays it's not a bulletproof solution either.

that someone that had a VERIFIED paystub was busted?  I would love to hear how they do this from your wealth of knowledge on this subject.  You sound as uninformed as some of the providers here about paystub verification.

Any provider who accepts a paystub for screening that they haven't verified with the HR department at the company where the customer works is a moron.  

as soon as a provider shows me her drivers license or ID  i will show her mine ...  until then if white lists or references dont suffice then next ......  

Please don't say this unless you actually mean it. I am an open sex worker and all of my info is available for confirmation. When guys say they will give me their DL if I show them mine and I tell them that is fine 100% of time I never hear from them again. Every. Damn. Time.  
Just say you don't want to give out your info, that is fine. But don't lie. Tacky and uncouth.

I ask for your DL (name and photo only) and a current selfie. Asking for this work shit I don't get. I don't care if you sold an 8 ball and are using the funds to pay me, none of my business.

Some providers do mind if youre selling rocks on the street and may cause unnecessary drama/scenes/etc

I'll never give my paystub to any provider but I do understand why those who do ask for them, do it in general.

Reminds me of a unique incident that I experienced when I first started. As background, for those you aren’t aware, the smallest denomination of bills in Canada is $5, they use coins for $1 and $2.  

I met with a client and at that time I collected the donation after the session (I was very new). When we were done, he opened his bag and pulled out multiple rolls of $1 coins.  
I always wondered if he had robbed a vending machine or something, lol!  However as Scarlett pointed out, none of my business. I did ask him to visit the bank and exchange for bills prior to any future appointments.

That’s just….  LOONEY!

I’ll see myself out…

If he had paid with rolls of $2 coins, it would have been just ... TOONIE!

I'll see myself out...

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin
Re: He paid with rolls of coins?
That’s just….  LOONEY!  
 I’ll see myself out…

Some might say that would be going toonie far, but it would weigh a lot less at least.

There was a touring Provider, Butterfly-something? something with Butterfly in her name or nickname?, whose rate pages mentioned that she accepted specie (precious metals; rolled (silver or gold) coins, etc.). She traveled with a small scale and testing kit for determining whether something was 10 karat krap or 24 karat gold.  
These days, a roll of gold Krugerrands, Pandas, Maple Leafs, etc. can buy a car or a small house!

Posted By: TiannaTemptation
Re: Source of funds
Reminds me of a unique incident that I experienced when I first started. As background, for those you aren’t aware, the smallest denomination of bills in Canada is $5, they use coins for $1 and $2.  
 I met with a client and at that time I collected the donation after the session (I was very new). When we were done, he opened his bag and pulled out multiple rolls of $1 coins.  
 I always wondered if he had robbed a vending machine or something, lol!  However as Scarlett pointed out, none of my business. I did ask him to visit the bank and exchange for bills prior to any future appointments.

I assume she wants to see something identifiable of the company name / your name. You can always cover up the bits that are too personal and too valuable to "share": SSN, Gross, FICA, ... Net, ...  
The thing is ... I once had a small side business and all of my letterhead, invoices, and other business forms were done in MS Office or other OTC software and printed on a laser printer on regular paper. It was all REAL because the biz was real, but anyone can make biz forms on their computer these days. "Imp's ID and Security Services, Inc.; Employee #00001, Employee Name: impposter; ..."

Posted By: firsttimer1234

Every provider has different screening requirements, a copy of driver's license, references ,  work badge, none, etc..  But a provider recently asked for a copy of my paystub?  I just got back into seeing providers after some years, didn't  if is this a standard requirement now.  

about as legit as CDL's Sushi Bar and Bait Shop.   Lol

worried31 reads

... does NOT mean YOU have to comply.  This includes screening or deposits.  There are many that don't ask, seek them.  

with each companion seeking different things. If a woman asks for something I won't give, I don't reach out to her.  

I include paystubs in the "won't give" category.  

So far, I'm doing just fine on P411, references and reputation. Maybe, maybe I'd consider a redacted ID... maybe.

Just remember that whatever you send electonically, it is out there and potentially public - forever.

Steve_Trevor122 reads

as it would mean no one who’s retired or independently wealthy could see providers. And for those who do have paystubs, there’s the issues others have mentioned.

RespectfulRobert31 reads

I see a lot of women and never been asked and the two groups of men you mention guarantees it won’t become the standard imo.

worried48 reads

If we comply, then it will be a standard.  Just say no and move on.

following this advice unless one of your refs has gone BSC since you last saw her.  

durran42139 reads

I feel like I should be walking out with a loan if I provided that?🤣

My favorite part about this thread is the clients who say, I would never do this and I would never do that ..  
Its total BS and posturing. When a client wants to really see you they would name their first born after you if it was a requirement ..  
And there are many TER clients who make these claims that they "would never" jump through hoops, and absolutely would jump through fire, because Ive seen it first hand.  

And yes, work verification is absolutely standard .  

I happen to be the Assistant that the OP is talking about .. Ive been in this industry for 20+ years , Ive been a FSSW/Dom , now im a Marketing and Branding Professional as well as a Personal Assistant ,, and have worked with over 100 providers and have handled the private info of over 500,000 clients ..  oh the stories .  

This guy isnt giving you the full story..  
Here is what is required for every single provider that I work with .  

- Full Name/ Safe contact number  
- A pic of your DL  ( you can black out your SSN, Address, and DL# for your comfort
- a recent selfie
- The contact emails of 2-3 providers you have seen in the last 6 months, no phone numbers please, we do all verification via email and do not call providers for references. We do not accept agencies for references.  

If you do not have Provider refs or are a "newbie" I will need employment verification:
- employment info such as your pic and bio on company website, Linkedin URL or last paycheck stub with your SSN blacked out.

In my 20+ years in the industry, I've never had a legal issue, an assault, a theft, a battery, a rape, or someone stealing the donation. The providers I work with have some of the most thorough screening processes, have healthy returning clientele, and are busy.  

Badges dont have dates, business cards dont have dates, can be faked. I dont use them.  

Yes Yes, paycheck stubs can be faked, but alot of the ones have that water mark :)  
Its not just one thing that contributes to complete verification is the whole picture.  

Also Id like to point out the OP was a pill during the process and being difficult. And this isnt a customer service situation. I'm not here to hold your hand as a client; Im paid to enforce the Provider's Rules and have her back.  
Im here to make her life easier, and allow her the freedom away from admin work so she can have moree free time for herself. Im the buffer so clients dont take advantage of time wasting and free labor.  
The Providers safety, security, and overall wellness is my number one priority , not yours.  

Honestly however a provider choses to screen and the requirements she has is her choice. Screening is also a litmus test in regards to how you will respect a providers boundaries. And if you can respect her screening requirements then you wont respect her boundaries, and feel free to go to someone who is less stringent with their requirements, its seriously no skin of my back or the backs of the providers I work with. They're getting paid, Im getting paid.  
Posts like this dont affect their or mine bottom line.  

Coming to TER to avail yourself the echo chamber of anti-screening client contingency, shows that we dodged a bullet.  

But whats really great is the tons of Providers that read these posts and quietly take note of clients who beat their chests and contribute to the anti-screening sentiments. They wont see you. So not only did we dodge a bullet, but you provided a reason as to why other providers wont see you as well.  

Have a lovely day!!
~Hanna xoxo

There are lots of people, me included, who never have and never will provide PI to book a date. And I never had a problem.
There are lots of people, me included, who never have and never will pay a deposit.
Most of the time when I played I was no longer employed so pay stubs were not even a possibility.
Don't be so sure you know everything.  Your business model works for you. But it's far from universal.

You are giving off that chest beating posturing vibe. And your history is of providers from like 10 years ago .

When it comes to this, yes, I am quite the know-it-all. Like I said, I've worked in this industry for 20+ years, was an FSSW and DOM, worked with over 100 providers, and verified over 500,000 clients.

What's funny is that you think this community represents the totality of the industry, and it doesn't; this is a very small antiquated piece of the pie. TER / TER review clientele are not as relevant as they used to be, especially since TER was shut down for about two years in the US because of FOSTA/SESTA.  

My favorite is when a client says their "whitelisted on TER" thinking thats adequate , you can tell he hasnt been out in the real world community for awhile.  
Whats cute is that you think as a TER member you hold weight and again ,tons of providers who dont comment on these posts read them and make notes , which is why the provider pool TER clients access gets smaller and smaller  

Deposits are becoming standard,  
Thorough screening including employment verification is becoming standard

And while you may not submit to that ,, thousands , upon thousands of clients do.
Even better, providers hire me to help them update their screening practices, and we implement it and 90% of every Tom, Dick, Joe, and Harry submits the required info and pays the deposit .  

Your poo-pooing about it doesnt change the fact that is becoming standard .

worried42 reads

You holding circumstantial evidence for indictment or blackmail is just not an option for me.  Deposits are also a hard pass for me.  

-- Modified on 8/2/2024 2:55:46 PM

I understand you don't know me except for a few old reviews here. But then you assume you know the rest. And you're not even close.
In fact, you couldn't be more wrong to think I believe "this community represents the totality of the industry." I spent many years in Costa Rica, where I met lots of mongers who'd never even heard of TER. I've also played in Panama and Australia.
In fact, I've always ridiculed White Lists here for having ZERO relevance as a screening tool. Though I did use P411. And I'm not even sure exactly what you mean when you say I "thinks as a TER member [I] hold weight." But I never thought that at all.
As for screening I actually used to screen for a very well-known provider in New York.
So please try not to make assumptions about people based on absolutely no knowledge. You just come across as an arrogant fool.

durran421228 reads

Posted By: inicky46
I spent many years in Costa Rica, where I met lots of mongers who'd never even heard of TER. I've also played in Panama and Australia.
And more impressed......................... we could not be.  

Some advice for you, I will share,  as an old adage comes to mind. It says:

-"'Is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."-

Well, not really for me as I've long been aware of your deficits. So are many others here.

durran42144 reads

Posted By: SASKHannaBella
Re: You really are quite the know-it-all.
You are giving off that chest beating posturing vibe. And your history is of providers from like 10 years ago .  
🤣 Dammmmnnnn!!

over 100 providers makes you an expert in your own mind, but you are wrong about a few things.  TER was not "shut down" for two years.  They only blocked access from the U.S.  You could not log from here, you had to use a VPN that was based offshore.  They allowed neither reviews nor advertisements of U.S. providers, but there were many U.S. member posting from offshore VPN's.  Some of us even posted reviews of ladies we saw in other countries.  The smarter providers who knew how to bypass the blackout were posting alongside the customers during the entire 20 months TER was dark in the U.S.  Those posts during the entire 20 months can still be read. I would think someone with your claimed expertise would have known that PM's among VIP members were still alive and well, and many of us made new provider friends during the blackout.  We just couldn't review them.   Apparently, you didn't know TER was still operating, so I can assume that the providers "you work with" lost some potential business during those 20 months

With that said, I have seen over 1000 providers in the past 15 years, and I have to call bullshit on your claim that deposits are becoming standard.  We get some of the guys who have paid deposits starting threads here (you can look them up with the search button) asking what to do when they get ripped off on a deposit.  The overwhelming answer from the veteran hobbyists here is, "Don't ever pay a deposit."   We have even had a provider who admitted that she kept a deposit and used it for personal expenses after canceling the session because she was ill.  Then there are the guys who get doxed by providers after providing their real-life info for screening.  

I have never had a problem with screening using two well-reviewed providers that have seen me within the past 90 days.  If they want more in the way of screening, then I draw a line through their name and move on to the next girl on my TDL.   The newbies here may buy what you are selling, but not the veterans who know better.  

-- Modified on 8/6/2024 2:27:23 PM

Well, Nick, she is correct with the bit about people that see a provider as MUST see and nothing else will do so I'm will to pay any cost are going to do that. Kind of a tautalogical argument but (as is true of any circular argument) true in the you have to conceed the conclusing if you accept the premise.

But yeah, like you, there are a number of providers I likely will never see even if I might enjoy seeing them. I just don't think any one person is so desirable that I cannot find a number of others that I would have just as good a time with or find as attractive in their own way.

that wasn't part of her post that I disputed.

Great to hear the perspective of the screener.

Paystubs are easy to create & that holds no value when verifying someone. I don’t ask for work badges it’s not important. Real life information ID yes & a photo, so I can verify it’s you. Everyone is different. I’ve never required references because I don’t trust anyone I do not know personally. If someone I know can vouch for you it’s the best because you can bypass my screening.

They can be faked, but alot of the big pay facilitators have the watermark.  Also , the decision to see a client is based on the totality picture from screening.  
Like how quickly did they get the info to you, was there alot of back and forth, was there push back.  
Screening has a two fold significance , while the info provided verifies the client, the ease in which they gave it to you is important too. It gives a good sense of if someone is going to be a boundary pusher and respect your rules.  

But  any and all info provided can be "faked"  
Thts why you compare it to info you have gathered from other sources

Posted By: SASKHannaBella
Re: I’ve never heard of providing a paystub.
They can be faked, but alot of the big pay facilitators have the watermark...
The chances that anyone would know who processes payroll for a particular company would be pretty small.
Posted By: SASKHannaBella
Re: I’ve never heard of providing a paystub.
 ...while the info provided verifies the client, the ease in which they gave it to you is important too. It gives a good sense of if someone is going to be a boundary pusher and respect your rules.  
Based on my experience speaking to ladies in this business, I think that's very true.

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