TER General Board

Screening before appointmentsad_smile
samtakeiteasy 1149 reads

Good morning,

I am new here. I see some reviews mention screening. What would be screening like? Can someone please give me some details?

Thank you

Some require references from reputable & active providers whom they have never met. Many think p411 verifies potential new friends. OG providers, like myself never rely on third parties to screen clients. I do my own homework. I require real life information. A photo of you holding your ID, so I know it’s you.  

* The only way to truly bypass my screening with real life information is to have a provider that I truly know personally vouch for you.  

I would highly recommend after you have at least 1 booked experience with a professional escort ask her to whitelist you here on TER. Best of luck darling. Happy hobbying. I am new booty friendly. lol Smile for me! 🤣

P411 at least provides SOME screening of clients. Whether it does enough is the question. There is ZERO screening to White List someone. As I've pointed out, I have a White List from someone I've never even seen.

best way to go.  This keeps your real-life ID private.  If you do a search of this board, you will find doxing is much more common of late, and customers frequently come here with a new thread to ask what to do when a provider has not been trustworthy with their personal info.  The only good answer is to not give personal info in the first place, but by then, it's too late and they are screwed (and not in the way they wanted to be - lol).   My policy is to never give real life info.  If you are seeing providers regularly, there will always be some that are willing to provide a reference to a new provider you want to see if you gave them a nice tip when you saw them.  

Don't fall for the bullshit that you must open up all of your personal information to a woman you are going to engage in an illegal activity with.  It's not worth the risk.  There are a high percentage of scammers in the P4P industry, so you have to protect yourself.  No one else will, regardless of the sweet talk you get.  

I totally agree. I'm not providing my personal and job information to anyone. This is a DISCREET hobby for me. However, I will provide references of some of my regular providers. I understand it's a two way street. Let's be real though fellas, there are some azz holes out there messing it up for all of us and putting these provider's at risk and the need to protect themselves as best they can. Unfortunately, there are scammers/fraudsters out there as well possing as providers. I just can't take that risk.

Most providers offer options. It's very rare for them to only offer one way. The most common are provider references, ID and work information, and p411 verificaation. Some may take whitelist from TER as well.

They can either get some of my money if they will accept provider references, or they won't get any of my money if they want to know more about my real ID.  These are the only two options that matter for me.  It makes me dox-proof, scam-proof, and blackmail-proof.  I'm living the dream worry-free.  Lol

No one that speaks English wants you as a client or your money.  
We are also living the dream worry free not having to deal with you.  

It's been over ten years since I saw a provider that did not speak English, so all of the providers I have seen out of the last 500+ spoke English.  However, any provider who is old, fat and/or ugly will not get any of my money no matter how good her English is.  Guess who THAT knocks out?  Lol

A word of advice, Racism is not a good look on ANY provider, but you keep it up in periodic posts, so I will conclude that you just can't help yourself, am I right?  You are a white, country bumpkin (polite-speak for hillbilly) by your own admission, and there is no room in your world for providers of other ethnicities or nationalities.  Trying to find customers here while denigrating minority providers is a turnoff for a lot of mongers.  Judging others by the color of their skin or the language they speak is just ugliness.  You are a disgrace to the profession.  If you REALLY want to be worry-free, how about dealing with your own racism?  With most providers who come off as racist in a post, it appears as a Freudian slip, but you seem to be proud of it.  

is directed at Kgirls, because of CDL's preference.
And to be clear, I am a Kgirlophile too.
These rants come up too often and they are definitely racist and, IMO, anti Kgirl!

Just my two cents, so show some class and don't respond, I'm not looking to get into a back and forth on the subject!

It depends on which Provider you deal with. But for the most part it's a bunch of questions.

Gosh, that's helpful. Thanks for your input. LOL.

-- Modified on 5/22/2024 5:55:35 PM

Most Providers don't do screening. I don't !!  

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