TER General Board

Re:would you tell
MDSTUDS2003 4545 reads
1 / 19

when I ment a woman who not a provider for a date I try to thing should I tell about the woman I been with becuse of the hobbie. If I lie she will think I suck. If tell the trouth she think I gross & on godly.

Mr. Info 2142 reads
2 / 19

But never tell a civilian date that you've seen
a provider.  There is no upside to doing it.  And
there is plenty of downside.

xenopus 25 Reviews 2035 reads
3 / 19
Sanduskie 2010 reads
4 / 19

not should been I tell never trouth hobbie about. Got it?

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2463 reads
5 / 19


due knot tele her.
whi shood ewe ?

SweetSexyClassy See my TER Reviews 2820 reads
6 / 19

I have had the same problem hun, this hobby is very very difficult to explain to civilians, they will never understand!!!!  (unless of course, you fall madly in love and they likewise fall madly in love with you, or your love is totally unconditional- or openminded)  Yeah... call me a romantic but I still believe in  REAL love and a REAL connection/chemistry.....I guess Im just a product of the simple 70's!  LOL   Take a look at the movie "Pretty Woman."   Yeah I know.....its just "Hollywood" but you can create your own "Hollywood" if you find someone you "connect" with, and love and the feeling is mutual!  Just my two cents!  LOL Lisa of Boston  :)  OK  rag me out here, go ahead, Im a romantic, but at least Im honest and I have HEART and I would never lie to someone about what I do!  Never!  The worst case senario is that they would not be able to accept it, but if its true love, they will, been there done that.......and something I am working on now, actually! :)  So..........(dot dot dot) lol ......whats the real deal?  lol hmmmmmmmm... ha ha ha lol.........Sorry to be SO realistic.....but.....love is LOVE....period! Lisa of Boston :) *smile*

-- Modified on 9/17/2005 4:15:43 AM

followme 3269 reads
8 / 19

ewe sea now sea-air-a got it rite.

Thank ewe

-- Modified on 9/17/2005 2:32:11 PM

Ricky Desi 17 Reviews 2401 reads
9 / 19

it makes me want to see you even more :)

zinaval 7 Reviews 1706 reads
10 / 19

Maybe she'd be open to seeing a provider with you, too.    

If you're hampered by low expectations, or for any other reason, don't feel you're in control of the women you date, this could be a problem.

trooper 22 Reviews 3486 reads
12 / 19

Well first off, my 2 cents about your question is as follows,
If you really feel that she would find you gross and ungodly,
for having been with a provider, then I think that you have
to consider what your future is with her? how hopeful are you
to take the relationship to a more serious level?
and of course, honesty is always best, because love is accepting
someone for who they are, habits and all.
And don't let the those who are mighty with their pens put you
down, your ability to accept your limitations and yet still
put forth the effort to communicate, shows that you are a strong
person. Judge ye not least ye shall be judged.

bikebryan 18 Reviews 3460 reads
13 / 19

It's obvious English isn't his first, second, or even third language.

There are a couple of reviews under MDkiller that I'm sure aren't his - they are actually readable and don't vibe with the rest of his reviews and postings.

STUMPY 25 Reviews 3960 reads
14 / 19

Most providers do not respect the men who pay to see them despite what they may post on these discussion boards.  Even less regard any of the men that see them as relationship or marriage material.  

Why would you expect most civilian women to accept the fact that you have seen or are seeing providers?

I think you can figure out what you want to tell civilian women.

Suzanne in San Diego 2911 reads
15 / 19

.. during one of my recent 'disclosures', you might have turned over a new leaf and decided to be Mr. Nice Guy!  Doesn;'t matter though, your supports meant a great deal to me.  :-)

Suzanne in San Diego

Sayer21 1 Reviews 1912 reads
16 / 19

It's all about what you want with the women and what kind of women she is.  I mean only real benifit that can come out of that is if you are looking for some kinky stuff with your woman and a provider.  If not why on earth would you tell her?

Now if you want to tell the women...it's all about doing it in incliments to test the waters.

SweetSexyClassy See my TER Reviews 3966 reads
17 / 19

awwwwww.....Ricky you are so sweeeeeet! *smile*  Hugs!  Lisa of Boston :)

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 4550 reads
18 / 19
deepheat99 14 Reviews 1291 reads
19 / 19

Uhm...you mean you TELL?!?  I'ma gonna have to rethink my honest and open communications policy!  

Actually had a funny night out with a girlfriend where we (she) picked up a pretty thing (nervous, cute, daring, and wet)...and my GF provided background cover about us as a married couple, high-school sweethearts, two small kids at home....When she goes off I know better than to do anything other than hang on for the ride...

Only really awkward part is remembering the next time which wife I'm cheating on...

 -- Deep Heat

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