TER General Board

Re:What should I do? A question about provider NO SHOWS
keystonekid 114 Reviews 3783 reads

Post on your local board with something like "Tried to see a lady in city with AC-xxx-5897."  That way you are not mentioning her by name or giving out her phone number--just enough info for other guys to be aware of her actions.  This happened to my in July in San Antonio and I posted on the Texas board.

my favorite alias3237 reads

A search the board and didn't see this covered resently so I thought I'd ask the question here.

I had a confirmed appointment to see a provider about 1 hour from my office. At 11am, I was told by the provider to drive to a location and call at 2pm for the exact address.

At 2pm I dialed, busy. I tried every minute for the next 20, busy. I tried again in 10 minutes, busy.

For the next 4 hours, the line always rang busy. Two days later I tried, busy. Today I called an it rang, but after 2 rings I hung up.

I'm not sure if I trust this provider and I don't want to meet anyone in LE who might have turned the provider and now being running a sting. While I know most likely, my LE fears and over-blown, I'm left feeling the exact opposite.

The provider has 5 good reviews here but only dating back about 60 days.

What should I do?

1. Post a review--(this doesn't seem right as I didn't really experience anything yet.)
2. Post the story with names on her regional board.
3. Call her and asked for an explaination and hope  LE isn't recording everything?
4. Do nothing. Hope she gets her act together and try again after some more positive reviews are posted.

RuGalacticallyStupid3215 reads

A provider that treats you and values your time so disrespectfully doesn't even deserve a second thought. The same respect and common courtesy you would expect from your auto mechanic you should expect from a provider. She is operating a business. If she doesn't follow the most basic protocols of business she deserves to fail. If your house keeper, gardener or pizza delivery treated you the way she did you would toss their number without a second thought. Why would you give her the time of day when you were ready to spend hundreds on her particular service and she effectively shit on you?


Post on your local board with something like "Tried to see a lady in city with AC-xxx-5897."  That way you are not mentioning her by name or giving out her phone number--just enough info for other guys to be aware of her actions.  This happened to my in July in San Antonio and I posted on the Texas board.

I have had the same type of thing happen many times including a total of 3 no-shows or last minute cancellations in SF in the last 4 days. What is up with that? All 3 were well-reviewed providers on TER and only 1 bothered to call and give a plausible explanation. I do the "right things" (start calling or e-mailing a week or two in advance, be polite, discreet and complimentary on the phone and be flexible about scheduling), yet they still cancel. Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations?

Maybe we need a section of the site that gives information about no-shows and last minute cancellations. It might save alot of wasted time and effort! Any thoughts?

3 no-shows in 4 days?? That's BRUTAL! What the hell do they even bother advertising for? And mostly no calls to even let you know? Man, I would blacklist them for sure. TER DEFINATELY needs an area in the review section to list when this happens. Last time it happened to me, I had 4 hours (an entire weekend evening) and 50+ miles of driving wasted by some little flake. Irritating as hell to say the least, and nowhere to alert other hobbiests except a fleeting message on this board, which after a day or 2, will probably never be seen again.

KamulRogue2788 reads

The first thing you should do is have a back up plan. If a provider does a now show then time to get out the shopping list. If you show up and they are not responding to your calls after an hour then write her off. Always take your laptop with you.

WHOREMOANS2928 reads

starts ticking as soon as we walk in the door, but most providers have no respect for OUR time. If we have to wait for appointments due to provider's lateness, or poor scheduling, we should get a break on the rate. I don't work for peanuts, and my time is valuable too!

AlluringLara2174 reads

I'm horrified to hear of this - I thought it was just some clients who were jerks! I'd say just cut your losses and forget it. Yes it's a bad experience but why waste energy on it? If she has any integrity at all she will contact you and give you a real good explanation - she should have done by now. If she doesn't, I'd consider you had a lucky escape - anyone who does that kind of behavious is not worth knowing - what are they on, drugs or something? Better luck next time! x

LVP2850 reads

completely. My ATF was always 2-2.5 hrs late. I learned to live with it b/c she always made up for it by staying over the time I had booked.

There's a difference between a few hours late, and not showing up.  Neither one is great, but if I had to choose, I'd pick late and making up for it over not showing and not responding.

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