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Anybody ever get a bad feeling...
Guz 25 Reviews 5389 reads

Some details first - I e-mailed a provider like a month ago inquiring about details. She stated she only does outcalls. I said Ok but was a little disappointed because I would have to get a room if I wanted to see her. My schedule crammed up then and I let her know this and that I would let her know when my schedule cleared up again.

Now today this provider e-mailed me and let me know that she could see me because I guess she would be in the area. Anyway, this week isn't good either. Short notice appts Don't work for me. So anyway, we ended up setting something up for next weekend which is my b-day.

Only thing is on her site, she has only two pics, one is nice and the other is kinda lame and neither show her face. And also she only has two reviews on TER...Both are good though but for some reason I feel like I should be more careful with this one...I got a bad feeling (LE feeling) I don't know why...but its strange.

I've been doing some research because I did want to see a provider on my b-day or close to it. But then this one e-mails me and I basically jump straight into...I don't know...It could be me just over-reacting. *S0MEBODY SLAP ME!!*


If something doesn't feel right then go with it and get far away. Personally, my gut feeling has never steered me wrong as far as I know. My only regret is that the gut feeling may have been in error and cost some worthwhile company some of her valuable time. Better safe than in jail though. It's not over reacting. Move on and find someone you  know you can trust.


It doesn't matter what side you're on, if you don't feel comfortable the other person will sense something and your time together wont be as satisfying.

If she's worth anyone's time and money, she'll be around for a while and you'll be able to enjoy her when you feel more comfortable. If she's not around.......you'll be glad you went with your gut.

Have a great Birthday, play hard and be safe!

if you do not feel good about it How are you  going to enjoy her

Sweet_Melody3050 reads

I will have to agree with the others.  In this business everyone must trust their gut instincts, providers and hobbyist alike.  Because if one of you is uncomfortable for any reason you will not enjoy the time together as much as you would were you with some who you were comfortable with.


"Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten."

There are too many fish in the hobbying sea, Guz. Trust your gut and find another provider.

PM the reviewers (you stated there were 2) and ask a few more questions?  Yes, they could be part of the 'sting' operation....look up what other reviews they have done (only this provider?).  
Now, I am not from LA, but it is hard to believe that you really have to think so hard about seeing a provider who has only 2 pictures, one not so great and the neither which really shows her well!!!!!   What's the deal here?

I have PM'ed the other reviewers, to date one of them answered. Said she was ok. I've decided to pass maybe if she gets more reviews or at least one from someone I recognize.

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