TER General Board

Reviews, private info, and the provider/hobbyist relation..
Nikki_Greedy See my TER Reviews 1700 reads

All the threads below have got me thinking..

In one a provider comment on "hobbyist knowing all about us by our profiles"

Another we see private info being used in an threat..

Another hiding ones tracks..

This is one of those great issue in this hobby - our information..
As a seasoned provider knows the rope of screening and ask for all the info we do.. I have to ask..
What do you think a guy feels..
I can see his side rather easily..
He checks out ads and reads reviews.. Somewhere in his mind he has to decide if he wants to see her.. Then there is that click..
Now he must part with his real info.. It will be with someone he does not know, who is using a fictitious name..
At best he hope she is who she says she is.. At worst he falls victim in a scam..

This is all to real, unfortunately.

As a niche provider, being 'new' and only having 3 reviews so far, makes screening a challenge as Gentleman are reluctant to provide screening info..

But just because she has a page of reviews - does not an honest girl make... Get my drift..
Dishonest providers hurt us all.. Providers and hobbyist alike..

Then there is our side.. The provider side.. We like to know who we are seeing.. LE aside they are not the worse..
The worse for us comes "the end - with credits" We have all seen to many of those headlines through the years...
So we as for your info.. We want to know who we are seeing..
There to goes this.. Just because he is a CEO of the zxc company does not mean his is not a UTR serial killer..

So guys understand why we want the info..
Then to should providers understand why guys don't like to provide this info..

It's a bad world around us so we have to make the changes that apply to us and steer ourselves through the rubble.. We all do...

I've always tried to select a lady that I think I would be comfortable sharing my personal information with. So far, I've been pretty fortunate, except for a couple of Backpage disasters, but there's no personal information involved there.

There have been a few times that, for one reason or another, I didn't feel that comort level. As much as I would have liked to see that lady, I just passed. On the other hand, I've had other times when a lady never called me back, so maybe she didn't feel comfortable either.

This statement your making, "But just because she has a page of reviews - does not an honest girl make... Get my drift..
Dishonest providers hurt us all.. Providers and hobbyist alike.."
makes little sense.

I think the average hobbyist is smart enough to make a distinction as to whether or not a provider is legitimate.  Trust and believe if a provider has pages and pages of reviews and not one stating she tried to use his personal info for her own personal gain.  I doubt if she will start now.

Seeing the extortion post below, I understand where your concern is coming from, that is absolutely scary.
Give yourself time you are very attractive = ) .....eventually you will make a reputation for yourself,  but in the meantime I dont believe that situation is the norm and we should stray way from insinuations or undermining the integrity of other providers to establish one's self.

-- Modified on 2/13/2008 1:43:58 PM

Oh please don't miss understand.. That is not my intentions..

I was just mentioning how hard a "dishonest" person is to us all..

Integrity is not a matter of how many or how few reviews a person has.. Just because a person has many reviews does not mean they are honest or dishonest in all transactions.. Just as a person who has few reviews doesn't make them dishonest or honest either... I point a finger at no in particular..

I have no need to take advantage of others.. I can speak for myself without that..
Thank you for your comment..  

GaGambler1075 reads

but I think your post makes many valid points. You have done a very good job of putting yourself in the other persons shoes, and for that I connemd you.

Many providers can't understand why a hobbyist won't give out personal information, and believe(perhaps with good reason) that their safety trumps a man's concern about having his life ruined for an hour or so of pleasure(also a valid concern).

Many hobbyists have an equally hard time seeing it from the providers POV. Like most things in life, there is no one right and one wrong. It's nice to see someone looking at things from the other persons perspective.

I was just discussing this issue with my photographer the other day...I use my escort name for modeling assignments, and couldnt figure out why some photographers just wouldnt shoot with me or acted completely inappropriately. The fact is, I cannot change the stigma that comes with being an escort and most people dont want to be affiliated with that. Try as we may to have good morals and treat people with respect, there are still girls out there pulling scams and ripping people off and calling themselves escorts. The best thing you can do is try to establish a reputation and rise above that.

you gotta say WTF.. Either you do go through with it or you don't. At some point you need to trust the person in a place where trust isn't a given. By the same reasoning that you trust the person driving the other way on a 2 lane road isn't going to cross the center line and wipe you out in a head on collision.

I spend a fair amount of time researching a provider before I take the plunge, but there are no guarantees. Crazy stuff can happen to anyone at anytime. Let's not kid ourselves either. Even if a provider says she destroys the info, if it was sent electronically it is findable. What drives me insane, is when you fill out a form and you never receive any contact from the provider, ever!!!

Hobbyists, generally never know who they are dealing with. A smart provider can be in business or out of business within a day. Throw away the pre-paid cell, take down the website, don't access the anonymous email and walk away back into civie-life. Find & frequent the ones that are legit and you personally get a good feeling from.

Providers: I don't blame a bit for the info they want. Safety first and either the prospect complies or you don't see him. You're safety isn't worth the fee. Safety First.

I really don't know if I answered anything or that was just a rant. lol


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