TER General Board

Review Changes?
Zeel 63 Reviews 884 reads

There’s been numerous mentions of having to analyze reviews to see how certain things apply or don’t apply to you, since we are not all the same and may seek and judge things differently. Are there any changes to the current review system that would make this easier?

RespectfulRobert12 reads

What did you mean when you said "to see how certain things apply or don’t apply to you."  
But generally, I think everyone agrees the current system is flawed as there is no perfect system. Some have mentioned, instead of numerical grading, that we switch to something like this:
1) Recommend
2) Recommend with reservations
3) Don't recommend
4) Avoid  
But I dont think that is what you are getting at. I think you may mean, as an example, why do some guys get DFK and others dont from the same girl, and how best to change that in the review system? Something like that or am I way off as to what you mean?

Well, it's an open ended question. What I meant by that is, for example we try to figure out if the reviewers have similar taste to us. We try to figure out if there are any reading tea leafs suggestions that the service may not have been as good as it seems. There is a reason why ratings alone are not enough. We feel the need to read and analyze the reviews to see if anything of concern jumps out. We sometimes feel the need to PM reviewers to get more answers. We struggle to trust what we read.

So, I'm asking, are there anythings that can be added or adjusted, anything at all, that might help you in figuring these things out.

RespectfulRobert14 reads

No, I don't think there is anything on TERs end that can be done. I do the following:
1) Read all the recent reviews i.e. the last 10-12 or so
2) Scour her profile page
3) PM all recent reviewers
4) Try and acquaint yourself with guys that have similar tastes as you  
4) Read her website a few times
5) Read her twitter  
6) Look at all her ads
7) look up reviews on other review sites
8) read her p411 profile
9) read her posts here
10) Google search her stage name, email addy, phone number.

At that point, you have to trust your experience and gut instinct. I have become experienced enough at this where I rarely ever have a bad time. I dont even have "average" times. 95% of my dates are good or spectacular. That may be bc I live close enough to NYC and we have so much choice here and a combination of my experience. Luck plays a part too, I am sure.

Well, you kind of made my point. Your method while effective is a lot of work. I was aiming at seeing if there are things that would make it less work. Perhaps certain stats? Like would it be helpful to data on the reviewers on her page, ones that you wouldn't have to go to each of their pages to see. Example, right now next to the ratings, it takes up space with what the rating means, like 9 - Model material. I would think the words model material is wasted space since that never changes and doen't tell us much. Wouldn't it be more helpful to see when the reviews proffile was created and how any reviews they have done? This would cut down on having to dig to find out they are all new profiles and only reviewed the one escort. Or, maybe a scroll over feature that tells you this and a few other things when you scroll over a reviewer's name?

Also, when you look at a profile there are so many categories. But unless you are the first to review, you only get asked a very small percentage of what is on her page. And, the only way to change it is to complete a problem report. Many will not go through the trouble. And, perhaps this is not necessary for every category. But how about all the ones that list "Don't Know"? I would think it would be useful to keep those on the reviewer form. I have read so many reviews where one or more reviewers after the first talk about touching her pussy and it says Don't Know after the Touch Pussy prompt.

Anyway, these are just a couple of thoughts. I would think others might think of more, but idk.

RespectfulRobert12 reads

I don't view it that way at all, as doing my research to make sure (as best I can) I find a great looking, highly skilled, fun loving girl. Maybe that is your issue? If you really do fell like its work, you dont do enough research? Just throwing that out there as a possibility.  
I certainly agree that the software could be updated to add some of the features you wish. It's always a question of cost vs benefit analysis though. I dont know what the cost would be as the software here is old.

Sure, you can say it is my issue. I imagine I am not alone. But be it this or anything else in life, I am always looking how things can be easier and more efficient.

I don't think it will ever be easy or sure, just one of the costs (research cost) that is part of the game. Still something of the "you get what you pay for" aspect of life.

That said, if I were to redo the scoring approach for TER, rather than the current 3/4 items to get a score than then averages I would take a number of factors/attributes that are present in the profile and review form an put 0-100 slider scales on them I would also put a slider in that indicates the importance of the factor to the reviewer. So instead of just "Looks" you have things like, face, body, attire, personality. Things like BJ or kissing get more than just Cover/BB, with or without tongue but get a rating that then factors into the over all score. You can have more things related to chemistry/atmosphere/professionalism.  You also could see something about how important those things are to the reviewer, which might matter when trying to understand the review and how well it might apply to the reader.

But that is also much more complicated and may well make things more difficult. So sometimes I wonder if TER should scrape it all an just go with "Will Repeat", "Good Time, One Time", "Not what I wanted/Expected", "Warning, Do NOT See" for the over all assessment. "Like the looks", "Plain/Average Looks", "Unattractive to me." for looks and "Good Sex", "Satisfied the need", "Unsatisfying" for performance.  (maybe rather than averaging here give a distributional breakdown with % of reviewers given each rating).

But there doesn't seem to be any escaping reading the reviews and trying to vet the reviewer to be sure they share similar enough preferences and standards to be a usful source.

All this other system does is squash the 2-9 or 2-10 scale into a 1-4 scale.

If people are confused and annoyed about the arbitrary verbal attachments such as "ugly" or "only when drunk", just remove those but keep the 2 to 9/10.

Ie,I don't get how is the new scale better than the old.

If anything it creates more confusion.
Point for point having four discrete steps means each is 2.5 or so

Recomm->7.5 to 10
Rec with res->5 to 7.5
Not rec - > 2.5 to 5
Avoid > 0 to 2.5

Well, I'm sure rec with reservations sounds a lot better to the provider than getting a five.

But personally, there's a ton of discrete steps between 7.5 and 10. And also a lot between 5 and 7.5. I like having differentiation here.

I don't think TER can actually do anything about the differences in people preferences and assessments -- that will always be about seeing the reviews and hoping you've already seen some girl that was reviewed. Then you and start forming some baseline for the reviewers preferences and ratings.

I think there might be ways to improve the way scores are entered and how they get average but not sure if that improves things to where the ROI is worth it.

No current changes needs to be made in my opinion. I do think however, more guys need to write reviews. After speaking with some of my providers and reading some of threads in Reddit, clients don't like to write reviews. Or they wait until someone starts a review to write behind them. There should be no reason why after a provider has seen 10 or 20 guys, not a single review is written. Any sort of review, no matter how big or small or which review board its posted on, reviews help us tremendously.

Might be a few things going on regarding the lack (or perhaps apparent lack) of reviews. One, at least for this site, the number of people here is significantly less than pre shutdown and pre pandemic days so review volumes would be lower even if the rate of writing reviews were the same. Could also be that a number of the review that would have been written here are written elsewhere and the problem is a more fragmented review environment. Perhaps what is needed would be some aggrigator that will collect links from all known review sites. A bit like the Rentry.co guy(s) are trying to do with escort sites/agencies. Not sure how that might work, or if sites like TER would see such an effort as potentially damaging or their business and start blocking such efforts.

But I also think theres another aspect that no one has really talked about. You can find a lot of threads here, and elsewhere, about how people assess reviews and there is a lot of negative statements about the reviews and reviewers. AS a former reviewer* the two main reasons I stopped writing them were 1) it's hard to do well, takes effort and I generally thought mine were mediocre, and 2) all the attacks on review. Why bother making any effort if someone is going to start attacking you because they dissagree with your assessment? Just not worth it. If you read what some claim you'll walk away with the idea that between 50 and 75% of the reviews are fake or purely sales oriented or intended to mislead (either pro or con the provider). With that type of environment why use reviews and why write them?

So I think if you want to encourage more reviews be written then getting people to focus more on how to find reviews and reviewers that are valuable for them and filter out reviews and reviewers that will not be helpful for them rather than attacking or disissing reviews one disagrees with would be helpful. But that then means we're all going to have to do the work zeel's OP was getting at. So I do think if would be difficult. I also think that any review site that can figure out how to provide some structure that does help users find reviews they get value from and filter the reviews they don't, or don't have much confidence that they can, will likely start capturing a large share of the market. But I do think that's a pretty steep path to climb.

* I agree with your point about no reviews, or few when a provider has been around a while and you might expect more reviews to have been written. It was that situation that ended up prompting me to write my last review three or four years ago.

...so I never consider them when deciding to see someone, I am an army of one so of course I'd love to have reviews cater to my situation, but that's unrealistic. What I take away from most reviews are things like if there are any location or parking issues, picture accuracy, her communicate skills, her overall attitude and general hygiene. Anything except her sexual performance is usually of value to me.

-- Modified on 6/16/2024 8:25:49 PM

Not really. Altho it's a standard offering with kgirls, I'm just not a big fan of it, either giving or receiving.

Was not actually thinking about the actual act, I'm not a fan either, but I think I've only come across a couple of K-Girls that seem to actually enjoy it (one giving, one receiving -- and I was not pleased with her constantly moving from my DATY to her getting rimmed, short session on that!). So more an indication of how open they are to various activities for money.

I could be wrong here but I would think any girl that is willing to lick a man's ass would be okay with licking another woman's pussy, but not being a woman maybe there is something more to it than that. Was just wondering if rimming perhaps more openness to something like gay-for-pay or not. But also sounds like you're finding a number that are perhaps bi or even more hetero-for-pay.

Yeah I'm not so sure about "any girl that is willing to lick a man's ass would be okay with licking another woman's pussy".

From what I know about some Asian cultural viewpoints, they are often very straight and would rather do kinky stuff with men than anything sexual with women, even if it'd something as vanilla as dfk. I don't think Asian women sans maybe Thailand are as bi as they are in the west.  

And let's be real here. I have done dato on women before (very rarely with atfs but still), but I wouldn't engage in any sexual services with a man, ever :)

From my vast sexual experiences with Asian women of all types, there are many that are very curious about women and are eager to try something different despite their conservation upbringing. That applies to kgirls as well as AMP girls. And of course there are plenty that are willing to try different sexual experiences for a nice monetary tip. That's not true of all providers, of course. But it applies to enough of them to keep me up to my eyeballs in opportunities 😁

That's fair, but I still don't see the logical leap of saying if someone licks ass of opposing gender they're more predisposed to experiment with the same gender....like I just don't see the connection at all.

Me neither. I never claimed that so you're asking the wrong prison. I'm guessing that the mindset for that thinking is that if someone is kinky in one sexual aspect they might be more inclined to be open to other sexual experimentation. Maybe it's true in some people and not others. Who knows.

you do have something in common with many of us guys: I haven't read your reviews but I assume you love to eat pussy. So do many of us. So her responsiveness to cunnilingus is probably worth knowing.
Remember what GaG used to say: ":I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body."

True, but I read way too many reviews where the guy claims how he made the provider come a thousand times and we all know how easy it is to fake out some guys, lol. Often times I wonder when guys write  how the providers squirmed with pleasure, she was really squirming to try to get away from him, lol. So I don't really gleen any insight into her desire for DATY nor what she really likes to have done. And there is no information at all on her reciprocating that DATY, of course. Going in I always have to start with a clean slate and throw away any review details or preconceived notions out because altho it's the same activity, the input and outcome will no doubt be very, very different for me 😁

I am positive that I have helped P4P ladies achieve orgasms! I'd say at least 2 out of the 250 or so I've seen. Which makes my slugging percentage a whopping 0.008 percent. Oh wait--that's a shitty average. Never mind.

At least when I see duos I think the ladies have a much higher slugging percentage with each other. I try to learn from their good examples.

helixir- I quite sure that you do not fit into the generally unreliable group of guys that I referred to. Your duo's reviews are valued by me (and many others I'm sure) and I look forward to reading each and every one of them 🥰

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