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Re:To Kiss or not to Kiss...that's the question
SeekingGFE 10 Reviews 1418 reads

If his mouth is that disgusting, it make me wonder what the rest of his hygiene is like.  Frankly, I wouldn't want to kiss you if I knew you had kissed him!!!  Why would you want to see him again?  Be grateful you didn't catch anything....

BackDoorGirl5786 reads

I just got a review (not here, some place else) by a guy I saw yesterday.

I don't have any prejudices...I see men of all ages, shapes and races.

The ONLY thing that prevents me to offer a 100% GFE session is poor hygiene.

Sorry, but certain things I cannot do if a guy do not take care of himself.

So...this is an older gentleman, I mean old...and his mouth was disgusting.

His gums were in an advance stage of decaying with very bad teeth attached to it.

I did everything during the session...all languages (he was powered by viagra) and made him cum 3 times.  He is 75 years old, so I think I did a hell of a performance for him to get that.

During the session, he tried to kiss me many times and I avoided, in a nice way, changing positions and all.

We finished, he got dressed, we were doing small talk and when I walked him away to the door he goes "what about a very nice tongue kiss?"...I hugged him gave a peck in the cheek and said..."sorry but kissing is reserved to my BF, I need to save something just for him, don't you think?"

It was a "white lie" because I love to kiss, but I could not do with him.

Anyway...he posted a review and in it he says something like this:

"We proceeded to try various languages with great satisfaction. My only disapointment was that DFK was missing. She stated that was reserved for her boyfriend. Will I see her again?? Not sure."

So, would you not repeat a visit with a provider, who gave you the hell of a session, just because you could not kiss her?

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 9:30:56 AM

I guess I'd be bummed, since I like a real GFE feeling.  If I were to have an appointment right after leaving the garlic festival, I'd have to recognize that the responsibility was at least partly mine.  If the session was great in spite of no DFK, I'd be back.  Sounds to me that it wasn't great to him because that was lacking.

SallyWantsAGangBang1767 reads

Why in the world would any provider, women, wife, would kiss a nasty mouth? Sorry, but there are things a woman would not just "go there", for any amount of money.

A person's hygiene is a big issue to all of us, at least I would like to think. I don't know of anyone who would want to sleep with someone, who was just not taking care of him/her self.

I do hope the guy who wrote the review, reads your post, and maybe get a clue as to why you didn't kiss him.  

Personally, he should be happy that you didn't just cancel the session, right then and there. If he couldn't take the hint, then that is his issue, not yours. Maybe he needs a dose of "reality", by you privately emailing him the reasons why your tongue would not enter his decayed mouth of his. Maybe that would  give him a jolt to hit the nearest dentist, ya think? lol

Just don't let the review get your beautiful backbone up.

Remember people: it's a YMMV world out there! Don't forget it.

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 9:48:49 AM

If his mouth is that disgusting, it make me wonder what the rest of his hygiene is like.  Frankly, I wouldn't want to kiss you if I knew you had kissed him!!!  Why would you want to see him again?  Be grateful you didn't catch anything....

I've seen a provider several times who doesn't kiss or allow DATY.  But the other activities make it worth it.  But it takes a special provider to make me repeat if an item I really want is off the menu.

But I'm curious: if his hygenie is so bad, why would you want him to repeat?

BackDoorGirl1006 reads

His body hygiene was fine...he was showered and clean. In fact he was very nice with me, reason I went thru the whole session and gave him 99% GFE, lol.

I posted the question because I found funny that HE would not repeat with me after a freaky session, where he enjoyed to the fullest, just because DFK was not in the menu for him.

He knows his mouth is in bad shape - how can one not notice that?

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 11:22:22 AM

Alfredo Garcia2201 reads

ie, YMMV.   It WILL vary.  Don't sweat it.

My misunderstanding.  If you don't repeat with him that will free you up to see me.  I promise to brush  and floss.

It is only one factor.  I have several people that I see who do not kiss on principle and that is fine, they make up for it in other ways.
I have other people who can't kiss enough.  
The only absolute I have with anyone is that they have a great attitude towards our time together.

She was clean but her breath had the subtle telltale scent of gum disease. It was barely noticable though even the slighest hint of it is a huge turnoff. Something in the animal survival instincts. Besides that gum decay is now known to be associated with many other general bodily ailments like cardiovascular disease, rhumatism, and other bad things. The short and sweet is that nothing makes or breaks a date for me as quickly as breath. Everybody should practice rigorous oral hygeine anyway. I would never go out on a date without a thorough Listerine rinse and I expect the same of any girl worth her donation. Lookee here, guys and gals, simply popping a mint on your mouth after wolfing down a pizza and smoking half a pack of Kamels ain't going to cut it. Spend the dough on a small bottle of Listerine and thoroughly rinse out all the nooks and crannies of you mouth... stuff between your teeth can reek somethin' fierce, like this time a girl had a piece of tuna salad sandwich lodged in her molars... the whole damn date and I'm only thinking.... tuna and mayo, tuna and mayo, tuna tuna and mayo... how nasty is this ?

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 7:43:32 PM

They say that as we age we start to think about the end. Well after reading this I may just be more afraid of becoming disgusting than dead!  I can't answer your question because the circumstances are kind of foreign. BUT I love kissing and if I read that you kissed everyone else and avoided me I would be ticked.  But that is because I'd really hope you'd help me out if I had bad breath or something. But that guys' situation sounds like there's nothing you could do for him.  I would suspect that maybe no one kisses him. Maybe that's why he wants it so bad?  I think you were fine. Maybe you can email him and it explain it now because maybe he can see a dentist or something and get help.

5 Deferments Dick1236 reads

to relieve me of my desires, there is no goddamned way I'd be taking blue pills to revive them.

Hell no, I'd be fishing in Montana, no phone, and sure no internet, and the rest of you all can just go fuck yourselves.

I look for DFK in a provider.  It they fall short on our date, I give them the choice of rimming me instead.  To my surprise the result are about 50/50.  I don't know if that means my mouth is undesirable or my butthole is so darn tasty.

Love Laney1717 reads

I feel the same way. Different perks come with various levels of hygiene. I can't believe someone would go years without seeing a dentist or using a piece of dental floss and then expect someone to share in that is just plain rude!

Who would want a mouthful of what you described? But your question was whether clients would not see a provider again for simply not kissing. My answer would be it depends on whether or not she advertises herself as GFE.
Kissing is necessary for that designation...at least LFK. My dental hygiene is very good, so I make sure that I check reviews for GFEs and seek them out. DFK is the number one thing I always look for...for me its one of the best parts of the whole session.

BackDoorGirl1838 reads

you book a hot girl that everybody raves about, whose reviews states how passionately she kisses and how great fuck she is, all is in her menu...but, when you get there, her mouth is not appealing to you.
Do you stay or leave?

But I think the answer is...it doesn't matter.  Either way, I'm disappointed.

First of all...I agreed with you in your situation. I look long and hard for just the right situation for me, if it turns out to be different than advertised...I leave. I'd probably leave some money behind for the girl's trouble though. If you had come right out and told him what the problem was instead of being discreet, you would have been within your rights. But you might have taken a black eye for that in a review too. Tough call for you, you cant investigate clients as much as we can investigate you beforehand. Everything for me hinges on TER reviews of GFEs. I have seen one GND-type girl and want to see another someday, but that is the exception. Usually non-GFEs don't do BBBJ either, and I can't get going without one or the other. UP til now anyway.   lol

If she advertised GFE and there was no enthusiastic kissing,  then I would not be happy.  If I didn't expect GFE, then no kissing is ok.  I thoroughly enjoy the kissing part of the session.  I try to do my part prior to the session.  I brush and rinse with mouthwash prior to the session and have a mint at her arrival time.  I don't eat or smoke anything before the session which could have a strong smell (no garlic mashed potatoes, which I love, spicy foods, or cigars).  I'm just trying to be a good client and person.


leathersam2559 reads

Rene/Michelle is beautiful and good performance, but I won't be repeating with her because no DFK!

trustno202618 reads

For me DFK=GFE so the kissing part is very very important. However, if I did not measure up in the breath department... I'd like to know so I may correct it.

Good post, great question!

horny241334 reads

with a lot of passion, it could be better than the sex.

I have seen providers who don't kiss, and it's just not good. Making out is hot, and doing all the rest without it is like eating the main course without the salad and dessert...or something like that.
But ihere's a question for the providers: if your reviews state that you're a GFE, then how do you back away from that if Mr. Snaggletooth shows up? I'd be seriously annoyed if I booked a session under the expectation of GFE and didn't get it.

SallyWantsAGangBang1295 reads

I would just tell him that his breath smelled like   an expired bag of stale doritos, and he has the option of either staying for a partial gfe or hit the road jack, don't even bother to come back until the dentist straightens his decayed mouth, otherwise, there are men out there who do brush their teeth, and get a regular check up by their dentist.  

In other words, IF she/he ain't kissin' ya, then it's you..baby. YMMV.

I talked with a lady that said she's told guys it wasn't gonna work and took no cash.  I'd be bummed if it happened to me, but it's better than paying for a bad session.

I also agree dfk is the best part, and I would be disapointed with the lack there of.
But I feel it is not realistic to offer honest feedback. You and I may appreciate the feedback, but honestly most guys feel they were cheated when they did not recieve 12 cups of coffee in a 1/2 hour appointment

I was with a lady who offered me a mint once and I declined and she declined to kiss. Now I had just completed chopming down a box of cinnamon tic tacs and felt I did not need them. After the session we discussed it and she informed me that if the customer declines the mint she doesn't kiss. I never read it in a review so I did not know.

 I hold no ill will but tahts me. The next session I took the mint!

Hey BDG, Lots of guys here are trying to figure out just who you are. Please tell us or leave more
clues. You are presently the most interesting person on these boards. (And smart too}

I don't think the board was the right medium to discuss this.  I think that you could be honest with the guy, although in a nice and caring way. I think you can get away with something like that as long as you seem to care.  If he reads this he'll feel worse than if you told him in a nice way.  At worst PM him in a nice way and let him know why you didn't kiss him.  It's an art that is difficult to develop.  Sometimes people have no idea their breath smells bad, but I am usually honest with them when this is the case.

Personally, while I enjoy the kissing part of things, there are other things that I enjoy more.  As long as the provider was reasonably polite about the subject (which it sounds like you certainly were), I'd shrug it off.

Also... it can't be news to this guy that his mouth is a mess.  It also sounds like it might be too late for him to do much about the situation, even if he had a mind to do so, which it sounds like he does not.  As long as it's presented in such a way that allows him to save a little face (i.e., don't scrunch up your face and say, "Eeeewwww, I'm not kissing your nasty mouth"), I'd think he should expect that he's not going to get a lot of DFK, and he shouldn't raise any fuss about it.

I once had a problem with some thoughtless food decisions on my part that left me with less-than-pristine breath right before an appointment with a lady, and I let her know that I realized my error, and didn't expect her to suffer through our typical DFK.  She laughed about it, but confessed that she had been worried about how to bring it up to me.

ItsAlimentary1252 reads

That said; I can forgo the aforementioned French appetizer.

pm951798 reads

You did the right thing.  Don't beat yourself up over it.  You are the provider and it is up to you to decide what you want to do or not do.  I have been with a provider that would not kiss with anyone, it was just one of her policies.  She was great and I would be with her again if I was ever in her town.

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