TER General Board

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 2211 reads
1 / 52

Hey providers.  Do you send cash and gifts to gents you haven't met because you appreciate their logical reasoning skills, their scientific, engineering and financial acumen?  Or simply due to their gentle nature, or even bad boy appeal?
Now that the sexes are deemed equal in all aspects, why or why not?

RespectfulRobert 43 reads
2 / 52

Who "deemed" that? Sharing is caring. lol.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 35 reads
4 / 52

I assume giving BJ's to guys you haven't met involves glory holes. 😉

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 48 reads
5 / 52

When you start slanging your dick around you can make your own policy. I doubt anyone is buying what you’re selling. Your post makes you a douche bag. No respectable gentleman would waste their time posting such ignorance this is a red flag to those of us providers who have the freedom to choose who deserves their company. I feel sorry for the females who need money so bad they have to see you.

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 43 reads
6 / 52
inicky46 61 Reviews 34 reads
7 / 52

His numerous idiotic posts over many years make him a douchebag.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 60 reads
8 / 52

I don't have an issue with paying for sex, it's a market scarcity and that's how scarcities get rationed.
But this "buy something cuz I'm pretty" idea is just hilarious. Unfortunately these narcissistic dames ply on the good nature of men who've mostly been brought up believing that they should be providers and therefore demonstrate their value by investment.
Guys, stop being simps. Pay 'em for sex, that's honest market exchange. But sending them prizes because they're pretty? Come on.

RespectfulRobert 43 reads
9 / 52

How is that any of your business???? If someone wants to send a women money because they are pretty, or for ANY other reason, that should be of NO concern of yours. Bro, stay in your lane.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 41 reads
10 / 52

I'll let you in on a little secret, women really hate simps.

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 41 reads
11 / 52
PussyPuller 45 reads
12 / 52

They hate insecure ass holes with school yard immaturity and unresolved issues with women even more.

-- Modified on 11/26/2023 3:32:55 AM

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 48 reads
13 / 52

The flip side of "send me money cuz I'm pretty" is the simp "maybe they'll like me if I throw money at them."
Poor guys misunderstand social dynamics.  I would recommend searching for some really easy to understand videos on the subject recently being published on places like YouTube by the creator hoe_math.
If you want to know why "nice guys" get friend zoned and "bad boys" get free pussy, check out hoe_math videos. They're free.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 52 reads
14 / 52
RespectfulRobert 43 reads
16 / 52

It's America Lester. Calm down and focus on what YOU want to do with yours. I see "live and let live" is a problem for you. Since you are apparently the "bad boy" here, maybe go get yourself some free p*ssy and chill yourself out?

inicky46 61 Reviews 39 reads
17 / 52

It's not so black and white. There is an entire category of guys who get off on being used. They are known as "wallet pigs" and love subjecting themselves to what is called "financial domination." They love it and so do certain girls who get paid well to use and humiliate them. One of my favorite girls (now retired, I'm sad to say) was in a sugar baby relationship with a guy from whom she often withheld sex. She enjoyed bare-backing a select few and then have her wallet pig take her out to dinner, where she'd humiliate him by telling him about how some other guy's jazz was dripping into her panties.
I'll never understand how any guy could get off on that but, hey, it takes all kinds and I try not to judge. Up to a point.

eastside70 42 Reviews 40 reads
18 / 52

One pointless post deserves its equally, yet just as pointless, counterpart.

helixir 41 Reviews 50 reads
19 / 52

This lester dude seems to be one of them. He and a few others on here apparently have some serious issues with women and with any man that doesn't treat them like shit. I'd feel sorry for them, but I'll spend my compassion elsewhere.

RespectfulRobert 48 reads
20 / 52

He is a control freak of what others should and should not do. Dangerous combination.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 50 reads
21 / 52

Making a distinction between fetish and misunderstanding.  There is fetish, I'm into BDSM as is evident in my posting on other forums here.  inicky46 brought up pay pigs, guys who get off being used as wallets.  That's a fetish.  I don't understand it but whatever.  I also realize many people wouldn't understand my domination BDSM kink.  
If you're a pay pig, fine.  But most simps really aren't into being financial slaves.  Instead they are operating from evolutionary biology where men evolved to be providers and this is how they achieve status in mating options.  They are sort of on autopilot and continue to demonstrate their provider chops by showering investment on potential mates.
Of course it is wasted.  None of these Internet thirst traps are EVER going to be available as long term mates. The gifts bestowed are not going to even buy sex (more likely to buy contempt.)  For escorts you're still going to have to pay the regular hourly rate.  
So unless you are a pay pig and have a fetish, simps should get a little self respect and stop throwing money at narcissistic chicks in hopes that they'll be "liked" as a stepping stone to mating with them.  It's not happening.
Do check out hoe_math on youtube.  Great series.  Although it is from a male perspective, it's actually an excellent understanding of both male and female strategies.  Chicks getting pumped and dumped by her 20th bad body and wondering why they never commit could learn a lot from hoe_math as well.  Highly recommended.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 36 reads
22 / 52

Yeah it was meant tongue in cheek.  Apparently hit a nerve or two, though.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 43 reads
24 / 52

  No I don't. I just give respect and continue to provide the best services I can to all my hobbyists.

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 42 reads
25 / 52

99% of the guys who fuck hookers are mysogynists.  Love how these white knights throw that line around.  If you pay a woman to suck your dick etc you are a misogynist.

inicky46 61 Reviews 40 reads
26 / 52

You're full of shit so get off your high horse. How the hell could you possibly know that "99% of the guys who fuck hookers are misogynists?" Anyway, if you call them "hookers" you're probably in your own 99%.
Hell, not even close to 99% of the guys who post on this board are misogynists. And we're just a tiny percentage of mongers. Did I mention you're full of shit?

Steve_Trevor 43 reads
27 / 52

that’s really fucked up.

A misogynist is a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.  Saying that if you pay a woman for a BJ etc means you dislike, despise, or are strongly prejudiced against women is one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever seen here, and that’s saying a lot. Definitely a top SPOTY candidate.  
Posted By: MadDmacx
Re: Misogyny
99% of the guys who fuck hookers are mysogynists.  Love how these white knights throw that line around.  If you pay a woman to suck your dick etc you are a misogynist.

PussyPuller 34 reads
28 / 52


I would like to express my appreciation for your insightful feedback. However, I have noticed that the majority of posts on this platform that discuss high prices, standards, deposits, and certain "hooker rules" are not applicable to you. Instead, they are intended to diminish the providers who conduct themselves with self preservation and pride. I.e the girls who are the diametric opposite to you. The girl that OP could never get in real life, secretly hates, and knows that even though she sells her cat she still seems out of reach. To him she will always be "hard to get" and the worst of all—intimidating. She’s the one that makes him revisit his rejected youth, therefore harboring gross resentment towards every thing she does and every gift or compliment she receives. Most of these providers have since departed from this platform, or have out-priced OP and his ilk. Their departure and pricing most likely motivated by their desire to maintain the same level of self-respect and expectations as non-sex workers, causing frustration among the low vibrational clients like OP.

Despite this, I must commend you on your commendable posts that serve as a constant reminder to both the original poster and similar individuals that their disdain is not towards the sex worker but rather their own self-image.

-- Modified on 11/27/2023 4:13:31 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 38 reads
29 / 52

misogynists are generally those that have no luck, and therefore nearly zero experience with civvie women.  They hate the women for making them pay for sex, but if they don't pay, they will never get laid.  There are two kinds of mongers here, those that HAVE to pay, and those that CHOOSE to pay, which means they can get pussy without paying, but they MAY have to compromise a little on age and/or looks, but at least they still have a choice.  Misogynistic mongers are almost always from the ranks of those who have no hope of bedding a woman without paying.  They resent HAVING to pay.  Interestingly, the reason they can't get civvie women is not because they are ugly or overweight, but more often, because they are assholes, have a bad attitude, and no personality.  They grudgingly pay for sex while hating the women they are with.  

For me, the time investment in real-life relationships with civvie women is usually not worth getting free sex, so I pay, and I'm the one who decides how much time I want to spend with them.  But often I will pick MILFs up at the gym for a short fling just to prove to myself I still can.  When I'm over 80, I expect to be the "HAVE to pay" group.  Lol

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 42 reads
30 / 52

Misogynist is one of those terms like racist, sexist, fascist, nazi, that get thrown around when some people have even the slightest disagreement.  It's a red flag that you are dealing with a weak opponent whose run out of valid arguments.

MellowSoul 120 Reviews 45 reads
31 / 52

Trying to act like the man or a pimp when the only pussy you are getting is paid for. Wow.  

Can someone please smarten this guy up before he makes a complete ass of himself? Lmfao

If dudes want to toss money at a gal, let em. Should be no sweat off your back.

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 39 reads
32 / 52

Dont get excited inicky.  Nope.   Im a misogynyst.  Im part on the 99%.  I pay hookers to get nasty.   I get girls irl dont get me wrong.  There is no way girls irl will do everything escorts do.  Thats what I pay for.   Im taking advantage of escorts because I have $ and they want $, and are willing to act like total whores to get it.

For example I work in a business that women find "sexy".   I get hit on regularly- married women and single women.  Im not asking one of those women to eat my ass and drink my piss.  They wouldnt do it, and I wouldn't ask.     Here, its a totally different story.  Im paying for a woman to act like a total whore because that turns me on.  Im ok with it.  

RespectfulRobert 40 reads
33 / 52

That's exactly what a misogynist would say in defense of themselves. Think about it. Have you ever heard any misogynist ever admit they are one? Of course not. And you fit in perfectly with them. But I am sure you meant "narcissistic dames" as a compliment right? smh

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 31 reads
34 / 52

many years.  He was also one who kept posting along with a few other of us during the 20 months TER was dark in the US.  I don't think he's a misogynist, but he's also not politically correct, so sometimes his penchant for calling it like it is can be mistaken for some type "-ism" by those that worship at the altar of political correctness.  

With all due respect, Respectful Robert, respecting the respective women who deserve to be respected is one thing, but narcissism is also a factual aspect of this business.  If you haven't yet experienced a narcissistic provider, then you need to see more providers.  They are out there.  Just sayin'.  

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 38 reads
35 / 52

I would think someone asking you to send them gifts because they are pretty is a darn good indication of narcissism but I admit not having a Masters degree in clinical psychology.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 46 reads
36 / 52

Helping  bros out.  I spent a good portion of my early adulthood putting women on pedestals  (it got harder to lift them there with the obesity crisis, but I digress.)  But it is never too late to accept reality.
If you are sending money and gifts to chicks because they are pretty, there is probably a misguided psychological reason for doing so. You know if I saw a drunk about to swig down some rubbing alcohol, I could just let him do it, or maybe instead tell him, hey bro, that stuff will either kill you or make you go blind.  
Giving pretty chicks gifts does NOT give them the feels for you that you might think.  It's certainly somebody they might exploit, but they view it as weak and as an attempt to buy their affections.  It's really a complete turn off for them.
I again advise to check out the great new youtube series being created by hoe_math.  It's a wonderful simple intro to mating and dating dynamics.  Highly highly recommended.  Especially if you think chicks are all sugar and spice and everything nice.

inicky46 61 Reviews 43 reads
37 / 52

They are asking you to send them because they are greedy. Then again, this is a money business. Most of us are giving them money so we can put our penis in their vagina. But some do so because they are needy and the girl is just trying to make a buck any way she can.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 40 reads
38 / 52

on a webcast where the topic was "what kind of men do women prefer" and the most popular response among the panelists and the ladies in the audience was not "hunky bod" or "good looks", but rather "those who can be manipulated."  This says a lot about our modern culture.  There will always be weak men willing to do whatever a woman asks them to do, even if it's not in their own best interests.  Lol

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 44 reads
39 / 52
MadDmacx 29 Reviews 47 reads
40 / 52
MadDmacx 29 Reviews 44 reads
41 / 52

Lucky for me idgaf about u or what u think lol.  Whats fucked up is youre using an alias to confer with us guys on here.....lofl rotff

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 33 reads
42 / 52
Steve_Trevor 35 reads
43 / 52

like you for example, use of an alias shouldn’t be surprising.

If you think that’s so fucked up, go talk to the folks who run this place.

inicky46 61 Reviews 48 reads
44 / 52

PS: I'm not "excited." What makes me excited is a hot hooker sitting on my face whilst sucking my dick. I don't think that makes me a misogynist. Just to be clear, I don't think it makes anyone misogynistic just because they like hot, nasty sex with a woman for money. Because it's possible to indulge in that while still treating them well and not looking down on them. I hope this distinction is not too subtle for you, macx. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

followme 52 reads
45 / 52

You meant to say you wish you could get girls irl and you wish you would get hit on regularly.

With your attitude you couldn’t get “Rosie Palm” to hit on you.

BTW What proof do you have for the 99% and what is your source for the 99%.  
Other than your demented imagination ?

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 41 reads
46 / 52

Am I missing something here?

I don't get how his question makes him a douchebag.

The only thing I have is that he asked providers a similar question you asked mongers in another thread. Why are people so upset? Lol I'm pretty sure both mongers and providers have the right to receive gifts from anyone.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads
47 / 52

who has the backbone to stand up for the simps.  Bravo, Robert.  

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 47 reads
48 / 52
MadDmacx 29 Reviews 43 reads
49 / 52

Robert is an alias CDL.....that means more likely than not its someone already posting.  He probably spends his days liking himself and agreeing with himself.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 46 reads
50 / 52

cannot post with their username and their alias on the same thread, so what you suggest about agreeing with himself is impossible.   Do it and you get a 30-day suspension.  I made that mistake when I was a newbie here and hadn't read the rules yet.  Bam!!  No board access for 30 days.  

-- Modified on 11/30/2023 3:37:00 PM

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 44 reads
51 / 52

I wouldn't know......never did it, never would think to do it but Ill bet a beer it happens.  

John_Laroche 41 reads
52 / 52

Keep posting inane questions and you'll be a shoo-in!

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