TER General Board

Re:So if J-Lo can insure her a$$
Jimbomania 8 Reviews 4254 reads

If you got the cash ... you can insure anything.


Turkana2966 reads

Actually, this goes back to the 40s, when Betty Grabel insured her legs.

If you got the cash ... you can insure anything.


NYTraveler2773 reads

See link.

-- Modified on 4/14/2004 12:59:54 PM

-- Modified on 4/14/2004 1:01:36 PM

Que Pasa3168 reads

however, determining what constitutes a "covered loss" within the terms of the policy is another matter entirely. How is J.Lo going to recover under the triggering clause of the policy? When her bottom sags, which will eventually happen with just about everyone? Is anal intercourse a non-covered and excluded risk?

I have seen a few of those types of specialized policies and for the most part, they appear to be issued primairly for publicity purposes. Generally the policy premiumn is low since the actual coverage is narrowly defined.

"You can get mouth cancer, for instance, which would completely destroy my career. Although it would stop me talking, it would also stop me tasting as well."

I need to taste in order to do what I do best...

Most of our mothers never could have imagined a woman like you in their wildest nightmares. Of course, our fathers are another story... :P

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