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serious problem, need real advice/help
argoldst 2 Reviews 3358 reads

I am starting to have a problem which I am not sure how to handle.  Hopefully, someone else might have had this problem and found a solution.

First off, I am 28 years old and prior to 25 NEVER had any kind of problems getting it up or keeping it up (although I needed a good amount of time between rounds).

Recently though, I seem to be having more and more problems.  In my last encounter with a provider I could not even get it up.  With my gf, generally it works but I am not “rock hard” as I was when I was younger.  When I do get hard, I will loose an erection VERY quickly unless I have constant contact.  Because of the decreased sensitivity with condoms, it has become virtually impossible for me to maintain an erecting when I have one on.

I have been to a urologist and he said physically everything seems fine.  I have tried Viagra and Cialis but they only seem to work about 50% of the time (and I get a massive headache for about 1.5 days with cialis).

I love sex and really do not want to cut back.  Anyone have any ideas?  I read somewhere that it could be psychological but I cannot imagine why.  If it is, how do I fix that?

Are there any other drugs/devices/herbs that anyone has personally used and recommend?

what about when you masturbate alone? does it stay hard then?

I have similar problems and for me I know it is psycological because I am able to get very hard when I am alone.

My problem (I THINK) with providers is that the lack of affection and romance affects my ability to stay hard.  I am too old for just mechanical stimulation.  I need some affection like DFK to get properly aroused.  At least I think that is my problem.  I'm not sure

i had problems and i was smoking over a pack a day and could hardly get it up at all. i quit smoking over 7 months ago and soon after i stopped my dick was getting as hard as chinese arithmetic.

28 seems kinda young to have that problem, i guess since you got "boner drugs" that you saw a doctor??  if not you should.  good luck

AnonymousProvider4401 reads

Men who masturbate often, and suspect you do, ie every day esp for more than 10 minutes, seem to need more and more physical stimulation, and in a more specific way similar to which they are used to doing themselves.....  and if you use 'recreational' drugs like pot, there seems to be an even greater correlation to problems like yours.

Advise you to cut way back on masturbating! -- just once a week, if you must!  (Trust me, find it hard holding off two days, but I don't have your same problem.)  And advise you not to use pot or other substances, if you do.

You're too young to miss out on so much great sex and being so potentially potent!!!

hasn't been my experience... just the opposite, as a matter of fact.

So you have a GF now?  Do you think guilt could have anything to do with it?  

Also I have heard Dr. Drew mention overweight men produce less testosterone or something that does not help this situation.  Any recent weight gain?

How hard are you first thing in the morning when you wake up?  If you are not getting erections during your sleep, or are not waking up with one, I would suspect the problem to by physical in nature.  It could be that you simply need to see another doctor.  Remember, physicians are not infallable.  Sometimes one will have some case-history that the other does not which gives him further insite or a different perspective.  Remember that medicine is still very much an art.  It's really hard (pardon the pun) to give advice when your general state of health is unknown.  Sometimes blood pressure is a problem.  Diabetes can be another problem.  In short, anything that affects the blood flow.  I think before trying more drugs, herbs, or penile pumps, I would try seeing another physician.  Keep in mind, now that you are worried about not being able to get or maintain an erection, it can actually make the condition worse.  Stress makes things not work so well.  I understand that it's something that is almost impossible not to worry about.  Don't have any fixes for you there.  Try finding a provider in your area that is patient, affectionate, and non-judgemental.  It might help put you at ease a little more.

Endocrinologist and have your testosterone levels chacked.  Low testosterone will cause exactly what you are experiencing.  I take testosterone jell everyday now and sex is great.

-- Modified on 9/20/2005 6:00:29 AM

Here are some answers to your questions.

I am in shape and work out regularly.  I do not smoke or use any drugs (and drink very rarely).

How often I masterbate depends on how often my gf wants to go at it.  I would say that I get off (either via sex or masterbation) 5 times a week.

In regard to if I can get hard during masterbation. Yes and no.  Sometimes I will be the normal "rock hard" and others have what I would call a 90% erection.  I would be able to have sex but definetly not rock hard.

I do not think cheating has anything to do with it because I have been in this hobby for quite awhile and only started having this problem fairly recently.

is other prescription  medications you may be taking. Your problem sounds much like that of someone I know who had recently started a new prescription he finaly mentioned it to his dr after I kept encouraging him to do so and he was told that was an occasional side effect of that medication. He was also told that over a problem normaly disapears as the body adjusts it's self to the medication. It was not much over a week later that things began to return to normal which makes me think that his worry had made it worse as he had begun to settle down on worrying about that aspect so much.

either way talk to your dr about other medications both prescription and otc. of course some of the other suggestions are also great
good luck

There are other antidepressants that do not cause this side effect and you can switch your medication this is just FYI for the community

Chubby Johnson3838 reads

for me, at age 53, I started a serious workout routine .. call it serendipity or whatever .. but rock-hard boners seem to be a side effect.

-- Modified on 9/21/2005 7:18:13 PM

Get your blood sugar level checked.  You may be diabetic which poses circulation issues.

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