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Re:Question for the ladies: What would you do if you got $500 million?
Suzanne in San Diego 3074 reads

What would you do with your money?

What would you do with your life?

Same answer, whatever I darn well wanted to!  However, that's pretty much what I've been doing for the past three years anyway!!
Suzanne in San Diego

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 8:08:10 PM

Musical Joke4924 reads

Imagine if you got a windfall of $500 million after taxes.

What would you do with your money?

What would you do with your life?

And -- what would you do if you wanted to get laid?

...have TROUBLE getting laid?  OPRAH could get laid with $500 million.  Come to think of it, that's how she DOES get laid....

DoYaThink1910 reads

share, invest, charity, travel.
Last question doesn't make sense. Most of us have husbands or SO's or 'friends'.

Suzanne in San Diego3075 reads

What would you do with your money?

What would you do with your life?

Same answer, whatever I darn well wanted to!  However, that's pretty much what I've been doing for the past three years anyway!!
Suzanne in San Diego

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 8:08:10 PM

Alexina2273 reads

Anybody (besides junior) buying that?

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 11:07:18 AM

And then Id hop on a jet plane
-meet all my favorite girls
Yes escorts have them too
-Give them money that they ve been wanting to buy that new car or new house.
-Id go buy a shoe store
-and id pay anything to see Alexis meet lex :)! LOL!

Musical Joke1817 reads

It was an open-ended question.

In many kinds of work, some do it mainly for the money while others do it mainly because they like the work.  (There's a lot of overlap…)  I was assuming that this profession is essentially no different.  It would be no different from the story of a bus driver who won the lottery, and then stopped working.  Or the story of a school teacher who keeps on teaching, but donates her salary to charity.

Still, it would seem that getting $500+ million would make life more difficult for a provider who wanted to keep on working.  For example, having that amount of money brings notoriety.  And press attention.  And requests for money.  And people who feign love but who are only interested in money.  And a generally constricted circle of friends accompanying higher status.  And on the face of it, it would seem awkward for a client to pay for the company of someone with $500+ million.  It would be like paying speaking fees to a billionaire, or paying royalty for a visit.  (Let's put it this way -- Queen Victoria proposed marriage to Prince Albert and he accepted.  It was not the other way around.)

I assume that providers generally enjoy seeing old friends and making new friends.  And I assume that getting laid is usually more pleasant than doing the laundry.  I'm assuming that while providing is work, it isn't drudgery most of the time.  And it would seem that getting $500+ million would get in the way of one's professional status by creating awkwardness, shifting the balance of power within relationships, and (with the higher status that comes with riches) constricting the circle of people with whom one associates.

I hope this explanation clarifies the question.

...pay someone a couple of grand to steal your happiness when you're not looking.

junior4574149 reads

but you know what I'm getting pretty tired of reading all these wedding proposals....blah blah blah....I'll fly and marry Lex.....oh I'll trade $500 million bizillion dollars for Lex.

I guess it's true nice guys finish last...........(are you accepting applications for a side kick?)

I thought "A question for the ladies" meant we had to pretend to be ladies to reply.

But to answer the easy question:  I'd have my own harem, of course, of lovely and willing ladies.

WebTerrorist2999 reads

but I can't resist answering.

First thing I would do is set up businesses for my friends, with each running their own business and sharing equally in the profits, as well as very good salary.  If the businesses are successful then my friends are successful, and if not they still get well compensated for their efforts.

With the rest of the money, after setting enough aside to live on comfortably, I would give it away.  I have always wnated to be one of those people that tips a waitress enough to pay off her mortage, or goes into a car lot and buys a single mother a car that she needs but can't really afford to buy, or that goes into a charity and funds them for a year, and other such things, doing so completely anonymously.  My reward being that I know I did something good for someone else.  
I think it would be wonderful to be able to do that, because really how many houses can one live in at one time?  how many rooms of that house can they occupy?  How many cars can you drive at once? Once needs are met, and then simple wants, the rest can do so much to help others meet their needs and simple wants.

As for getting laid...I would do the same thing I do now...live without...oh and buy lots and lots of batteries....and yes, that would be a need.

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 11:46:40 AM

erbslydcw5160 reads

Take care of family...well, most of them. Build schools in Nepal (only costs $3700 per). I'd have one home in some hills of Italy-own sustainable plot of garden w/year round garderner. Have a Porsche and a horse.
My dcw and I would travel the world helping in major ways against societal ills, and I'd write my book finally-which needs to ask EVERYONE in the world one ?.
I'd give my dcw all the rest, and as he's a vp of investments at a big trading house-I'd give him the rest (at least 400mn) to invest, he'd sell his book like he wants to in 5 years..I'd step up my business plan for him to step out of his ivory tower how he wants and we'd sell his cookies-and we'd definately fly a balsa wood airplane at Navy Pier in Chicago.
Of course, if I got that windfall, and it was in cash, and the wind blew it away...oh well!!!
And You?
Oh wait, I'd bribe someone to renew my passport so I could be with him right now on his vacation overseas...I'm hurtin for certain, for a whole month!!
For lovin', I'd simply smile at him.........yummmmmy!!

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