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In wall survelance camera questions
Sammy Jankis 4226 reads

I recently saw a provider at her home and because of my background in home building immidiately noticed an in wall camera system (link below).  Now I did not say anything about it as there was also what appeared to be a door bell button on the same panel so I figured this was a signaling devise to bring in the calvary if she was having a problem with a client.   I did notice she started out the events in an area of the room that was definately in front of the camera.  When we moved to the bed it was in not direct view of the camera but they have a pretty wide angle so I guess that could also be seen.  My guess is her starting in plain view of the camera was to make sure I was not going to be rough with her.  Ladies does the roughness usually come right from the start? Or can it happen any time?

Anyway I really had no problem with it as if it's for her safety I am all for it.  I do not plan on running for any political offices so a blackmail tape would not bother me.  In fact I would probly pay extra for a copy of it as long as they got my good side.  And I am single so no quams there either.

My question is should I mention this fact in my review of her.  I am sure there are some that would not like to be on camera, but is this just a given in this sport that if you go to thier place you very well may be on camera.  And to this end is this why some will only go to a hotel setting?

This particular provider had a male that made her appointments and I would gather that he was somewhere inside the house viewing.  Which is OK by me as well, if he wants to watch my fat as bouncing around so be it!

Anyway just looking for feedback.

ode2848 reads

I think you should definitely mention it in your review of her for men who don't want to be on camera.

One provider once told me that she relies on guys being picked up by the security camera in her hotel lobby as part of her personal protection in case anything bad happened.

This is  WRONG..

There are much safer ways to be safer than a camera in her room...

I for one sure as hell want to avoid a provider such as this. I'm all for what ever protection the lady needs...as for videoing me without my consent. No &*^&ing way.

She had it in plain view...from my work I can assure you that if she didn't want you to know it you never would have spotted the cam.

I see this as a subtle 'I'm vulnerable and a little scared - dont hurt me and I wont hurt you' message.  Then again, could've been her SO wanking in the other room...

-- Deep Heat

"I guess in hindsight the blinking leds should have given it away"

Sammy Jankis3169 reads

> She had it in plain view...from my work I can
> assure you that if she didn't want you to know
> it you never would have spotted the cam.
Thats a good point, and with this girl I am sure if I said can we cover that up I am sure she would have said "no problem"  but that does not mean there was not another camera in the AC vent and lamp and clock radio.

> Then again, could've been her SO wanking in
>  the other room...
Thats what gets to me the most, not that he is doing it but I am paying and he is getting off for free, like chip in a little buddy if you are going to do that ;-)

I'm just glad she didn't charge me extra!

Not only in your review but post her name here too.  I am not for being taped without prior notice and this BS about it being in plain view is just that BS.  How many of us would know that hole was a camera?

we have to worry about LE, Jack the Ripper and ex husbands who may want to cut our faces up. I had this one exboyfriend ask me for money all the time and he asked me if my family knew my hobby when I made it clear I wasn't going to give him money. I told him to go ahead and tell my family and I would hunt him down as I am old enough to live my own decisions.

There are women doing this who have custody cases, have been raped, or don't ask for much of a papertrail.

I have a hotel that I go to where I am friends with the maintance man and he keeps an eye on my room as the hired security guard as I am a regular customer of them.  It is nothing to worry about but gives me a sense of relief every session

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