TER General Board

reporting bad website
zisk 86 Reviews 1787 reads

I've reported at various times when a provider's profile website no longer worked, and its been quickly adjusted.

But the other day, I reported on 3. Two came back as "unapproved" (I verified today that the addresses still are invalid) and the other was "approved" but the bad address is still in the profile.

Has this ever happened to anyone else submitting a problem report? Was there just a hiccup on the system that day, and I should try re-submitting them again, or email TER staff directly?

Its not that big of a deal either way, but I figured since I already reported it, might as well get it fixed.

Three times now my site has been reported as "bad" when in fact, the only thing wrong with it was that it was temporarily undergoing upgrades or maintenance. Our sites NEED to be maintained too. I can understand if a girl has a site that is no longer functioning for a week or better but when my site is undergoing maintenance for 12 hours and someone reports it as bad and I have to go through the hassle of having to list it again it really irritates me.

Not all sites are bad. Don't jump the gun with that trigger finger. Try back after a few hours or the next day and if it is still down then report it.


Zisk, that might be why the other 2 came back "unapproved". Maybe too many people over the course of a few months have reported those as bad, but yet they were just under further construction or being updated.

I would go with alyssa and just try back in a couple days, if they are still down then report them again.


Two free days? Whoop-de-do.
I pay for VIP 3 months at a time. Its a drop in the bucket compared to what the hobby costs.

rockchick515 reads

Just leave the girls sites alone. Maintenance, we are changing sites, UTR, etc. Just leave it alone.

If you need VIP, it's only 20 a month.

I don't like wasting my time clicking away to get "web site not found" or "web site no longer exists", etc.  Ladies, all we ask is that your advertising be accurate.

TER1263 reads

Those sites are banned from TER for many reasons, one is posting fake reviews to get traffic to their sites on which they have affiliate links to other sites (like adultfriendfinder) and make money from TER's traffic clicking on those banners.

None of those sites have the providers' permission to post their ADs.

But in that case the website was already in the provider's profile on TER. My review was refused because the site which they were already accepting was not accepted by TER.

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