TER General Board

Piercings Male / Female
HedoGuy 1 Reviews 4188 reads

I had the oppertunity to have 2 girls over last week (did not work out like I expected... but that was another post).  One of the odd things about myself is that I have a "FRENUM PIERCING" on my c*ck.

Both girls were a litttle taken back by it.... I told both that I have had it for 2 years and it does not hurt and that I enjoyed them stroking with the piercing in.

Any of you women have any experiances with c*ck piercings and on the other side.... I would love to find a woman with her nipples and Clit pierced.... but does not seem to be many in New Jersey area.....   Any suggestions...


anne4577 reads

Hey, Hedo--

I don't have any experience at all with male genital piercings, although I did date a guy that had once had a frenum piercing and only had the holes left.  He pierced himself one night (aaargh!).  I would LOVE to have sex with a guy with a PA.  I think genital piercings are really, really sexy.

I have jewelry in my nipples and belly button.  I used to have jewelry in my hood (a vertical hood piercing with a gold curved barbell), but I took it out because guys were soooooooo rough with it.  I also used to have a little gold CBR in my inner labia but I took that out, too, because it really irritated my boyfriend's foreskin.  I mean, it rubbed him raw.  He was the only person that has ever had a problem with it, though.  I do miss that piercing, as my girl looks kinda naked without her jewelry on.

Happy hunting for your pierced angel!

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