TER General Board

Does it get in your blood?
mirthfulgirth 3664 reads

I found it interesting when recently talking to an escort friend that she told me it took her years to finally accept and acknowledge that she LOVED being a prostitute.

Does being a provider become, in a sense, addictive?
If so, why?  The attention? A sense of control? Money? Sex?

If so, what happens to that sort when it fades with age?

whether in an 'addictive' way, or just in the way of doing something you really enjoy and want to do often.
For me, since I won't be able to do anything for a few months, I'm missing many aspects.

The only 'addictive' thing I've experienced is the 'rush'. Every time he opens the door and I see him for the first time is such an adrenaline rush.
The entire dynamics of the encounter is something that can't be compared to, and would be missed.

I can relate to the 'attention' part, but not the money, and sex part of your question and wouldn't even know what you're talking about regarding 'control'. After all, isn't it every woman's dream to be 'desired'? Every woman's fantasy (I don't care HOW Catholic they are!) to be a Courtesan, and have the desires of many men? Of course that's exciting! Were it not for being a Provider, would Carrie of London be desired across CONTINENTS??
Or me, to receive emails and PM's from across the coast? How else would that be? So, yes, the attention is a part, I'm sure.

I don't know about the fading part - guess I'll see when I get there - but I'm sure I can liven up an RV park and make shuffleboard or bingo more exciting..

EliteEbony2905 reads

I get this question alot and I give the same answer every time.
Adult Entertainment ( whether you're a dancer, porn star, nude model or prostitute.) is like any other career. It has it's ups and downs and people get into the business because that's what they want to do. If someone want's to be a doctor, they're going to make sure that they do what they are supposed to do to become a doctor and not let anyone get in their way. Same thing for attorneys, business owners, etc. etc. Some people choose the career they choose because they like it, regardless of the pay. then theres some people who choose the career they choose because they want the money, and don't care about whether they'll like it or not. And for any career choice someone makes, their time in that career will eventually expire so hopefully they've saved up their money or have a back up plan. I don't know other ladies reasons for being in adult entertainment, but what I do know is nobody is forced into this business, this includes the ladies who go on tv and talk to newspapers stating that they were forced by a pimp to work in this business, or their husband left them with the kids no money and no other choice. Anyone cando anything they want to do unless someone has a gun to their head 24/7. Most females who claim to be forced by pimps still remain prostitutes and usually end up re-choosing with 2-5 different pimps. And as for the abandoned housewives and those who came from low income families, they see adult entertainment on t.v. and think it's glamorous and they'll be rich. Then when they go to jail or when they realize that the more money you make the more money you spend, they want someone to feel sorry for them.
Me personally, I got into this business by my own personal choice. I came from a good family, and I wouldn't have had to work after highschool nor move out, as long as I went to college which my dad was willing to pay for. However, I chose to move out for the first time at age 14. I stayed in school, and I have been to college. At 16 I decided I wanted to be in Adult Entertainment however, I chose to stay in school before I just jumped into this business. The education I have allows me to do several things ranging from 50,000.00-150,000.00 a year. I can (and have been) a paralegal, a retail manager, an office manger, a certified medical assistant, an RN or LVN, or a private investigator. Not to mention that at age 19 I had my own business and was doing VERY WELL and then one day I said fuck it, I want to be in adult entertainment full time instead of part time and gave my business to a close friend. I look at it as should something unfortunate happen to prevent me from being an adult entertainer, I'll always have something under my belt. I'm in this business because it's the career that I wanted for myself and it really has nothing to do with the money because this business has no guarantees as far as money is concerned, no matter how pretty you are or how great your services are, or how many good reviews you have. And for me personally, the attention nor the adrenaline rush has nothing to do with it, nor does the sex. I just chose a career to pay the bills, and I treat this career as I would any other. I stress about bills just like anyone else with a "regular" job would, And I don't quit just because things aren't going my way. Alot of former entertainers have quit because they had a bad week or a bad month. If a cashier takes sick they won't get paid for the week their out. They don't quit their job, they deal with it. I'm very happy that I chose the oldest profession in the world and this profession isn't going anywhere, can't be stopped, and that's why it's beyond me why it's not the most RESPECTED.
EVERYONE, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR PROFESSION IS SELLING SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE OR THEMSELVES OR BEING SOLD BY SOMEONE! And for those of you who read this and disagree or have something negative to say; it doesn't bother me at all as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But please let me bring to your attention the following definitions of a prostitute according to the dictionary:
PROSTITUTE: 1. A person who has sexual relations with others for money. 2. Person who does base things for money; i.e. prostitute your artistic skills.
PROSTITUTION: 1. Act or practice of a prostitute. 2. THE USE OF ONE'S BODY, HONOR OR TALENTS, ETC., IN A BASE WAY.
As you can see, these definitions refer to sexual as well as non sexual things.
See you all when I return to the States. (Going to Puerto Rico on Wednesday)

Starrlah Starr
[email protected]

The E Ticket2406 reads

Good post.

Prostitution = Free enterprise + sex

Nothing inherently wrong in either.

No wonder it's the oldest profession and will never go away  


...is like tasting something different, like a different piece of pie everyday - the American Dream... and then againa, seeing someone I've seen before is so very nice....don't have to go through the verification process to be safe....I already know they are safe.

Corey Edwards

EliteEbony2351 reads

To those who thought of my post as a good one....... at least I know that there are people out there (besides providers) that agree.

Your words

"And as for the abandoned housewives and those who came from low income families, they see adult entertainment on t.v. and think it's glamorous and they'll be rich. Then when they go to jail or when they realize that the more money you make the more money you spend, they want someone to feel sorry for them."

I do have a solid corporate background and a college education. I choose to be an escort because I love it and because it does give me more freedom. I am a social creature and I like meeting a lot of different people, sampling new cuisine and visting cities to explore the museums and art galleries. The fact that I happen to be a single parent does not mean I want people to feel sorry for me. I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people in the world to have a family and an active, busy life.

In my case, I chose to divorce my ex. I could still be married if I wanted to but I chose to make it on my own because he chose drugs over his kids. He didn't leave. He was happy to live rent free and just hang out at home and sneak and use dope outside of the house. I supported him well after the marriage and tried to get him into a program but to this day, he claims he never used even though that was a lie. Eventually, he got tossed to the curb because I didn't want my children to be taken from me if he secretly had substances under my roof. And all in all it was a household of arguing and yelling and screaming between 2 people that didn't get along much as in the case of most divorces. Divorce isn't abandonment. It is a choice. As is this profession. MonsterJobs.com is a viable option for finding a job. But at this time, I want nothing to do with a regular job because it gives me less time with my kids and it's boring to sit at a desk all day long and push paper.

I have been an adult entertainer for 3 years and it is glamourous, exciting and fun! Being a mom can also be glamourous, exciting and fun. Both jobs are challenging, ever changing and involve caring for people deeply.

The erotic part of this is a HUGE plus. As a single parent of 4 and 35, I am not going to meet any men, period, so I can either be celibate until my kids are grown and out of the house or get my needs met and then be left to enjoy my time as I wish. If I wasn't doing this, I would have to go to clubs to pickup men for one night stands and that isn't my scene. What I'm not going to do is abandon my kids to be more "marketable" to men. I could easily turn my kids over to my parents and then go off on my own as a single women with no baggage. My parents have extended that option. Instead, I choose my own devised option, to support my kids and my parents and to give them a good life. I see myself in a position of power, not over men, but over my own destiny.


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it.  I would love to meet you some time. From what I have seen on this board in your posts, you are quite a lady, honest, outspoken and compassionate.

-- Modified on 2/9/2004 4:59:30 PM

Heather, I think what you didn't say is important as well.  You took charge of your life and that of your children.  You dumped the SOB and now you have found a way to make a good living for you and your children AND enjoy life at the same time.  My hat's off to you for being positive about all of this.

EliteEbony2460 reads

well, if I offended you I apologize. HOWEVER I was not referring to single mothers! I WAS REFERRING TO THE ONES WHO USE THEIR HUSBANDS ABANDONING THEM AS AN EXCUSE TO BE FORCED INTO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have nothing against single mothers. I have a brother who is in prison for a very long time and he has a daughter by a young lady who chose drugs over her kids. One of her daughters is a beautiful 3 year old that she had with my brother. For 1 year I have had this little girl and nobody asked me, and nobody forced me I did it so she wouldn't be in foster care. I also have a mother who is sick so I take care of my 14 year old sister, as well as 4 other sisters who are 12 yr old twins, a 3 yr old girl, and a two yr old girl. Again, nobody asked me to take care of my sisters, but I did not want them in foster care and my mom was a single parent before becoming ill. not to mention that I had a little boy who passed. I as well am very well educated and prefer this business over pushing paper and don't feel my post was out of line at all. I take care of 6 kids at the age of 22 by choice and not force, without a man so please note that the post was not meant for females like myself or you so if you took it offensively I don't know what to tell you. What I do know is, i refuse to get into it with someone i don't know because im bigger than that and if you took it that offensively when it doesn't apply to you then hey, whatever.
have a nice day

There are many options for "abandoned housewives": welfare, getting a job or several of them, moving in with relatives or friends. In the case of true abandonment, it's usually not really abandonment if you think about it. There is a deeper issue. If a man walks from his wife and children or the flip side, a woman leaves her husband and children, there is always an issue. So what you are saying is that the party left is being left because the other party couldn't handle the responsibility. There are strong people in this world and weak people and everyone has the potential to be human. The question is, over time, will people change.


I think you are being a little harsh. Any woman who is left with kids to support because the husband simply just walked away should be given support, not be yelled at. If a guy I know was left to raise the children because his wife just left (and I know several cases in which this happened) I wouldn't blame him for saying "I have to work my ass off and longer hours because I'm a alone in this." Everyone has to blow off steam and men have been supporting families for years on their own with some wives who do virtually nothing. I am no different than the man who wakes up at 5am to go off to a job he will work until 8pm because he is the sole breadwinner for the family. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I should get a metal. When you bring children into this world, you take on the responsibility at that moment to be there for them until the day you die.

Woman who would state that they are "forced into adult entertainment" are bitter about what happened in terms of being left with a huge weight. I don't think they are looking for handouts. In time, they will grow into the responsibility of being single parents, come to see it as a challenge and decide how best they wish to make a living and be happy with whatever it is they choose to do.

And let's face it, some girls may have no skills so that itself is an issue. They best learn to type, go back to college or be extra committed to deep throating bananas.



EliteEbony3580 reads

I've met alot of young ladies in this business since I travel frequently and I have one friend in particular who was an attorney for 7 years. She graduated high school 3 years early, really intelligent. She became an attorney at the age of 21. Her husband was a no good cocaine addict and they had no kids. After 3 years of marriage he left her. So, she ended up with a drinking problem and a bad cocaine problem. Her excuse for becoming a street walker was because her husband left her. Now, he was just a manager at a Walgreens. That is no excuse especially since she was an attorney and making more money than him. So, for those of you who took my post offensively, you shouldn't have cause it applied to people like her.
If the shoe fits, wear it. IF NOT, FIND ANOTHER PAIR THAT DOES!!

Then her problem was drugs, not abandonment. She didn't need money because she was abandoned. She needed it for dope.

EliteEbony3833 reads

Re: Then her problem was drugs, not abandonment. She didn't need money because she was abandoned. She needed it for dope.

She was a streetwalker for a year before she became a cocaine addict. The first night she tried it she overdosed and obviously it didn't seem to work because she's 80lbs. now; as she stated when I saw her my last trip to Vegas about 2-3 weeks ago.

Anyways, I read your other post and I see where we misunderstood each other. You thought that I was referring to single mothers in general. Nope. I was referring to those who use abandonment or something else as force. What I was saying is that nobody is forced into this business, everyone has a choice. Because there are other options for everyone and for anyone who doesn't have any working skills, that's what schools are for. Nobody is FORCED into this business. They get into it by choice; whether it's for the money, sex, adrenaline rush, etc., etc. Some females ( Like myself ) decide that they want a career in this business just because they feel it's like doing anything else. I've never had a job that I didn't like, there was at least one thing I liked about the job. I knew I wanted to be in this business when I was 14 years old and saw streetwalkers; however, I said I would be in this business only if there was a way to do it without streetwalking. That's when I figured, if I turned 18 and went to work at a strip club, I could meet guys and see them privately. How I was thinking of this at 14 I don't know because I grew up in a Suburban area. I was at a friend's house in an urban area one saturday and saw the streetwalkers and she told me what they were doing. Fortunately,I waited until I was 18 out of school and in college before I got into this business and even then I was only in this business part time, just to make sure.
Well, I don't know you but it was nice communicating with you in regards to this post the last 2 days. You seem like an intelligent young lady. Should I not get on Ter before I leave for Puerto Rico ( I leave at 4:30am ), have a nice night.

Starrlah Starr

-- Modified on 2/10/2004 10:43:31 PM

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