TER General Board

Re:Ok, I'm Stupid! Now Explain It To Me.sad_smile
Kimi_Lixx 1444 reads

I don't have a "don't touch" rule, but I wish I did. About 9 times out of 10 I really don't like how men touch my pussy. If they're rubbing the exterior, they make me raw and oversensitized. If they're penetrating with fingers, they always try to push too deep, plunge too fast, put in too many fingers. They press upwards (I believe in some attempt to find a G-spot) and mash my urethra, causing untold agony and a horrible urgency to urinate. I won't even mention the fellas who need an anatomy lesson who try to stick their fingers into my urethra. (oh wait, I guess I did just mention them) Fingers are not a penis substitute - they are boney and frequently the skin is roughened, and they have fingernails. I do tolerate the attempts of gentlemen to give me pleasure, or experiece their own pleasure, in touching me, but honestly speaking, all that squirming and whimpering is pain, not pleasure, and I wish guys didn't want to do it.

-- Modified on 8/4/2004 3:42:35 PM

Why do some women have a "no touch the pussy" rule?

If my hands are clean, manicured and I am impeccibly careful, why the worries?

When intercourse is offered and there is a "no touch" rule in place, how does one perform without touching at some point?

Sorry, I don't mean to be purposely dense here, I just need an explanation.


Either that, or they've had bad experiences with unkept fingernails.  Or, perhaps they don't have enough confidence to feel they can sustain control of the session and make up rules that make them feel in control.

Intercourse is covered, hands aren't. I'm guessing that it's easier for them to have a 'no hands' rule than make someone feel uncomfortable by having their hands inspected for:

jagged fingernails
any cuts (so small you can barely see), or sores
rashes or skin conditions

and then also having to insist that they scrub their hands and fingernails before getting started or have their fingers 'covered'.

Personally, I always wash my hands right before, and really prefer that they do.

So, based on your post, would guys prefer:

1)no hands rule
2)fingers covered
3)a hand and nail scrubbing and inspection?
4)other suggestion?

That's my guess..

SirPrize2855 reads

Incorporate them with a little lube and you both should have a lot of clean fun.

The rubber mistress gloves I have had my eye on are so nice. If I had a pair, I would have to compulsively spank virgin bottoms. I might get arrested for lewd and lavicious acts.

*somebody stop me

These are great when you can find them.  I had a provider break these out recently when I started inserting my finger, (didn't realize till then it would be unauthorized) and I had looked for them beforehand at the local drug store, but couldn't find them.  I like them much better than gloves, especially if they are the tight-fitting type.  The loose fitting ones she had made me concerned about slippage, and/or seepage.  

Point of fact, I strictly clean, care, inspect and trim my hands in the days prior to a session, and I bring my own Purell.  I realize that mere assurance of this is probably not good enough for every provider, and I can't guarantee I can be as stringent before every session.  


WombRaider2824 reads

What I can't stand is how a provider will hold the base of your cock and keep you from goin deep. When you tell them to remove the hand, they tell you that they have had a busy day or that your just too big. Ok, finish me off ....bbbj.... then its just the head and just below the head. Where was ter all those years ago.

by several ladies that they don't like fingers put inside because most guys just are to rough with them.
One in particular, told me that alot of guys, once they get a finger in, want to see how much more they can do, and weren't real concerned about about how it felt to her.

Sedona is correct, fingernails may be not clean, hang nails, however small, can cause alot of pain to sensitive tissue.

If the lady I'm with says don't, I don't, period, end of story. That's her choice and I respect it.

Just my opinion...

This isn't the answer you probably want to hear, but:

It's because that's what they don't want you to do.  Every person has their boundaries and that is one of theirs.  Not every woman likes having a finger stroking them, or rammed up inside them.  Many may have had bad exeriences with somebody who, not getting a red light at first, proceeded from a gentle outside touch to quickly try and stick their entire arm up in the lady.

Who's to know their reasons?  Just respect that they have their reasons, and don't press the issue!

Back to basics, "What part of no don't you understand?"  We as gentlemen need to respect a ladies boundaries.  Period.  Doesn't matter if we have showered less than 1 hr. before.

I also agree with Sedona.  A "hand and nail inspection" could be humiliating to the guy.  Also, some guys are just plain rough.

CremeSavers3633 reads

Finally, some men seem to understand that not all of us wants fingers jammed into us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many times, I have turned away the finger, for it causes more pain than feelings of erotica. For those who have a hard time understanding, no means no. Don't take it personal.

When I discover that a lady says NO to this activity, I of course respect her wishes.  

I don't repeat with her because of it thought.

Yes, as always, a provider has all the rights in the world to set HER rules.  As well, I also have all the rights in the world to vote with my feet and frequent a provider that provides what I desire.

Thanks for the explanations.  This thread confirms what I thought and brought up other points I didn't consider.


CremeSavers1147 reads

You and your provider could still have a great time without a finger! :) If a finger is causing her pain, than great pleasure, wouldn't you want her to be happy???????? Think about it, regardless of how you felt, and I was jamming something behind you, would you still want me to think about your feelings and how you were feeling at the present time? Or, are you one of these types of men who feel no matter what, because you are paying that you are entitled to still jam a finger up me? I can only speak for myself, but a finger has a different feeling to me, than an actual penis. I would prefer a penis any day of the week LOL The men that Ihave been with, seem to want to ram it in thinking that my nerve endings do not exist, but they do! It hurts, when something is rammed into you, other than gently, lightly. Even then, the sensation is not as fullfilling as having an actual penis penetrating you (for me only). Personally, I don't want a finger in me, and if someone chooses to vote with his feet, then that is his right. Just like it's my right to let someone know up front that I prefer not to have a finger inside me. Something that you should think about.

-- Modified on 8/4/2004 9:38:30 AM

Kimi_Lixx1445 reads

I don't have a "don't touch" rule, but I wish I did. About 9 times out of 10 I really don't like how men touch my pussy. If they're rubbing the exterior, they make me raw and oversensitized. If they're penetrating with fingers, they always try to push too deep, plunge too fast, put in too many fingers. They press upwards (I believe in some attempt to find a G-spot) and mash my urethra, causing untold agony and a horrible urgency to urinate. I won't even mention the fellas who need an anatomy lesson who try to stick their fingers into my urethra. (oh wait, I guess I did just mention them) Fingers are not a penis substitute - they are boney and frequently the skin is roughened, and they have fingernails. I do tolerate the attempts of gentlemen to give me pleasure, or experiece their own pleasure, in touching me, but honestly speaking, all that squirming and whimpering is pain, not pleasure, and I wish guys didn't want to do it.

-- Modified on 8/4/2004 3:42:35 PM

I'm very gentle, have very clean hands, generally very short fingernails, and only use one finger unless directed to put in two.  Nevertheless, guys need to hear this kind of thing since men tend to be rougher and women lie so often.  Oh, I mean they're tactful (LOL)

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