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Need Help!
random133 117 Reviews 4368 reads

Too much surfing those porn sites I guess.  I know how to get rid of cookies.  What I don't know is how to stop the e-mail spam I'm now getting from XXX providers offering all manner of filth that I would love to partake of but that would no doubt upset my SO if it were found in the in-box.  Any ideas how to stop this?

DoggieStud2468 reads

This has happened to me. I solve it. Educate your SO ... tell her that xxx spam email happens .. you know, like 'shit happens', 'spam happens', even 'date site spam' happens .. you can't prevent that.  My 2 cents.

Even old ladies who never ventured near a porn site get email headlined "Grow Your Penis!".   The solution I enacted:  Get a freebie email address from Hotmail or some such provider and use it when you need to register with any website.  Have a second email for friends and family that is never used elsewhere.  Even then, this isn't foolproof.

tridog2659 reads

Change ISPs.  Earthlink has excellent spam blocking, pop up blocker and cookie deleting software.


Use a Norton or McAfee program for spam blocking.  

It seems like you want the spam you just don't want your SO to know you're getting it...joercny has the right idea...get a new free email(try Yahoo now they've raised the amount of space you get to 100mb...plenty of room) and ONLY use that email address when surfing porn

Also when checking that address make sure that after you are done to sign back out so it doesn't automatically give you away by partially filling out your new name and password(depending on how it is set) if by chance your SO is checking one of your Yahoo addresses with or without your knowledge...she sees you have a new account...she'll be curious

There is really no sure fire way to get rid of.. Even if you were not looking at porn sites.. You are still going to receive it. I've been getting "enlarge your penis " Mail for years !! I should have a real big one by now :)  ( kidding !!!) ...

Microsoft Office Pro Outlook 2003 has a great junk-email program.

upstater2314 reads

Check out mailblocks.com it rejects spam better than anything else I've found

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