TER General Board

carabiner 12 Reviews 3357 reads

Hi - forgive me, I just found the TER PAM tool and noticed I had a few messages rejected over the past few years. Nothing to cry over ...I was just surprised. Is there a link or thread that covers this for members? I searched this board for 180 days for "explicit".

My big question is how do you get rejected for lack of explicit detail? I had one review that was a rip off. I provided a lot of detail in the non-members section and none in the members section. I was stood-up after I foolishly sent a deposit (never again). So I did not write much in the members area because there were no explicit details. However, I think the review is valuable.

Now that I know about the PAM tool I know I should review my reviews. I hate to invest my time in reviews if nobody reads them.


Staff2177 reads

As a matter of fact, we have a help document that should answer most of your questions.


Hope this helps.

-- Staff

Thanks! Yes, this helps.

PAM = Personal Account Manager.


The place where you set your account preferences, look at your reviews, buy more VIP, etc.


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