TER General Board

Re:I don't think it's needed because
Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 5295 reads
1 / 21

There were some issues on the Boston board, about a lack of thin/slim women posting their schedules/ads. Apparently, us bbw ladies are taking up ad space, so to speak lol ;) So I brought up a question: How would everyone feel about a seperate board for BBW's? I am assuming it would be even for those providers with a couple of pounds, who are not thin/slim. I would like everyone's opinion about this, if possible: the yays and the nays (maybe with an elaboration on why yes or no?)

Thanks :)

Mel :)

-- Modified on 12/12/2003 8:12:58 PM

FreedomRider225 3565 reads
2 / 21

I really see no need for a seperate board or advertising space for BBWs(no pun intended) If the slim ladies are too meek to take up advertising space then thats their folly.

WildwestKelly See my TER Reviews 3106 reads
3 / 21


 I say P*ss on them! (or better F*ck'em)
You have just as much right to be on the board as
everyone else and if they don't like it tough shit!

It's not your fault that the slim ladies don't post on
the boards and you shouldn't have to pay for it!

Wait until I get to Boston! We are going to have to Kick Ass
and Take Some Names! LOL    

Keep your Chin Up, Babe! Please don't let it get you Down!

-- Modified on 12/12/2003 8:45:14 PM

Dionisios 22 Reviews 3874 reads
4 / 21

It's not like we're talking about rationing a scarce resource.  Seems like one more sterotype about women down the tubes:  it's some guys with nothing better to do than piss and moan.

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 2796 reads
5 / 21
Rickbethel 21 Reviews 3824 reads
6 / 21

If we set up a BBW board, then we would have to set up an "under 5 foot tall" board and an "over 6 foot tall" board, and then an Asian board, an African-American board and a Hispanic board, and then later a blonde board, a brunette board and a redhead board. Where would it all end?

I know you want a serious answer, Mel. To be perfectly honest, I probably would not visit a BBW board (we all have our perceived biases) - and look what I would be missing!!  

-- Modified on 12/12/2003 9:02:08 PM

Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 3443 reads
7 / 21

But then, I could see all of your reasonings, as well :) It was just a thought of maybe improving the boards (?). Anyways..thanks for contributing :)

Mel :)

unseenrain See my TER Reviews 2692 reads
8 / 21

Double Yays here! I think it's a great idea. I feel it would allow those hobbyists who do prefer BBW's to target specifically the type of provider they are seeking: Us!!

I have always been very careful to fully disclose that I am a BBW provider so that there is no room for any type of deception on my part. I have never portrayed myself as anything but a very sexy and sensual BBW provider.

-- Modified on 12/12/2003 10:25:00 PM

Catlin 4 Reviews 4817 reads
10 / 21

Perhaps it's because the slim/trim ladies are to busy with profitable dates to do much posting and the BBW's have a lot of time on their hands and nothing better to do than surf the net?  Could this be?

colhogan 7 Reviews 2855 reads
11 / 21

Donttry to create a new board its almost like segregation.
all the BBW have the wrght to be on the board. screw what they thing or say. i dont believe BBW is a seperate topic like cross dressers or porn stars. stay right where you are  i love reading your posts
col hogan

Vicki Nicole 3092 reads
12 / 21

there is a search option available on TER where hobbyists can search for the body type that are interested in

xenopus 25 Reviews 2963 reads
13 / 21

...if one wants specific physical characteristics, just modify a search with those characteristics which TER is nicely set up for (asian, african american, etc; under 5 feet, over 6 feet, porn star, and on and on).  I tend to focus mostly on performance averages...sometimes I see a provider who is 'bigger' than I would think of seeing but her reviews are so outstanding and her face is killer!  WOmen come in all shapes and sizes and most all of them are beautiful.  Do not segregate to different boards or some hobbyests will be stuck with thin while model types...not bad either but a bit monothematic.  Attititude is my most important variable!

SweetJaclyn 3132 reads
14 / 21

IMHO, having a separate board for BBW's is the same thing as segregation of African Americans and Caucasians... You're still separating people based on appearance.  There is a search criteria for a Provider's build on the Search Reviews portion of this site.  As far as the other "skinny" Providers not posting availability on TER as much as the BBW's, perhaps it's because they're too busy or perhaps it also because most BBW's have a better repuation for taking care of their clients.  Because BBW's are not what every man wants, their client base is usually smaller, but they have more regulars too.  However, the level of service they provide has to compensate for the fact that they're not a barbie doll packed full of saline implants.... LOL!!!  

I'm not the smallest Provider in town, but I'm definitely not the largest.  I don't consider myself a BBW, just thick, if ya know what I mean.  I'm not for everyone and have never tried to mislead anyone that I am.... But, if someone told me that I had to post on a separate board, simply because of the way my body is built, I'd would be extremely offended.  I work extemely hard to make sure that my clients are happy and satisfied, and sometimes, I feel that I work harder than the Providers with the model-like physique simply because I want to make each and every client feel as special as they make me feel when they schedule an appointment.  

The other girls have their fair chance to post, and if they don't it's their loss, not ours.  As far as I know, the TER rule on posting ads and availability is once a week... All Providers can take advantage of this!!!  

Just my .02.

Jaclyn :)

RoDunn 166 Reviews 3608 reads
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My guess is it's only a vocal minority that are complaining.  I think it would hurt the non-slim/thin ladies to have their separate board.  Guys who won't go to the other board now come across these ads and say "you know what, I want to see her."

Majik Chrissy 5072 reads
16 / 21

I agree with you Vicki.....if they are looking for a certain "type" how much easier can it get then having a search option available at their fingertips. It's their hard earned money so you'd think they would take advantage of the tool that can  help find a lady more to their liking.

I don't think it's a good idea to separate BBW's from other women.....heck imagine how many boards we'd have because it wouldn't stop at BBW's. I enjoy women and men of all sizes and shapes and I'm glad that we have a wonderful melting pot of interesting people that are not all then same.

As far as the gentleman who suggests maybe BBW's are not as busy as the slim women.....I have to disagree all the sexy dolls in Boston do quite well and I assure you we are not bored.

Have a playful weekend everyone....I know I will! ~Soft kisses~ Chrissy

RacquelOC 3996 reads
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I see no reason to segregate BBW's from thin/slim.  What would be next...seperating the ugly from the pretty? It's one big melting pot here & I think it should remain as is.  Equal opportunity/competition for all. : )

whitenite 18 Reviews 3302 reads
20 / 21

Mel, I see you because you're Mel, not because you are BBW [even tho u r ]. I also read your posts because they are always interesting/humorous/right on the mark. Nix the separate post!

loarthan 4 Reviews 2851 reads
21 / 21

If that SOB doesn't like the situation in Boston, let him go back to LV and handle his pud there.

There are plenty of slim/thin providers in Boston, all you have to do is use TER and look!

BTW, the BBW providers in Boston are some of the most delicious women available.

Melinda, "Noli Carborunae Bastorium!" (That's Latin for: Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down).

Boston Area BBWs: we love you!  Stand proud!


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