TER General Board

Re:How can I as a provider justify bad reviews???
highonlife69 3206 reads
1 / 16

as much as it is my duty to give clients a great time, sometimes it jsut doesnt click and like opposing magnets, there is just no chemistry or somehow in some wierd cosmic way, we just dont manage to get along personality wise etc.

this guy wrote a bad review of me stating from his opinion of my looks and services which he thinks are below society standards and that my performance was lousy to say the least. However, I get clients who have a wonderful time with me and come back again and again......my reviews are mostly 8s and 9s...

why isnt there an option where escorts can justify themselves in response to bad reviews?

badboybilly 22 Reviews 1875 reads
2 / 16

If the provider has several good reviews I tend to overlook the bad one.  As one provider told me it happens and showed that she was human.  Another thing I also may take into consideration is the reviewers history, maybe he is just a tough grader or just an a__hole.  At any rate as long as there doesn't appear to be a pattern of bad reviews, I wouldn't worry.

blakkromeo2g 2685 reads
3 / 16

As with any service-oriented endeavor, the provider's job is to try to satisfy every customer. That said, even the most well-run business cannot expect to have 100% customer satisfaction. It's up to you, not the consumer, to work harder and smarter---that's just the way it is. While you may be justified in wanting to justify a bad review, it'd be a slippery slope as the bad providers out there will try to mitigate their poor-service reputations with such an option.

Serious hobbyists won't hold one bad review against an otherwise well-rated provider. To me, it shows that she has some semblance of taste in who she sees, versus a litany of 9's and 10's from every nasty-ass Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Chalk it up to experience as the cost of doing business.

40-Watt 16 Reviews 1882 reads
4 / 16

It is the reviewer's conscience that justifies reviews. I don't think it's appropriate to get in a debate with the reviewer in the ter community over what happened in the sesh. Responding to a review would make you sound argumentative.

When girls complain to me about someone's bad review, I just humor them. If they persist, or seem really upset about it, I begin to feel like Charlie Brown listening to his parents: WOH-WOH-WOH-WOH...

If you're a good provider, you'll easily overcome a bad review. Except for the most outrageous circumstances, it's out of your control by design.

Some of the best-reviewed girls do not even log on to ter.

butterhead 10 Reviews 3169 reads
5 / 16

..or say, 1 out of 10. I think if you get a bad review, if it's honest, it gives guys a better understanding. The girls that have five pages of 9s and 10s, they confuse me. I want to meet a lady, not a sexual supermarket.

You ladies are all beyond my conception which makes you so fascinating. But it would seem that consistency could never stay static in your service. It would have to go up and down a little at times. If it just keeps going up and up and up, what would happen? I don't want you to get pregnant!

silver337 27 Reviews 1728 reads
6 / 16

One mans ceiling, is another mans floor.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2928 reads
7 / 16
_L_ 1827 reads
8 / 16

You may want to check into other sites that allow you to review the men. You can always go to the "other board" and do one :) Just make sure to take a deep breath in and out, relax, before you decide to write your "view". Be honest in what you have to say, and do it in a lady like way (despite the fact, that he was not gentlemanly enough). Good luck!

blakkromeo2g 1832 reads
9 / 16

Don't take my words so literally---if you understand the spirit of my intended point, then my point has been conveyed. It's too hard to whittle through semantics online to make your debate worth having. My point had more to do with MY experience than a sweeping generalization.

Jadie 3116 reads
10 / 16

Most of us are aware of the problems presented in your post.  Also in making a decision we not only critically look at the review, we also evaluate the reviewer by looking at his past post and reviews (especially if he has done one on a lady we know).  It will also help if you participate in your local and national board about issue of interest to you, so you personality can come through. By and large we are a fair group of individuals.

highonlife69 2066 reads
11 / 16

I dont mind that if clients  state thier opinion  based on thier experience...the fact that he LIED and said I only gave him HJ pissed me  off more than anything. its as if he WANTS to give me bad business purposely because he thinks I am not of his standards.

theres no way i can contact TER about this cuz obviously the clients are the paying customers of this site and of course, they favor the clients more than us clueless providers who have no right to justify ourselves from false reviews.

Carissa See my TER Reviews 2246 reads
12 / 16

I can definately understand your frustration.  I just got a review, while numerically good, his words were very unkind (I felt at least).  He stated I rolled my eyes and he saw this by the reflection through the glass while doing me doggie but I just realized tonight that while Im in doggie my head is down!  My head would have to be turned up 90 degrees which is physically impossible for me to do.  And how can one see eyes in a glass reflection?  Even if my head were tilted up, my eyes would be half closed by the angle of my head.  I also remember wall by his bed, not window.  He then accused me being an actress which I found hurtful.  I have always been honest with everyone. I always bring forth my true self in every session, giving forth my best.  But its one review and I just hope that the good guys out there will see that and realize that there is more to the story.  Its definately frustrating so I feel for you.  I feel like sometimes as a provider I am supposed to be superwoman and take everything thats slinged at me with a smile on my face.  Luckily though, 99% of my encounters have been fabulous and I could kiss those 99% all over again just for their kindness!

Elmer G Fudd 2912 reads
13 / 16
zinaval 7 Reviews 3102 reads
14 / 16

When a guy reads a review that's different from the rest, either really good or really bad, he should review the reviewer as well.  You have the ready option on the board to look at the rest of the guy's reviews, finding out among other things, if he ever has anything good to say.

Unfortunately, the complete liar is the bane of this review system,  which is otherwise, the best protection a guy has.  


Jadie 2241 reads
15 / 16

As has been stated over an over one bad reviews will not deter many of us from visiting you.  Many of us have our ways to distinguish truth from exaggerations and outright lies.  How can I convince you, other than to say if that if you have repeat clients and many “reviews (that) are mostly 8s and 9s” and if you are every in my part of the country and within my budget limit I would be delighted to set up an appointment with you.

IMALLIN 82 Reviews 2300 reads
16 / 16

I've seen a number of weak reviews of highly regarded providers deleted recently. They must be listening to someone's challenges. It can't hurt to try.

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