TER General Board

Gentlemen, what turns you on?
lildesi 5362 reads

Just trying to milk some information outta you, my sexy mentors.  

I am curious as to what kinda girl is more popular.  Submissive or aggressive?  I can't make myself into one I'm not, of course.  Just wanna know what floats your boat.  

Can't help but wonder how much of what I hear is true.  Do blondes get the most attention?  :)

And as for photos- nude, lingirie, porn, leather, what?  

Lo siento for all the questions.  I have a big mouth and don't know any other escorts or chat with many customers often, so I'm just spurting out all the questions I've been wondering for a while.  

-- Modified on 7/5/2004 8:10:09 PM

Spurt away-  this is a good place to do it.

lildesi3072 reads

I love hearing what makes a man click.  

I notice how many people often stick to one type, be it BBW or tall girls...  I happen to admire women with red hair, such a rarity.  In men, I love confidence.  

I agree that trying to be something different is always easy to see through and not good to do.  Besides, I'd look pretty funny if I went and dyed my hair red or suddenly became very shy.  :)  I enjoy hearing people's fantasies and desires.  Interesting how so many of the posts put personality before looks, surprising but very admirable.    

-- Modified on 7/6/2004 4:50:22 PM

SailorRipley2697 reads

Above all a sense of humour and a disposition towards having fun. It's such a contrived situation to begin with that without a little perspective it can be a bit uncomfortable. Biggest turn off by far is a provider flopping around pretending that I'm rocking their world. If I was that good I wouldn't be in this situation. As for hair color etc., variety is truely the spice of life but there is something about a natural redhead!!

Turkana2478 reads

I'm betting you'll find as many different answers out there as there are hobbyists....  The best advice I could give, after quite a bit of time in the hobby, is to be yourself.  Don't try to be someone or something else.  What guys are looking for is the real you...and by being the real you, you'll attract the guys who are naturally attracted to you.  If you try to be someone or something else, you'll end up disappointing people.

Zen speak - 'empty your mind' and be fully aware of your client. Be like water that responds sponteously. If you client is Yin, be Yang. If your client is Yang, be Yin. If your client is Yang, and you are Yang too - you will repel each other. When your client feels that you are responsive to him, things will get spontaneous and the interplay of energy will be unhampered. If you client is ready to give, then accept and receive. If he is ready to receive, be agressive and give. Photos & even haircolor don't say much, performance is still going to be key to a wonderful encounter.

it really is!  The life and the key to facial expression is in the eyes.  Are you friendly?  Your eyes will express it - you can smile but if your eyes don't show agreement, I can tell.  So, don't fake. Instead decide on your attitude beforehand - it really is a choice. Once you decide to enjoy yourself, then it will come naturally.

Now I realize there are times to close one's eyes, but not all the time please.

The other important part of the facial expression is your mouth, smiling, teasing, smirking, responding to stimulation, and speaking.

Oh yes, speaking.  Yeah, communicate...say what you like, express communication, ask questions (to better fulfill desires).

Some gentle humor is enjoyable, too.  So is a touch of orneryness/naughtiness.

But as far as most of your questions - I'm certain you would get a huge variety of answers.

Such as your question about submissive/agressive.  I like a girl to take some initiative, but I don't want her to dominate me. But I sure don't want her just to be submissive putty!

Photos?  nude and lingerie are ok, but I'm not fond of leather. Again, some others will have different preferences, I'm sure.

Hair color - you could probably just keep it natural, as far as I'm concerned.  Women are attractive regardless of hair color.  However a poor dye job is unattractive.

There is my two cents.

By the way, you may milk me anytime you like!

A lady with a great attitude, that enjoys our time together as much as we, the clients, do will always get more attention than one with certain physical attributes. It's true, looks can only get you so far, it's the skills and performance that build a good reputation in this community.
Professionalism is also critical; being reliable and dependable with attention to detail is a must. Good communication before, during and after your appointments is a key element to this.
I don't see it as being that much different than other types of business in regards to providing a quality product, backed up with excellent customer service, to build good client/customer relationships.

if the above doesn't work, offer guys a prize of some kind, a small appliance will do, anything that plugs into the wall and makes a whirring noise
best regards, mr.man

of aggressive and submissive is what i prefer. Someone who can sense when to step it up and take control, and when to lay back and enjoy it.  Blondes might turn more heads, but I'm not window shopping. The total package wins out every time, I'll never see a provider based on looks alone. Quality of services is the most important trait, with looks then personality rounding out the trifecta.

As for pics....as long as they depict a realistic representation of you that is fine, I don't like surprises in this area. Lingerie, nude, etc.. is merely icing on the cake.   I give bonus points for ladies that dress in something sexy for the appt...lingerie, a sexy business suit, provocative street clothes, etc.. I don't care to open the door and find her looking like a sales clerk at the 7 Eleven.

As others said, different strokes for different folks. But you asked, and I have free time, so I spewed my 2 cents :)

I am turned on by a woman who is not afraid to express her desires during our time together.  I hate it when the session just turns out to be what she will do for me and shows no interest in getting any pleasure from what I have to offer.

I look for a woman who is genuine and will make me feel that we are lovers for the time together. It is wonderful to find a woman who understands that sex is not just an act, but an experience between two people.

I like women who respond to emails in a timely manner and who will show up.

As for pictures, I enjoy looking at a woman, but I just want a shot to give me some idea what she looks like.  As far as I am concerned, it could be a picture she could show her mom.  Pictures cannont give me an idea of personality.

I also look at reviews and see if she is consistent.  I stay away from those who have comments that vary from hot time to should have stayed home.

I think blondes are the hottest women on earth. However, I base my visit on things other than that.  Quality of experience weighs out over hair color or any other bodily attibute.  I have only visited with two blondes.

AS for body.  I have seen fit and firm women to bbw's.  Again a good personality for me is better than what she looks like.

This visit probably sums up what turns me on.  My second visit was with a mature provider. I believe she was about 4 years older than me.  Pictures were ok and reviews sounded nice.  When she opened the door, I thought I made a mistake since she looked a little older and not as nice as her pics.  After a few minutes with her chatting and starting the session, I found a very lovely and charming woman in my arms.  Her personality, requests, responses, and actions turned the meeting into one of the best I ever had.  Too bad she retired not long after.

To sum it all up, be yourself.  If you do not enjoy, then there is nothing that will make it better.  If you enjoy and create the fantasy that you are a lover, then you will have no trouble in turning men on.

um, fishnets?  They're fun.....

But in all seriousness.....  The thing that hooks me faster than anything is anyone who exhibits the following.......

Inventiveness...... Usually Role Play and the ability to create a scenario which fires the imagination with a single picture. A teacher with an apple and a crooked finger like she is going to give me the private lessons I've always dreamed about.  The submissive secretary who implores with her hungry eyes and docile demeanor that she is ready to take dome "dictation" (sorry, bad pun).  I'm drawn to the more submissive types, but then again a fun curveball is to meet a strong personality and then bend them to our will (blame James Bond for this one).  The key here is fantasy.... most of us have restrictions in our lives that keep us from being able to let our inner Hefner come out and play.  Being able to shed those obstacles for even a short time fires up our passions and gives us the ability to help our fantasies become reality.

I forget who said that a thinking man's orgasms are much more complex, but I totally agree with him.  A wham bam thank you ma'am doen't appeal to me (which is why I tend to avoid the younger Britney clones who are there in body but not in soul)  Intelligence is key, even when they are pretending to be that Bimbo cheerleader we always lusted after.  Once again, the key is illusion.

OK, but how do you create an allusion with only a few pictures?  Smiles are OK, but watch yourself in a mirror the next time you are pleasuring your self and look at your facial expression.  That half lidded, mouth open pleasure fogged expression is what I live for, find a way to include a few photos like that (hair looking tousled, face flushed, eyes slightly glassy, (think Jane Fonda after her time in the Orgasm machine in the movie Barbarella for the photo that STILL gets me everytime))  Show a couple photos which highlight your physical type..... If you are a busty blonde, go for the sweatered sorority look, if you are a brunette, work that businesswoman or librarian angle.... if you are a redhead wear something in emerald green or blue and nibble on something red like a strawberry.  Since redheads often have extremely light skin, go for black and white photos to give you that film noir look and play to your strengths.

Hey, and if all else fails, do what Brooke Shields had to do when they were filming "Endless Love", have someone pinch your big toe until your mouth opens in that slightly pained expression that can pass as orgasmic bliss.....

Great me at the door with a big, ol smile. Believe it or not, the first thing THIS man will note is a large, coy, cocky smile on yo pretty face. I like LONG hair...but that is another story.

VERY LITE MAKEUP. (how about none at all?) Have that s*** put on with a spatula, and I run if fear. Makes me wonder what ya look like for real. I like woman that go natural....and look good doing it...and know it.

TALK TO ME. GET TO KNOW ME AND ALLOW ME TO GET TO KNOW YOU. Not able to do "close order drill" with someone I do not even know. If I am a repeat customer, then go ahead and just jump my bone like a hell cat...we can talk later.

Start slow...seductive, talking to me....telling me what you like, asking me what I like...and work your way up to full speed ahead. Being seductive does not mean being naked. A woman's attitude is what will seduce a man real fast. Then let the bod show! Show a man what he wants to see....and enjoy being admired.

I'm not into being a sex star. I do not do all the positions. I like sex to be unique, one/one face to face and personal. I like to hear a woman enjoy herself without sounding like she is from the 'other end of town'. I like it when she is honest about me giving her an O.....and tells me so. Please don't lie...I can find it out real fast......

Be very confident that you are going to make my day and be eager to prove it. Seduce, then be ready to surrender if I go for that. Sometimes a woman that comes on strong then goes to a submissive nature will just make me pop real fast...it is how she reads me......

also, I like to touch with just my finger tips....slow, gentle and I assure you it will put fire in your lower area.....let me play a bit.....love to tease and tickle....I'm just a LITTLE bad......but its soooooooooooooooooo much fun....

hugs, kisses and a wicked little lick....

Carlee of Arizona... 'nuff said.  :)


I'm surprised more haven't jumped on this thread.  First I'll answer some of your points directly, then add my own thoughts...  But understand this is all me, and by no means representative of guys in general...

About submissive vs. aggressive...  I'm one of those guys who is always reserved and very respectful when I show up, and the provider almost always reads that as my wanting to be very tame and vanilla.  I've met some providers who are very adept at sensing a shy or inhibited hobbyist, and are experts at drawing him out of his shell.  It's not a matter of being assertive yourself...  It's using verbal and body language to coax the hobbyist into being more assertive.  One way is to avoid open-ended (or yes/no) questions and instead offer multiple choice, so the hobbyist can't get away with "I dunno, what do you want to do?"  One of my fave gals is very blunt when she asks...  "So are you feeling cuddly like last time, or is this gonna be one of those dirty talking, let's fuck on the furniture days?"

Blondes, brunettes...  Doesn't matter.  Attitude, focus, sensitivity... those matter.

Photos...  Pics that truly reveal your own personality are hard to get but are the best.  I once met a provider whose pics were very sultry and glamorous.  But in person, she was a clown...  Her rowdy "let's play twister" kind of demeanor was her biggest selling point and it was completely hidden in her pics.

Other scattered thoughts, in no particular order:

1.  Kissing seems to be a lost art...  The choices are often a little peck or tonsil-assaulting DFK.  Soft, slow, gentle LFK honestly makes my knees weak, regardless of whether the meeting is slow and seductive or steamy and frantic.

2.  Get in physical contact right away.  Sitting and talking for a bit of "get to know each other" chatting is great, but then it leaves this awkward moment where one or the other has to make some bold gesture to get things going.  The awkwardness of this moment is completely eliminated if, right when you first meet, the hello hug leads right to handholding for the walk into the room which leads to sitting together holding hands, or legs touching, etc. while talking.  You can go farther with this if you want...  I once was assaulted immediately inside the door and told "after what I'm going to do to you for round one, you're gonna need plenty of time to recouperate for round two, so we'll have time to talk then."

3.  Hands.  Speaking of physical contact, keep your hands on the guy as much as you possibly can, before, during, after...  Most guys are much more conscious of being touched by a woman--any woman--than women probably realize.  Try an experiment during mish or CG...  put your hands down to your sides or on the matress for a bit.  Then in CG, put your hands on his ribcage if leaning slightly forward, or one hand on his chest and the other on his thigh, if you're more upright.  Or in mish, put your hands on his ribcage, chest, or face.  Trust me, his response to you will be completely different when "hands are on."

4.  I really enjoy unwrapping the present myself.  Slowly removing the provider from her street clothes is so much better than the usual "you make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back" deal where the provider disappears, and then reappears in sexy lingerie.

4b. Removing those street clothes to reveal that there's nothing underneath them but black thigh-high stockings?  Life doesn't get much better.

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