TER General Board

Ever hear of a "bad hair day" ?
FreedomRider225 3212 reads

It has happened again! Another 10 -10 for a provider who has the most recent 4 pages of reviews reflect almost unanimous 10 - 10 scoring. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not insinuating that the lady is somehow gaming the system or doesn’t give consistent great service. What I’m saying is speaking “Prima facie” it looks goofy. With all the subjectively born inconsistencies usually noted in any providers review history it seems incredulous that any one lady can be so universally heralded by such a varied panel of proven individual tastes.
As earlier stated I’m not insinuating nor intending to disparage I just find it difficult to understand why the gentlemen would wish to place such pressure from expectation or how a woman could enjoy such pressure.

and to include such a targeting device would betray my intent. My intent is topical discussion. For the adroit and informed user of these boards seeking the source of my impetus would not be difficult.

Ever open the door and wonder if it's been 5 or 10 years since the lady updated her picture....but my shock is usually met by her shock..cause she doesn't even get a preview of me...before the door opens....lol

Freedom...good call..the lady is not the subject..you 're too classy to make it one..

Keep in mind that a strong influence is how we feel during the session.With good feelings we tend to be generous with grading a lady rather than following strict rules of evaluation provided by TER.......

....I'd personally be inclined to avoid contacting her (unless I knew & trusted at least one of the reviewers).  It's certainly not everyone, but there are too many people who play games with the reviews & there're a multitude of reasons for that.  I doubt I have to spell them out.  Plus over time it's gotten to the point where grade inflation also seems to be the order of the day....what should probably be a 7 or 8 becomes at least a 9 & just as often a 10.  Hell, in the last week I've done some surfing out of curiosity more than anything else & noticed quite a few gals with 9 & 10 appearance ratings whose pictures would seem to warrant 6s & 7s.  With all the legitimate variables that come into play I just can't believe constant 10-10s can all be both honest & objective.    

When I first started hobbying & using this site a 10 review was a rarity.  Although I've seen what I think were some of the best LA has to offer I never gave any one of them a 10.  I should quantify that statement by adding there is one gal (& only one) that in retrospect I should have given 10s.  However that's in large part because we saw each other so often & the review was written after the first encounter.  And no, I wasn't particularly grading low in writing reviews.  My ratings were pretty close those of other reviewers seeing the same gals.  

I stopped writing reviews about 4yrs ago.  There was more than one reason I made that decision, but one thing that influenced it was the grade inflation I mentioned.  Gals I'd seen and/or gals that other hobbyists that I knew personally had seen began getting scores were higher than would be expected...& that's considering the YMMV caveat.  Another thing began happening was gals posting on the board complaining about some guy giving them a lousy 8-8 review.  WTF??  An 8 is pretty damn good & well worth another visit  in my book...at least it should be, IF the review can really be trusted.  

As in the past your words reflect the dignified and sage wisdom of a true gentleman. It is sad but understandable your rationale behind your non-participation of the review system as it now stands.

 I've missed you brother, and honored by your appearance.


I've got a good idea who the lady is. I reviewed her and gave her a 10/10. Could her initials be TC?

I have no reason to believe your reviews are anything but your honest opinions.  I haven't read them and don't question the accuracy of any details presented.  However, merely based on the description of a 10 - "once in a lifetime", you have seen women whose appearance and/or performance rated that rarest of scores, 14 times in your lifetime.  How can that be possible?

Not meaning to malign a Groovy guy; but between what you have pointed out and Riders respectful reticence the sapient silence speaks volumes.

I'm beginning to think most of the reviewers are sheep who just want to do what everybody else is doing.  In any case, the exception proves the rule.  In general, I find almost all the TER reviews inflated especially for appearance.  Lately I've begun to doubt the performance rankings as well since it seems some of us like to embroider the experience a little bit.  However, if the lady in question is TC, then she is the exception that proves the rule.  Very unlikely anyone can be unhappy with her.  It does not get much better at least at her price range and below.  I would have made her my atf but we had some issues in terms of my atitude at the time.  More my fault than hers.  She is to enjoy and I'm surprised she is still at this.  This is one lady everyone should stop questioning and go see while she is still around.  Remember Jaqueline?  Same thing.  Very great lady who is remembered fondly by all of us who knew her.....

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