TER General Board

Ethics question?
crownand7 4562 reads

What is the opinion out there with regards to women who work for an agency and "spin" the client?

What I mean by "spin" is the client likes the woman. Has seen her a couple times through the agency. Then the two work out a separate arrangement where the agency is cut out.

Now, I'm not saying the client initiates or the woman initiates. Give me your opinions on either initiating if you see a difference.

Is this wrong? Is this acceptable, or even common?

I'm not in this exact situation, but one similar. One in which I did not initiate.  

adam462036 reads

From what I have experienced, I can say that I think it is
very common, especially with girls who are not "top moneymakers"
for the agency. They are looking for steady income,
and if a guy is generous with them, they figure if they can
lock you down for once or twice a week they have it made.
In return they will probably be more accomodating and spend
more time with you. Those are the good points.

Here are the bad points. She may (or probably will) become
dependent on the steady income you provide her. She will
call you (if you have given your number) over and over again
to make sure you will see her. If you ignore the phone calls,
she will leave dozens of messages for you. She may become very
jealous if you see other escorts. And, in the worst case, she
will use you to pay off drug dealers whom she will claim will
hurt her if they don't get their money. These histerical
"killer drug dealer" phone calls may come at ridiculous hours
of the night, and she will have no regard for the fact that you
have to get up for work at 5:45AM.

I let this happen to me with one girl, and I WILL NEVER LET IT

My advice to you is to stick with seeing different girls from
different agencies. Don't get too attached and have lots of
fun. That is what I do.

Good Luck,

My1stAlias3376 reads

I'm posting under an alias because I know the agency I use most often reads these boards, and I don't want to stop using their services.  They have a lot of beautiful women and are constantly recruiting more.  I don't feel any particular loyalty to them though.  If I can book directly with a provider, I'll do it in a heartbeat.  I won't ask for her number on the first date, but once we've seen each other a couple of times I consider direct booking to be perfectly fine.  Admit it.  We all have a somewhat elastic sense of ethics to be in this hobby.  Why should we hold our relationship to an agency to a higher standard than our other more important relationships?

-- Modified on 12/10/2003 4:14:00 PM

Not sure I agree.  Ethics refers to your moral compass.  If you stop long enough to let the needle settle, it always points to "magnetic North" if you have ethics.  In other words, it's your "philosophical" perspective on right and wrong.  

We may view ethical issues from different perspectives, but "elastic ethics", which I call "situational ethics", is a contradiction in terms.  I mean, if your ethics are flexible, well, then do you really have ethics or only nihilism?  

Moral theory; values; relativism; pluralism; character; religion; utilitarianism; deontology; duty; human rights; virtue; Aristotle; Kant; punishment; subjectivism; and heteronomy all relate to ethics.

In contrast, one's ethics aren't questionable, IMHO, simply because one hobbies or provides.  Separate ethics from legality: should I hobby just because I can?  Should I put my finger there just because it will fit?  Should I really spank her just because she likes it so well?  

These aren't ethics questions or morals questions.  They're legal questions.  Ditto:

Should I not hobby since an argument can be made as to its legality?  Should I keep my fingers to myself since Sodomy remains outlawed?  Isn't spanking really just battery by another name?  

One can't legislate ethics or morals, only law.  Yet, a hobbyist or provider who follows a personal, normative or pluralistic code of conduct has ethics, in my view.

Spike Spiegel3337 reads

Also using an alias for the exact same reasons as above.

I met a lady through an agency and we **really** clicked. Saw her a second time and she gave me her contact info. We start conversing and strike up a friendship. Since then, we make our own arrangements. She has never, ever, behaved like the girl in adam46's post. She has been the epitome of professional. Best friend I've made in quite a while.

I would not have initiated the exchange of info, but I don't see a difference. I don't know how common "spinning" is, but I can see how a girl would like to cherry-pick clients, especially conciencious, well groomed, gentleman types. This is also why agencies might terminate a girl if they found out.

Agency owners will probably tell you this is wrong, as they incur costs to represent someone, take pictures, screen for them, make hotel and/or travel arrangements, etc. This is all true. But I don't feel bad about my personal situation because I continue to use this agency regularly.

I leave it to you kind readers to decide if this is acceptable.

-- Modified on 12/10/2003 9:10:05 PM

This is a tough question. My first instinct is that it is wrong. Shadetree businesses are the bain of most businesses.

Many services have spent money for the protection and comfort of that provider. The service has certain risks whenever they hire a woman, but they are gambling that they will make money instead of lose. Yes the service will make more than they put out, but that is the nature of having employees for any business.

I think that is why I respect independents so much. Because they are taking that risk on themselves, they will reap the rewards, but can also pay dearly if they make mistakes.

Even though this "hobby" is a shade illegal, I don't think ethics and standards need to go out the window. I would prefer that the woman go indy before I make any sort of arrangement.

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