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Do Hobbyist ever go on a binge???
Jai See my TER Reviews 4479 reads

Wondering if there is ever HobbyFest. Do men take a day or trip to just totally indulge in the varieties of life? Or is it more about an ATF? Have you been a kid in a candy store lately??? OXOXOXO, Jai Loren

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There are some adult resorts in the Caribbean where guys go, and native girls are provided 24 hours. And at a daily rate equal to that of just an hour or two with a provider at home.

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After > half a century, I look back and find my tastes have varied along the way.

For me, though, generally not.  Personally, the idea of 2 babes at once is just an idle thought - I'm not ADD afflicted, and would rather not be with a woman who couldn't hold my attention for at least a half-hour; so the 2nd is just an expensive distraction.

I think that is the only way to enjoy the hobby, experience, indulge, and travel to San Diego to hook up with Jai Loren...

For instance you just saw your ATF and a day or so later an out of town favorite e-mails you to say she is going to be in town tomorrow and she would just LOVE to get together. THEN you get an e-mail from another out of town hottie you've been wanting to see for some time saying she is going to be in your town next week.  

 Another simple scenario is two or more favorites either post or privately offer you a smokin special that is near impossible to resist.

 In both cases it's always great fun while its happening and you feel like a million bucks but it sucks when the mortgage is due next month and you realize your not a millionaire.

I went on a three-girl binge: three first time providers in one day.  Well, I hit pay dirt with a Malaysian hottie who became my ATF for like two years......  So....I say...BINGE ON, WAYNE!  MA

Having flown across the country for the second time specifically to be with a special lady for the weekend.  So to answer the question about binge, it's not necessarily about the number of different women, it may be about the number of times with the same woman.  LOL.

Glad to see you made it... Say Hello for me. And if it snows on the day you are returning - forget the 4x4 taxi service - it's only good for delivering the hobbyist to the providers - not returning them home unless the provider request it - LOL

We sure do, and when it's a long-enough and/or expensive enough binge it's no lnger a hobby, it's ...

My worst experience was in 2002, when I walked away from the scene of a vehicular manslaughter/homicide [as a victim, not a perp], went into a really massive depression or Post Traumatic Stress thing and spent, by my estimate $10,000 hobbying for the remainder of the year 03/02 - 12/02.  Sad thing is, apart from the ATFs, I can remember very little about most of the providers from that period.

I sure learned my lesson -- don't walk around NYC so much.

All depends on the availability of extra funds.  Otherwise, it is not a hobby.

I guess it depends on how you look at it. I dally weekly or so, to some that might be a regular binge. A few years ago in Houston I took a tour of the spas there and saw three girls in about 2 hours: wam bam on to the next. The cab driver was cracking up, each time I got back in the cab and asked for another one.

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