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wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 747 reads

I'd agree that the only essential requirements are photos and rates. That said, I would recommend including the following:

Clothing and lingerie sizes
Links to reviews, twitter
Calendar of availability, particularly touring dates
An email contact for screening -- not just the web form
If possible, discreet disclosure of any unusual rules, menu restrictions

Question to the ladies and Gentleman Hobbyist.........do you prefer a nice clean ,well thought out web page, that has everything in a nice order, or does it matter if they are all hodgepodge and scattered?  in researching ladies, i have come across many sites that say " made by me" or "Designed by me", and they have been a hot mess, too much color, to much stuff in general , not well laid out, and so many spelling mistakes that you have to wonder if the provider even has a high school education........and then there are the  beautiful well laid out and clean yet soft looking web site where you can look through it without going blind from all the flashing and garish colors.......do the messes turn you away from booking them or do you even care????  

I find that i do care, if someone cant spell or at least know how to use spell check,  i am not sure if i can have an intelligent conversation with them, and if there is so much STUFF on the page that it takes me an hour to look at everything, it just turns me off and i tend to move on.....am i being too picky????

The only thing I care about is the photos and the donation (prices) page. If you need a password to look at the photos I immediately move on.

Most of the professional web sites from Veda, paramour designs etc are written by professional copywriters. I've noticed lots of plagiarism.  I like the down to earth web sites. I don't expect a girl to tell all the factual details about her life but I hate web sites where the girl tries to be upscale, word traveled, highly educated, for discriminating tastes etc. If they had all that going for them why are they sucking the cocks of strangers?

A simple down to earth web site is what attracts me. An example of a girl who gets her point across without sounding like a lying pretentious type of girl is the lovely , witty Rasha.  

Her page is simple and to the point:
Iā€™m not going to bore you with the usual silliness about my education, sophistication and world travels. Nor will I drone on about being worthy only for the select few. Does anyone actually believe that stuff? More importantly, does anyone care? Instead, let me give you the credentials that matter: Iā€™m a toned and tight 26 year old with a body to die for and a skill set that would best be described as accomplished.

Simple and to the point is what I like to see. To top it off there have been many times when the girl in person did not sound anything like her "sophisticated" web page

ohhhhh, i like that!!!!  i may have to look her up!!!!

yep, if i have to become a "member" no thanks...i do not have time for that, if you do not want my money, someone else will.

Posted By: indianaall4u
The only thing I care about is the photos and the donation (prices) page. If you need a password to look at the photos I immediately move on.

Lots of pics. Pros and selfies so we can see you as urself as well. Not just photo shopped. Rates. And no ads! Especially pop ups! No one likes it when another window opens up!

I used wix and they had many great templates to choose from.  Super easy and I think it looks great and just as good as the professional ones.

yes yours is awesome, and i would never think i was self designed, its very clean and classy, its not full of cartoons, and tons of bright colors or unnecessary information.  THIS is what i want to see.

I love your site, yes wix is awesome :) I use it too :)

I really only look on provider's websites to verify legitimacy and additional photos.  I like to see different angles as well as physiques in alternate outfits.  Everything else can be found here as far as reviews, approximate pricing, menu options etc..... I will say that a quality website has some correlation to quality service though.  I am not sure if clients necessarily care about an abundance of colors and so on, as long as it is easy to navigate then you should be fine.

In fact I have seen lots of providers that don't even have websites.
True there are good websites and bad ones. Some that are hard to look at, and some that are aesthetically pleasing, some with way to much info, and some without enough, some that over embellish, as OTM mentioned, and some subtle and to the point. For me, none of that really matters. There are other things that make me decide to see somebody or not.

Men are visual. Just keep that in mind when creating it.

I'd agree that the only essential requirements are photos and rates. That said, I would recommend including the following:

Clothing and lingerie sizes
Links to reviews, twitter
Calendar of availability, particularly touring dates
An email contact for screening -- not just the web form
If possible, discreet disclosure of any unusual rules, menu restrictions

As has been mentioned by others, a quality site is an indication of quality of product.  

But also, yeah, pictures and prices are pretty much the priority things.  If I like that then I'll read up on the other stuff to see if there is any reason not to book

Posted By: lester_prairie
As has been mentioned by others, a quality site is an indication of quality of product.
....... call us providers a "product" again.  That really turns me on.  

Damn.... I need to lay off the bourbon when I'm touring.  Makes me bitchier than normal.

I'm most definitely an acquired taste, and my site does a great job summoning and suggesting my very unique flavor profile :D

Its been a long time since I've seen someone who hasn't gushed over my site, my photos and my movies.

I'm not saying that everyone is into my presentation *at all* but rather that the folks who do enjoy it find themselves enchanted.  

I guess the individuals and couples who choose to meet with me are the kind of folks who want to be sure that I'm the right provider for them (so they research me), and once they learn more they are simply hypnotized.  

I do have a flair for bold colors though, so I might be guilty of some of the faux pas you mention.

But why not judge for yourself? ;)


-- Modified on 5/10/2016 10:57:32 PM

You are so right... Not what I'm looking for,  but a great site that would clearly entice your potential clientele.  

Posted By: ToriValentine
I'm most definitely an acquired taste, and my site does a great job summoning and suggesting my very unique flavor profile :D  
 Its been a long time since I've seen someone who hasn't gushed over my site, my photos and my movies.  
 I'm not saying that everyone is into my presentation *at all* but rather that the folks who do enjoy it find themselves enchanted.  
 I guess the individuals and couples who choose to meet with me are the kind of folks who want to be sure that I'm the right provider for them (so they research me), and once they learn more they are simply hypnotized.  
 I do have a flair for bold colors though, so I might be guilty of some of the faux pas you mention.  
 But why not judge for yourself? ;)  

-- Modified on 5/10/2016 10:57:32 PM

Perhaps many women think, wow. The guy can't punctuate. I am not sure if I can have an intelligent conversation with him.

All sarcasm aside, what do you think of my website? Read my last blog. It's long as fuck! But the types of clients I attract from my crazy hodgepodge of colors, photos, and delivery are these.
1. They don't completely disregard someone or criticize them on a few flaws. In fact, they relate and admit to their own. (Your OP doesn't even admit that you too - have trouble with your not-so thought out delivery.)
2. They love exploring and digging for what makes me tick.
3. They enjoy conversation, want to find things to relate to, and book long dates on a regular basis.

It's all about what you're looking for. My guys are looking for a real, genuine person who doesn't put on a fake array of so much professionalism, that they lose the person. They want inspiration and they want real, real, real.

If they email me and ask my rates or other questions, I know they're not looking for a person like me. And that's ok. But I'm not going to see them, because I specifically have my website - with all of it's imperfections - set up to attract someone who likes someone who doesn't take themselves so seriously.

No hard feelings, just something I noticed.



Posted By: vegasgirllover
Question to the ladies and Gentleman Hobbyist.........do you prefer a nice clean ,well thought out web page, that has everything in a nice order, or does it matter if they are all hodgepodge and scattered?  in researching ladies, i have come across many sites that say " made by me" or "Designed by me", and they have been a hot mess, too much color, to much stuff in general , not well laid out, and so many spelling mistakes that you have to wonder if the provider even has a high school education........and then there are the  beautiful well laid out and clean yet soft looking web site where you can look through it without going blind from all the flashing and garish colors.......do the messes turn you away from booking them or do you even care????  
 I find that i do care, if someone cant spell or at least know how to use spell check,  i am not sure if i can have an intelligent conversation with them, and if there is so much STUFF on the page that it takes me an hour to look at everything, it just turns me off and i tend to move on.....am i being too picky????

-- Modified on 5/10/2016 9:55:30 PM

But you are right. It is pretty funny of her to criticize spelling errors on websites while having numerous spelling and grammar errors in her post. :)

that defends that (he/she) is highly intelligent, and is an interesting person. Then I was going to respond "see? Even you know that a spelling error and bad grammar doesn't prove lack of intelligence."

Alas, I hate it when the other party doesn't get their lines right. LOL

Posted By: perfectstorm
But you are right. It is pretty funny of her to criticize spelling errors on websites while having numerous spelling and grammar errors in her post. :)

nope deff not a guy, and yes my spelling sucks, but i am not marketing myself either, i have seen sites where i cant even finish reading the about me page  because it is so poorly written......my main question is, does a garish web site turn you off or do you care.

LOL, you are very true, i am horrible at punctuating, i hated English, but i graduated, and with honors, but i am also NOT a provider trying to market myself to the masses, to me i prefer a very soft sexy clean site, but everyone is different, i just wanted to see what made others tic, i mean no disrespect to anyone, i was just curious as to what others look for .    

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Perhaps many women think, wow. The guy can't punctuate. I am not sure if I can have an intelligent conversation with him.  
 All sarcasm aside, what do you think of my website? Read my last blog. It's long as fuck! But the types of clients I attract from my crazy hodgepodge of colors, photos, and delivery are these.  
 1. They don't completely disregard someone or criticize them on a few flaws. In fact, they relate and admit to their own. (Your OP doesn't even admit that you too - have trouble with your not-so thought out delivery.)  
 2. They love exploring and digging for what makes me tick.  
 3. They enjoy conversation, want to find things to relate to, and book long dates on a regular basis.  
 It's all about what you're looking for. My guys are looking for a real, genuine person who doesn't put on a fake array of so much professionalism, that they lose the person. They want inspiration and they want real, real, real.  
 If they email me and ask my rates or other questions, I know they're not looking for a person like me. And that's ok. But I'm not going to see them, because I specifically have my website - with all of it's imperfections - set up to attract someone who likes someone who doesn't take themselves so seriously.  
 No hard feelings, just something I noticed.  
Posted By: vegasgirllover
Question to the ladies and Gentleman Hobbyist.........do you prefer a nice clean ,well thought out web page, that has everything in a nice order, or does it matter if they are all hodgepodge and scattered?  in researching ladies, i have come across many sites that say " made by me" or "Designed by me", and they have been a hot mess, too much color, to much stuff in general , not well laid out, and so many spelling mistakes that you have to wonder if the provider even has a high school education........and then there are the  beautiful well laid out and clean yet soft looking web site where you can look through it without going blind from all the flashing and garish colors.......do the messes turn you away from booking them or do you even care????    
  I find that i do care, if someone cant spell or at least know how to use spell check,  i am not sure if i can have an intelligent conversation with them, and if there is so much STUFF on the page that it takes me an hour to look at everything, it just turns me off and i tend to move on.....am i being too picky????

-- Modified on 5/10/2016 9:55:30 PM

An occasional misspelling or misuse of a homophone here or there are not a big deal to me.  

Using a lower-case "i" instead of a capital "I" is a definite turn-off for me.... am I being too picky????  LMFAO!


PS ~ I know I'm picky and I own it.  ;-)

...I don't care too much as to the sites astetic appeal. Things like bad grammar are not a big deal as I know that English is not the first language for some providers. And I would rather have a site with too much info than not enough.

I often find that provider sites don't load well on smartphones. Seems to happen a lot with Wix sites. The page is the wrong size, the links don't line up, or it simply won't load. I'm no expert on this and have no idea if it's a fixable problem,  but if other sites work across different devices, shouldn't they all?

Wix gives the option to see how the site will look on mobile and then tweak it to fit well. I guess some women don't know that or take the time to tweak their website for both formats. I always test my website out on my own smartphone before publishing updates.  

Posted By: emorf4077
I often find that provider sites don't load well on smartphones. Seems to happen a lot with Wix sites. The page is the wrong size, the links don't line up, or it simply won't load. I'm no expert on this and have no idea if it's a fixable problem,  but if other sites work across different devices, shouldn't they all?

Posted By: vegasgirllover
Question to the ladies and Gentleman Hobbyist.........do you prefer a nice clean ,well thought out web page, that has everything in a nice order, or does it matter if they are all hodgepodge and scattered?  in researching ladies, i have come across many sites that say " made by me" or "Designed by me", and they have been a hot mess, too much color, to much stuff in general , not well laid out, and so many spelling mistakes that you have to wonder if the provider even has a high school education........and then there are the  beautiful well laid out and clean yet soft looking web site where you can look through it without going blind from all the flashing and garish colors.......do the messes turn you away from booking them or do you even care????  
 I find that i do care, if someone cant spell or at least know how to use spell check,  i am not sure if i can have an intelligent conversation with them, and if there is so much STUFF on the page that it takes me an hour to look at everything, it just turns me off and i tend to move on.....am i being too picky????

I am often distracted when talking to a beautiful naked woman if her spoken English does not demonstrate proper punctuation.    Honestly, I have to leave, my ears can't take it.    The more troubling issue is that at least one major study has determined that poor grammar can be transmitted through kissing.

To be fair, it should also be said that providers have standards too.   During last week's meeting at my local support group for Johns, one of the members had to be talked off the ledge.  Encouraged by the progress he was making towards his English Clit degree at JDU, he decided that it was time to go past the ABCs when he was performing DATY on a lady.   Well, lo and behold, he misspelled a word, the lady got up, kicked him out and threw the envelope back in his face.  He was very bitter towards the provider but we successfully explained that he had committed a major transgression.

As for garish website colors, I also agree, it is an indication of things to come.   I hate it when the lady opens the door in some colorful teddy, yuck!  (BTW, that Teddy guy must have been awesome to have that named after him.)

Did you actually understand it? I may need to PM for an explanation LMAO

Posted By: vegasgirllover
LOL  awesome post!!!  

You are a most excellent writer. (Was that proper writing? LOL)

WTF is a teddy?

I think I may start working on spelling words on a man's gouch?  

What do you do though if you have to dot an i or cross a t?  

Really. I can actually hear you saying all of this - it's really weird. LOL. šŸ˜˜šŸ¤—šŸ’ƒšŸ»

Posted By: HarryWotton
I am often distracted when talking to a beautiful naked woman if her spoken English does not demonstrate proper punctuation.    Honestly, I have to leave, my ears can't take it.    The more troubling issue is that at least one major study has determined that poor grammar can be transmitted through kissing.  
 To be fair, it should also be said that providers have standards too.   During last week's meeting at my local support group for Johns, one of the members had to be talked off the ledge.  Encouraged by the progress he was making towards his English Clit degree at JDU, he decided that it was time to go past the ABCs when he was performing DATY on a lady.   Well, lo and behold, he misspelled a word, the lady got up, kicked him out and threw the envelope back in his face.  He was very bitter towards the provider but we successfully explained that he had committed a major transgression.  
 As for garish website colors, I also agree, it is an indication of things to come.   I hate it when the lady opens the door in some colorful teddy, yuck!  (BTW, that Teddy guy must have been awesome to have that named after him.)

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 11:46:20 PM

Especially if I can get my questions answered on TER, escort mall or P411

Are what is most important.

Blogs are nice if you want to get to know thought processes and a little personality, but ultimately not necessary.

The one thing that I hate though is pop up websites as soon as you try to navigate the site!  I understand you are trying to generate revenue however you can, but pop up sites advertising provider malls and verification services suck.  I get my info from TER and p411 and go to the sites for the last 2 pieces of the puzzle, photos and rates.

I hired someone to build my site. You can't go wrong with minimal-yet sexy.

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