TER General Board

reading this reminds me - I've got to get more and bigger boots! with all the BS here.
Bizzaro Superdude 2787 reads

First - women confide in other women - with details - they don't need an annonymous board to communicate with other like minded women....

Second - women don't really have to pay - whether they be escorts or civies - the general rule is that they are paid....   go against it and viola - instant end of the universe.

Third - what makes you think that women do not go after the milkman TV repairman - TRUE STORY - once when I was teaching in a veterinarian school - one of the vets who had been in practice prior to going back to get his PhD was just leaving after obtaining his said PhD.  I asked him, why he put himself through torture to go back to school to get the PhD.  I should also mention that he was very handsome, and incredibly wealthy (his family was RICH).  His comment, housewives pick the family vet either 4th or 5th in their "hunt for pecker."  Right after the family doctor, the minister (you are reading correctly as I know of one of these), the dentist (ok, so I go to a female dentist), the lawn guy (actully in my neighborhood - the guy not only banged her - but moved in....)! and in one instance - the bus driver - yup - I am still 30 yrs later trying to figure that one out...

so, need a board - to brag?  compare notes ?  don't think so - ever wonder how I know about these.... oh, and for the record - I think that podiatrists are about 9,898,487,872,124,243,701 on that list.  

Guys - cannot belive this thread.... argh....  (must draw map of universe for the strange earthlings....)  

-- Modified on 2/13/2006 5:36:03 PM

After a few threads on 'does your SO or wife know you hobby?' and these seemingly smug responses which allude to the fact that while we keep our SOs and wives in the dark, they are actually fooling around with other men, it dawned on me that there must be an alternative world to TER. Namely, us men here frequent escorts and if we are married, it is from this hobby that we obtain either diversity or intimacy or just ribald sex when we need it.  Now let us suppose that or SOs are really fooling around and we do not realize it. Who are they fooling around with? (and please don't tell me about the milkman, TV repairman, etc.)  Is there a sector of men out there that are wife hobbiests?  

-- Modified on 2/13/2006 2:09:36 PM

trustno202799 reads

Unlike us horn-dogs who can't seam to go a day without it (present poster included) I'd doubt that an equivalent to TER exists for women.

Now my wife moderates a pro-choice bulletin board and I tell you it is filled with man-haters. :(

Vagitarian3790 reads

Maybe the original poster hasn't observed that any place guys go to meet women, the guys always outnumber the women by a large margin- and by midnight, even the most generic woman is getting chatted-up by two guys.  

Of course, since many women go to bars and dance this little dance for the attention, rather than the prospect of sex, they can go home alone and feel satisfied.  Guys, on the other hand go home with a case of blue balls .

Yeah, the day women have to pay for sex is the day my bald head will sprout hair again.

ode2909 reads

If they hate men, how do they get pregnant so they  can exercise their choice?

The actual need to exercise their choice, maybe the source of their Hate. Hell has no scorn like a woman's yada, yada, yada....

trustno202293 reads

Well in my previous post I should clarify. I don't believe all of these woman on this particular pro-choice board are man haters but of those that are, they are extreme man haters.

Many of these women see the pro-life as a misogynist movement more than a religious one. I can see their point but many of these ladies are what one may characterize as "damaged". Either they had an unwanted pregnancy and faced no support from the father or they were abused by a man in the past.

Keep an eye on her boss. Nine times out of ten its work related. Just when you thought it couldn't happen to U, just like Emerald BAMMM! I think a lot of girls fool around with girls Also  don't you.

Just Thinking2102 reads

Women, more than men value intimacy and sharing of interest. As more women occupy positions of influence in corporations cheating will rise proportionally. The reason is that women will meet more men that share their interests and views on life, the one that are longing for that model man will end up in bed with him.

An acquaintance of mine who was a good looking and desirable young man at the time lost his wife to an older wimp of a man. The reason why he lost her is that the older man paid attention to her and shared her interests. The husband came home one night to find his wife shagging the old guy.

In all my years of hobbying I have seen that when women are aroused they get off quick. A woman can get off in less than five minutes whereas a man can take as long as thirty minutes. Women do not have to spend a large amount of time at cheating to satisfy their needs and as a consequence they are likely to escape suspicion until caught redhanded.

Bizzaro Superdude2788 reads

First - women confide in other women - with details - they don't need an annonymous board to communicate with other like minded women....

Second - women don't really have to pay - whether they be escorts or civies - the general rule is that they are paid....   go against it and viola - instant end of the universe.

Third - what makes you think that women do not go after the milkman TV repairman - TRUE STORY - once when I was teaching in a veterinarian school - one of the vets who had been in practice prior to going back to get his PhD was just leaving after obtaining his said PhD.  I asked him, why he put himself through torture to go back to school to get the PhD.  I should also mention that he was very handsome, and incredibly wealthy (his family was RICH).  His comment, housewives pick the family vet either 4th or 5th in their "hunt for pecker."  Right after the family doctor, the minister (you are reading correctly as I know of one of these), the dentist (ok, so I go to a female dentist), the lawn guy (actully in my neighborhood - the guy not only banged her - but moved in....)! and in one instance - the bus driver - yup - I am still 30 yrs later trying to figure that one out...

so, need a board - to brag?  compare notes ?  don't think so - ever wonder how I know about these.... oh, and for the record - I think that podiatrists are about 9,898,487,872,124,243,701 on that list.  

Guys - cannot belive this thread.... argh....  (must draw map of universe for the strange earthlings....)  

-- Modified on 2/13/2006 5:36:03 PM

Is there a sector of men out there that are wife hobbiests?  Not,whether there are wives who are hobbiests.   If women are fooling aroung, I assume it is with other men.  Are these men and hobbiests mutually exclusive?

Bizzaro Superdude2092 reads

And no, I did not go on a discussion board... granted this was years ago, but even so, I would not have done so - as the other persons... would not wish discovery...

...at least in training. I have 20 years of experience with the nuances of an unhappy wife, so I'm starting to think I know what to look for.

The only problem is: I'm not what unhappy wives are looking for.

cmoltinsanti4121 reads

A friend of mine worked as a personal trainer in an upscale gym.  He told me he had never gotten so much action in his life.  Most of the women are there for their insecurity.  A few compliments and you're getting your pencil sharpened behind the towels.  He said it usually starts as a bj and goes from there.  He also said a little DATY and they follow you like a puppy.  Seems there husbands won't go there.  

There are some web sites for lonely housewives.  Some are fronts for escorts, some are legit.

Excuse me, I've got to go to the gym.

...is the attention of the septuagenarian homos that always linger around my locker when I'm changing. I always give them my best "Dude, what's your f**king problem" look hoping they'll scurry away, but they never seem to take the hint. The damn locker room is 12 feet wide where my locker is and yet, somehow, these freaks can't seem to make it by my locker without brushing against me. [shudder!]

It's become somewhat better since I discovered Polo Blue cologne was a gay-repellant, but since the ladies don't seem to like it much either, I still haven't gotten any action.

Bizzaro Superdude3060 reads

no good lookin women and the average age must be about 125!  Sadly it is reasonably priced and very convenient.  so I continue to go there.  And for the record - they only stare when I shave my parts and clog the drain....

post late on this issue, but i used to sleep w/married women, all the time, easy pluckings and cheaper then going to a bar,  but then,  they were all kinda sad in their own way and it bothered me re the cheating.  now i don't cheat, i am single, and i love my imaginary times w/ the pros.   we have fun, they we all go home, it is th best

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