TER General Board

I have a friend who charges $600/ hourregular_smile
AllTheTimeBaby 438 reads


I have a friend who is very good looking Latina in her late twenties. She advertises with nice pictures that are really her, great body with her face blanked-out. She tells me it's not uncommon for her to get no calls at all when she lands in a city,

At the same time, I see women who are equally beautiful charging $700-$900. Are they getting this?

I don't understand why she does not receive any calls, but suspect the issue is price. I was with a completely hot Dominican a week ago, who charges $400. Her phone was beeping constantly with new inquiries during my entire time with her.

I am recommending my friend drop her price to $500, and see how much business she gets.

Any thoughts?

-- Modified on 9/26/2024 7:35:20 PM

I’m positive providers who are reasonable $400-$500 an hour are busy. Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ how much traffic she wants. I know myself personally prefer quality over quantity & as a single mom I don’t want to see lots of people. I prefer to be low volume. I did update my website & am offering lots of special incentives. I want to connect on a deeper level, than just for an hour.

AllTheTimeBaby1 reads

Thanks, Bia!,

Your responses are always on point.


That alone seems odd. And a "very good looking Latina in her late twenties" should be having no issue getting dates, pending many other factors. What is her screening requirements? Deposit required? Amount and methods? Is she verifiable with reviews? How many advertising sites is she on? Is she on twitter? Active there?
Recommending a price drop without all that info is impossible, but my spidey sense tells me the issue here isnt about her fee at all but who knows given the limited info you provided?

This "friend" wants marketing advice, but there are far too many omitted variables. Perhaps the "friend" should join TER and ask these questions on the Providers Only board.

That is a good idea except for the time it will take for her to get on the providers board she will either be out of the business or have it figured out .
Possibly post any questions on the newby board but guess  her rate and no reviews is a large part of it.
There is no question all other things being equal $5 will win vs $6
If you are that close to her have you reviewed her here.
The other thing is you have not given a location but in some areas this site isn’t real active.  
She can post on this site and add her add or website as long as is a repkyreply  
Can post a picture on the photo board - and also run an add for her area .

Your "friend" should really ask her own questions.

AllTheTimeBaby2 reads

In what forum, would you suggest?

I’m curious what city your “ friend” is in.
Does her ad note some “don’t”? Maybe there’s something in her ad that shows red flags.
Just something to think about

"second opinions" by posting a link to her website and I'm sure there are mongers here who would be willing to opine on whether she is a $600 girl, or a $700 or $900 girl, and whether your gal should drop her price to $500 as you suggest.   Without knowing who you are talking about, I don't know why you think you will get any corroboration on her price level, or was this just story hour for you?  

When you are asking for input about whether she is at the right price point for her looks, it's not considered an ad or shilling for you to post a link to her website unless you are recommending her at the same time.

AllTheTimeBaby1 reads

Tried and rejected for shilling.

If you are perplexed by a post, maybe Just don't answer?

Hope I didn't ruin your day!

Good looking Latina, late 20s, does she have reviews?  600 is a good price, if she has great reviews, if no reviews or lackluster reviews, then of course she's not going to get as many calls.  If all things are equal, I'm going with the Dominican that charges $400.  Leaves me room to cut my losses if the service isn't good and maybe get in another adventure within the month.  

I think its ego vs net income that drives high prices.  Some chicks "know their worth" which is some arbitrary number they feel good about.  It's not "how can I make the most money this month" which would probably lead to a different answer.

Rafl0 reads

I need pics before I can give my professional assessment…

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