TER General Board

Question about 'verified reviews'
MysteryAdmin 72 Reviews 920 reads

Today, I was looking at the website of some random companion I stumbled upon and her screening policy mentioned having a TER profile, and/or another site profile, with "verified reviews".   I know other sites offer some form of "review verification" but does TER offer/support anything like "review verification"?


John_Laroche21 reads

Provider vouches for your TER handle. Usually,  but not always, you've reviewed the provider.

Great post friend. To my knowledge not at all does TER require any verification of reviews. As a provider I am able to whitelist any member regardless if you decide to write me a review, or not.

RespectfulRobert23 reads

Verify what exactly? That the date took place? That the sex acts stated actually occurred? I'm confused by the term "verified reviews."

John_Laroche21 reads

There are sites where the provider can comment/thank the reviewer, thus verifying a meeting took place. These sites also allow the provider to remove unwelcome reviews. Again, verifying the reviewer plays the game.

I just got a flashback when I was a Hooters girl at 21 who got a ‘mystery shopper’. I actually passed the ‘test’, except I didn’t offer dessert because the ‘secret shopper’ was morbidly obese and maybe it slipped my mind and didn’t think he needed it.

I might be getting away from the point here, I really don’t understand your point of this. This isn’t Hooters. Lately, guys are so skeptical of reviews yet in my experience in this I never asked ANY of my guys for them. Are you all that thick that you can’t spot the difference between fake and real? One client of mine whose been in the ‘lifestyle’ this for 3 decades stopped using this site because of all the nonsense.  

Yesterday a 73 year old man calls me and says ‘So are you as good as your reviews? Can you handle a man as old as me?’ And all this other boomer question bs nonsense. I say, ‘Guess you’ll never know goodbye now’.

  I don’t need to over-prove myself, I am who I am, you choose to see me or not, unsure what to say to all of you guys who are really reading into simple things. But as one d-bag on here said ‘I’m not as hot as i think I am and 37 is SOOOOOO old’ lol.

Yes I’m back to hate on me, but goodbye again 💋 this secret shopper shit is ridiculously stupid to apply to this industry…

So at 37 you are old!
At thirty seven you are hot!!  IMHO.  
At thirty seven have the feeling you could give the dirtbag lessons in sensuality  and courtesy , while F——-ng his brains out .

The poor bastard talked his way out of getting a chance to have his brains fucked by her. What a loser.

37 is not old. Then again, maybe I only think that because it’s in my rear view by over half a decade. But i will say very few 37 year olds look as good as you. I don’t think it’s old and I see providers older.  

I had secret shoppers too, during my stint in the fast food industrial complex. That was back when I thought 37 was old. They allegedly got the food and stabbed a probe into it to check the temperature after we gave it to them. I hope no clients do that to you. That would be super weird and creepy.  
Always gotta go for the upsell!! I think I got dinged on that too back in the day. Because I never did it because I didn’t GAF. If somebody was too stupid to read the menu and figure out what they want to stuff in their face, then they could just get the hell out of my line. If you DID get visited by some sort of provider secret shopper, it’d be considered a BAD thing if you went for an upsell. Because they’d be representing the customer interests, not corporate interests. Because who the hell is corporate in this case? I wonder if those big legal brothels ever send in secret shoppers? Crazy to think that there are providers who were born about the time I got that job that are now getting to be “over the hill”; according to some people anyway.  

This guy who called you does sound like an idiot and that was annoying, I’m sure. Please don’t lump all the boomers together. Some of the people I care about are boomers and they’re not all that stupid. Or rude.  

For the record, I THINK Imp was making a joke about a made up job that would score him free poon. At least I took it as a joke but I don’t mean to speak for the guy.  
Nice to see you around here again.

I first proposed Secret Shopper Authentication on the boards many years ago, hoping that TER would sponsor my activities for the benefit of TER and its members. That hasn't happened yet. Until it does, it is worth an LOL or at least a chuckle.  
Hay! TER! Sponsor me as a Secret Shopper! I will develop and TER can then market TER "merch," the TER Profile Authentication Kit: (a) measuring tape to take accurate measurements (b) portable luggage scale to get accurate weight and BMI (c) complexion comparison chart to get accurate skin tone descriptor (d) hair color chart to get accurate hair color (e) surface roughness meter to measure "smoothness" of the finish (f) MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) questionnaires - 10 minute test to assess cognitive status of the hostess. ... and other necessary equipment. Everything will be OEMed with the TER logo.

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin
Re: Secret Shopper Authentication solves the problem
 For the record, I THINK Imp was making a joke about a made up job that would score him free poon. At least I took it as a joke but I don’t mean to speak for the guy.  

Barbie was Neil Young’s favorite.

I thought he liked them all?

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin
Re: Well, now we know which
Barbie was Neil Young’s favorite.
Oh! You meant this one?

I feel like I don’t… I don’t have tooooo…. explain every little thing to you.

We all have our standards of attractive and unattractive.  Generally it's considered good manners to not announce negative opinions of appearence, especially directly to that person.  
But there are also some psychological reasons to make negative comments even if the person making the comments doesn't actually believe them, themselves.  
The first reason is because it is a part of manipulation.  An attempt to enhance insecurity and therefore garner more cooperation.
Another reason might be a fetish.  Sadism is a desire to create pain in others.  
Yet another is revenge.  Which can have elements of manipulation and sadism.
Since there is almost never a "good" reason to comment negatively to a person about their natural attractivness, and almost always a motivation of manipulation, sadism, or revenge, one can pretty much discount the sincerity of the comment,

that the provider is the one that placed the ad and that the site has verified she is the same girl in the photos, but any verification does not go to confirm the reviewers are legit, and not shills.  I have not seen any sites that claim they have verified the contents of reviews.  Without knowing how they go about it, can you really trust a website who says that the review has been verified?  How deep is the verification?  Does the provider merely state, yes, she saw the guy, or do they go into details about the service and what took place when they "verify?"  

TER's system is more practical to work with.  The reviews from members are considered legit, but if the provider wants to dispute that she saw the guy, she can, and then the burden shifts to the reviewer to prove he actually saw the girl by way of an email chain setting up the appointment or some type of payment verification.  This is the only way a verification system for reviews can work, IMO.  

More legitimacy ,so the best way to actually verify someone here is to contact a provider or client, to ensure they have actually dated that person. And as Queen  Bia said ,whitellisting give legitimacy, just like P411 where  providers can give  clients  "okays".

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