TER General Board

The War on Whores: The European Conference 2005: Sex Work, Human Rights,
MsColdHeartedBitch 3381 reads

the whores manifesto

a friend of mine just returned from this conference, can you imagine marching down the streets of Brussels ? that would of been so cool.  this is part of his report, the manifest itself is too long to post, but very great reading.

To view pictures: http://www.espacep.be/


Instantly it was a mob scene, as onlookers gawked and gaped, glued to the
spectacle of the whistle-blowing whores dancing and chanting:  ³VOUS COUCHEZ
AVEC NOUS, VOUS VOTEZ CONTRA NOUS!!!²  You sleep with us, you vote against
Journalists hungrily buzzed about with notepads, microphones, movie and
still camera, hunting for the nectar of the right angle to make the news.
Suddenly there were sirens, and the police showed up.  My first impulse as
an American was that they were going to arrest us. Great! I thought, this is
the best thing that could possibly happen.  I saw us on the front pages of
the London, New York, Los Angeles Times, on the BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera:


Alas, sadly, they were only there to keep the peace.  After about 45
minutes, we took off through the streets of Brussels, a police car clearing
the road for us.  It was a joyous celebration, and a challenge to the
public: we¹re here, we¹re not who you think we are, and we¹re not going
away. Globally and locally.  As we moved through the streets of Brussels
singing and chanting with our red umbrellas and our banners, we were cheered
and waved at by walkers, drivers and passersby. I also heard that a couple
of Belgians saw us and said, ³They should all be killed.² They should all be
killed.  They should all be killed. We passed a group of boys, 8-10 year
olds, on bicycles.  They started cheering and shouting sweetly with boyish
enthusiasm, staying with us for quite a while, having a fine old time.  I
smiled as I thought that maybe when they grow up they¹ll have an image of
sex workers as fun, smart and political, instead of uneducated, drug
addicted wretches of society.
On the march, one of the member of our contingency was passing out cards for
our organization.  She gave one to an onlooker, who looked at the card, then
looked at us, and asked what the card said.  Our member translated: ³These
are sex workers.² Onlooker looked at the card, looked at us, and asked,
³What¹s a sex worker?²  Our member explained, ³People who work in the sex
business, like prostitutes and strippers.² Onlooker¹s eyes went wide: ³Ï am
a stripper and a prostitute. And and transsexual.  May I join you?² Our
member said we would love to have her.  She introduced Onlooker to one of
our own transsexual sex workers, and they walked arm-in-arm through the
streets, telling each other their life stories.
Yes, of course, there is much to do, the situation is dire, but I for one,
left excited, encouraged and inspired.  From the streets of Brussels to the
European Parliament, our voices are being heard.

1.     European Parliament member signs official sex worker demand document
2.     Whore Manifesto created and ratified
3.     Margo St. James and Gail Pheterson stroll us down hooker activist
Memory Lane
4.     10 sex workers read our needs in European Parliament
5.     Hearing whore stories from around the world
6.     Demonstrating on the steps of the Stock Exchange then dancing in the
7.     Meeting sex workers from Greece, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Finland,
Russia, Scotland, England, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium,
Germany, and God knows where else
8.     UK strippers
9.     Sharing a room with tantric massage expert
10. Getting my ass squeezed by a lesbian, a gay man, a straight man, a
straight woman, and a transsexual all in one day

As an added bonus, I have included a list of things I think every activist
should know.  Enjoy!

1. If thou marcheth in the streets, weareth comfortable shoes
2. Talketh not for more than three minutes if thou hast nothing to say
3. Putteth the needs of the group before thine own
4. Forgeth not thine business cards
5. Getteth contact information from everyone thou meeteth
6. Eateth apples instead of candy
7. If thou hast a roommate, tryeth not to snoreth
8. Listeneth more than thou talketh
9. Findeth solutions instead of bitchething about how bad everything is
10. Smelleth good


We come from many different countries and many different backgrounds, but we
have discovered that we face many of same problems in our work and in our

Within this document we explore the current inequalities and injustices
within our lives and the sex industry; question their origin; confront and
challenge them and put forward our vision of changes that are needed to
create a more equitable society in which sex workers, their rights and
labour are acknowledged and valued.

This manifesto was elaborated and endorsed by 120 sex workers from 26
countries at the European Conference on Sex Work, Human Rights, Labour and
Migration 15 - 17 October 2005, Brussels, Belgium.

  P.O. Box 51319, 1007 EH Amsterdam, the Netherlands Tel / fax: +31 20
6931300 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.sexworkeurope.org

Expect a backlash from fundamentalist groups, both Christian and Moslem if sex workers make any headway whatsoever.  Expect also that it's going to be both irrational and brutal.  

Already you're seeing Bible tracts lying about paganism and Wicca.  They've noticed that it's not a joke and may be significant.  Only a small minority of people opposing prostitution believe it should be eradicated, but almost the entire opposition agrees that sex workers' social status should be low.  

It's good news, but things are not going to be changed with conferences and marches alone.

jack-in-the-crack2604 reads

that activism may be better behind the scenes, ie., providers willing to lean on those who sleep with and vote against.

I wouldn't count on it working for many clients of many providers, nor their being able to collectively sway them in the same direction.  They may try this if they target it more to bachelor clients than with married ones.  

I would suggest this:

1) Have marches ostensibly only for educational purposes;

2) Stay organized as a community internationally;

3) Seek to make strategic alliances with other groups.  I'd say feminists, Aids activists, gay and lesbian rights activists.  Aim also for corporations, who share a commercial interest; condom manufacturers come to mind;

4) Gain popularity through charitable work;

5) Work with other groups to weaken the hold of fundamentalists, mostly by information.  This won't convert them, it will however, give them enough doubt in confidence and isolate them;

6) Work for victories in decriminalization in single strategic cities, then states;

7) At that point, become only active, and have marches.  

of this momentious event.
Do not give in to the defeatest philosphy of laying low.  The only way that sex workers will ever get the respect and rights that are due them is to show the world that you exist and that you are proud to bear the title of sex worker.
For every liberation group there are set backs and of course there is always backlash from the reactionaries.  Don't let it faze you.  March onward.

MsColdHeartedBitch3212 reads

exactly. we are chained by imprinted guilt and shame used as a method of control.

Sex workers of the world, unite!

You have nothing to lose but your daisy chains!?

If Marx and Engels were alive they would spin in their grave.

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