TER General Board

Re: SO glad I have a "dumb" phone
OnTheStreetWhereYouLive 1298 reads
1 / 25

Well, even though most here are gaga over the idea that something invisible can not really hurt anyone, (ahem), (developments awaited on that front....), we look in other directions...

Perhaps the information shared below, via the link, will provoke more consideration of potential communications/data risks.  (communications, not communicable) Seems that a lot of the higher end types have those very impressive Apple iPhones.  They sure work fast, no?  And they are cool, too!  Many have also said, with strong assurance, that their phones were "safe" to use, because Apple made them un-hack-able.  Guess what? Do Tell!!!

No they ain't.  Yeah, we all know that no body cares about this stuff....But they are now tainted!

Of course the screams will emerge from the depths:  "No body has ever been pinched!  IRS does not care about this data, stored on the iPhones of the elite providers!"  Nope. Get Lost, "Street."

"Just Stay Lucky," is the direct wish of "The Street" to one and to all!!!!

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 524 reads
2 / 25

See? I simply don't care, so I will lure a scammer/ blackmailer to the point where I have enough info to out them at the cost of outing myself. It's really easy BTW

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 537 reads
3 / 25

ead the article ... they have to "jailbreak" the iPhone to hack it. I doubt users wouldn't notice their phone was jailbroken. Can it be hacked? Yes. Is it easy ... NO.

Posted By: OnTheStreetWhereYouLive
Well, even though most here are gaga over the idea that something invisible can not really hurt anyone, (ahem), (developments awaited on that front....), we look in other directions...  
 Perhaps the information shared below, via the link, will provoke more consideration of potential communications/data risks.  (communications, not communicable) Seems that a lot of the higher end types have those very impressive Apple iPhones.  They sure work fast, no?  And they are cool, too!  Many have also said, with strong assurance, that their phones were "safe" to use, because Apple made them un-hack-able.  Guess what? Do Tell!!!  
 No they ain't.  Yeah, we all know that no body cares about this stuff....But they are now tainted!  
 Of course the screams will emerge from the depths:  "No body has ever been pinched!  IRS does not care about this data, stored on the iPhones of the elite providers!"  Nope. Get Lost, "Street."  
 "Just Stay Lucky," is the direct wish of "The Street" to one and to all!!!!

OnTheStreetWhereYouLive 482 reads
4 / 25

Let all the denials ring like XMas bellz....how many paydays until xmaz???   (sark).  
The hack jailbreaks the iPhone remotely!  (of couse...you get this...):

This is not the level of some script kiddy brute force sneak attack or an "implant" that you stuck on somebody's iPhone when they lent it to you while they were counting the Franklinz in the bathroom whilst you were getting yourself revved up for fun to begin....rather....

This is remote, and will be sold, by the winners of the development contest, to a HIGH BIDDER, but these guyz are "legit" so they only sell to the Alphabet soups etc.   Don't worry, denial is just a state of mind, after all.  Anyway, forewarned is going to protect you skin, to mix concepts, if you are e. euro, by birth, or whatever wherever, and we cut to the following:  To wit:

"Here’s the kicker: the exploit is remote, so it can be launched on your phone without you even knowing about it. Simply visiting a web site or receiving a certain kind of text message could initiate the jailbreak process on your phone and then install unwanted (and hidden) monitoring apps.

According to Motherboard, the unhackable has been hacked… again:

Bekrar explained that the winning team found a “number of vulnerabilities” in Chrome and iOS to bypass “almost all mitigations” and achieve “a remote and full browser-based (untethered) jailbreak.”
If true, this is a considerable feat. No one had found a way (at least that’s publicly known) to jailbreak an iPhone remotely for more than a year, since iOS 7."

Just telling about this, deny, dis-believe, worship at the Apple orifice, whatever, you now can research this on your own! Posted due to the great number of Phone discussions that have appeared on these various Boards.  

"Just Stay Lucky," is the direct wish of "The Street" to one and to all!!!

OnTheStreetWhereYouLive 388 reads
5 / 25

Dear JuliasLittleSecret:  you are smart!!!....The Real Issue is the data that might be stored by a High Level VIP Provider on her phone.....

Question: how many providers have tons of stuff about the Johns stored on their iPhone or android or other smart device????  Is it encrypted???? do they have hard copy back up??? Is it on the cloud?? Is the hard copy kept remotely away from where they live or work???

If they are running a "big revenue show," are they themselves really data savvy, and backed up in a way from which they can rapidly recover if LE grabs their Device, or worse, a Bad John steals it for blackmail of their Johns or the Provider herself???  Or to sell to LE to beat another pending rap??  Yeah, everybody is nice and verified, no????  Lots of good references, too.  cool.

Easiest thing is to grab the data remotely....Then.....????????????

"The Street"

impposter 49 Reviews 339 reads
6 / 25

Does it depend on the make and model of the hardware

hotplants 449 reads
7 / 25

Devices have been hacked since devices were invented.  

Oh! the indignation when the internets figured out it was possible for a Blackberry to be remotely configured to allow someone to listen-in on voice convos. The hacking you passively allow every time you download a new app or SW update or game or….what-ever.. is privacy invasive.  

We all manage to go on (quite willingly) using our insecure devices, all day all night, without dire consequences. Not ideal. But, if we really cared THAT much about privacy, given all of the freely available info  that clearly spells out how insecure our mobile devices are, we would never use any of these devices in the first place.  

Either put down the cell phone or.......and if you think iPhones have been, somehow, mysteriously immune all this time?  

Posted By: OnTheStreetWhereYouLive
Well, even though most here are gaga over the idea that something invisible can not really hurt anyone, (ahem), (developments awaited on that front....), we look in other directions...  
 Perhaps the information shared below, via the link, will provoke more consideration of potential communications/data risks.  (communications, not communicable) Seems that a lot of the higher end types have those very impressive Apple iPhones.  They sure work fast, no?  And they are cool, too!  Many have also said, with strong assurance, that their phones were "safe" to use, because Apple made them un-hack-able.  Guess what? Do Tell!!!  
 No they ain't.  Yeah, we all know that no body cares about this stuff....But they are now tainted!  
 Of course the screams will emerge from the depths:  "No body has ever been pinched!  IRS does not care about this data, stored on the iPhones of the elite providers!"  Nope. Get Lost, "Street."  
 "Just Stay Lucky," is the direct wish of "The Street" to one and to all!!!!

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 316 reads
8 / 25

Hard copy back up? For a phone? Are you retarded or just stupid? Maybe you should do some research before you make a fool of yourself. It's clear you don't know what you are talking about.  

Posted By: OnTheStreetWhereYouLive
Dear JuliasLittleSecret:  you are smart!!!....The Real Issue is the data that might be stored by a High Level VIP Provider on her phone.....  
 Question: how many providers have tons of stuff about the Johns stored on their iPhone or android or other smart device????  Is it encrypted???? do they have hard copy back up??? Is it on the cloud?? Is the hard copy kept remotely away from where they live or work???  
 If they are running a "big revenue show," are they themselves really data savvy, and backed up in a way from which they can rapidly recover if LE grabs their Device, or worse, a Bad John steals it for blackmail of their Johns or the Provider herself???  Or to sell to LE to beat another pending rap??  Yeah, everybody is nice and verified, no????  Lots of good references, too.  cool.  
 Easiest thing is to grab the data remotely....Then.....????????????  
 "The Street"

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 319 reads
9 / 25

As I thought, you are full on retard.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 318 reads
10 / 25

But the "street" has spoken. Too bad it's a one way street full of short busses.

GaGambler 340 reads
11 / 25

Remember "The forest awaits" or "Your thoughts, if any"

The only thing we know about this latest douchebag is that he appears to be quite full of himself, but his posts are more suited for Sesame Street than either Wall St or Main St.

OnTheStreetWhereYouLive 347 reads
12 / 25

Oh little bus, my little bus...
You pick me every day.
But dropped at school, I feel a fool
Where it's hard for me to say
The short mean words
Which won't come out
For I stumble when I runabout
All pithy thoughts inside me trapped
For only slowly they un-wrap!

Be careful when crossing "The Street" ;-

anotherdamnalias 318 reads
13 / 25

You forgot "He believes everything he reads on the fucking internet".

If it took the best hackers in the world that long to hack a phone, I'm positive that the blonde flake provider that had her paws on my phone is not a real threat. (no offense to blondes or flakes)

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 286 reads
14 / 25

"Pithy" no one has used that word in 100 years. Well done! Moran!

Posted By: OnTheStreetWhereYouLive
Oh little bus, my little bus...  
 You pick me every day.  
 But dropped at school, I feel a fool  
 Where it's hard for me to say  
 The short mean words  
 Which won't come out  
 For I stumble when I runabout  
 All pithy thoughts inside me trapped  
 For only slowly they un-wrap!  
 Be careful when crossing "The Street" ;-)  

OnTheStreetWhereYouLive 293 reads
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GaGambler 338 reads
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Now that it's become all about insulting the idiot OP that put up this nonsense that is.

Why don't you try what Roxy did the other day and simply put up a post "Thread Closed" yeah, that's the ticket

Your thoughts, if any?

OnTheStreetWhereYouLive 347 reads
17 / 25

Dear  Mr. GG Gambler:  ok...da truth...this thread has failed to elicit any meaningful comments about the hacking and jailbreaking of the latest iPhone.  AAPL presents itself as being more advanced than they really are.  I started the thread to see if any posters had something to add about the implications of the reported hack.  So far, little has emerged.  Seems to have attracted some wise guy comments, however.  Fine by me. It seems no providers care too much about the DATA security or importance of their smart phones, especially if traveling.  

All that has emerged, so far, (by inference), is that smart phones are a non-issue. Not much else to say; press on to other matters!

One question, however, for you, as a gambler; namely, would you short Apple (AAPL) here??  

Best regards, "The Street

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 379 reads
18 / 25

This would be a fun one to run all the way to the right of the page.  
I'll check in it in a few hours. :) But that would mean I have to hold on to my iphone. I was about to throw it in a dumpster after readingthe OP! I think I hear the black helicopters. Frantically searching for tin foil now!

The forest waits.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 299 reads
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GaGambler 325 reads
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No, I would not short AAPL at this point in time. Not at 122. If it gets up to 130 and starts running into price resistance I might consider shorting it, Yes it has had a very nice 20% bounce off the bottom of only a couple of months ago, and if I were long I'd be watching it like a hawk to take some profits, but I would neither put new money into, nor would I short the stock at it's current level.

and one final word of advice, dump the stupid tag line and you'll get a lot more serious responses to your posts. People who use stupid, self aggrandizing tag lines usually get more abuse than serious responses around here.

OnTheStreetWhereYouLive 347 reads
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Dear GG Gambler.  Thanks for your fast (AAPL) answer/analysis, which "The Street" grades as an "A " answer.  To wait for the horizontal at 130 level is a conservative and correct strategy....The gambler answer is to note resistance here at 123-125 level...

"The Street" wants to short it now, but  AAPL has so much cash on its balance sheet as to make the idea dumb!

BTY, "OnTheStreetWhereYouLive" was selected to get the words "The Street" on to the boards.  Graduated from a school were one of the candidates went...hooha & who cares?? no one.

However, and vastly more important, to me, is the IDEA that Freddy Eynsford-Hill was the great believer in MYTH!!!!!!  Nothing, repeat, nothing can ever defeat Myth.  Only "on the street where I live" could be self-aggrandizing, to me.  

Note well how Freddy was the happiest when he was waiting for her on the Street.  Some things can never be bought....."Free Acceptance" with no Strings..... my greatest hope.  Mythbusters be damned!  (But not you, sounds like you are a smart trader...but they don't ring a bell at the top....)

please click on the youtube link for the best version of "OnTheStreetWhereYouLive"

Regards to you, GG Gambler!  "The Street"  (who hopes that you still have "your greatest hope" alive within your own heart....)

GaGambler 315 reads
22 / 25

If I am going to short a stock, I am a lot more likely to short a stock with a chance of shorting into oblivion like Valeant VRX.  

AAPL is never going to zero, but VRX might. Not to mention the fact that you just never know when a company like Apple is going to break out, and "if" it can get past the 131-132 range AAPL could easily be a breakout candidate.

BTW I am not short VRX, and I think it may be a bit late to join the party, but I definitely would have a hard time sleeping at night knowing I had an open short position on a stock like AAPL

anotherdamnalias 256 reads
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Referring to ones self in third person when they are using an alias is pretty damn self aggrandizing. If someone wanted the "The Street" on the boards I think that alias would have been more readily available, however given that I know that you don't know how stupid you really sound, I can neither condone or degrade your innate ability to irritate the masses with your self prescribed rhetoric. Jeez I really had to proof read that bullshit.

GaGambler 264 reads
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Of course for all we know, he could be Asscalade.

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