TER General Board

Re: Reminds me that Roxanne Barr used to say she spent her honeymoon night in the
36363jensen 4 Reviews 39 reads

Not that Roxanne said anything like this but the same day this post showed up I had just happened across a reference to an academic article about dick size and intelligence. They found a statically significant negative correlation.

Of course my first thought was along the lines of "Are you kidding. With all the questions one might think we need answers to that was what you thought added value to scientific/social knowledge? Too much time on your hands?" Followed by, "Should someone verify that the data used was not cherry picked because someone has an agenda?"

Do you share your dick size with the provider before the session? If you’re well endowed, or have a baby dick, do you think its relevant to let the provider know before to accommodate? I am curious the communities thoughts on this subject. I understand it’s difficult to discuss, but after screening & booking is completed.,Sometimes I book 1 month in advance that more, than enough time to share your anatomy. I prefer to be prepared.  

The activities can be cut to a minimum if your equipment needs more flexibility. Restrictions may apply. Idk lmk what you think. I was thinking of this when I saw the photo posted on another thread of all the sizes of sausages. lol Smile for me my TER friends!

wrps0731 reads

One time a provider asked for a picture I said no. She had the appointment anyway.  Another asked for it and kept on complaining that I was not positing the camera low enough lol.  

On some of the adult personals sites providers ask for them all the time. Standard mo.

Dmbs149 reads

Do you need to know if I need duct tape and a splint?

"seriousness" required when replying to a dick-size post?  If you have to be a board nazi, then don't start threads that are likely to invoke humor in some people.  You and the simps need to chill a little and have some fun.  If a customer tells you he wants to "love you deeply", do you get concerned that he's got a fire hose in his pants?  Lol

Dmbs144 reads

I wish I was not somewhat serious in my sarcastic response . Have “Dick “issues and for years have needed to have drugs and a use of an FC for my sessions. What I can say is that most every provider went above and beyond to make my session or sessions memorial. They would smile for ( amongst other things) me and make me smile.

Then definitely.  I like whom I'm with to love it.  So preparing in advance...

Absolutely it’s a professional courtesy. I need to prepare for Greek in advance. I must say that’s very respectful & kind of you to warn providers. Caring.

and dick size won't matter is your lawyer.  

Ihaveabig158 reads

Why should I share ? I like the look on their  faces when they take off my undies and say oh Wow ! For what we are paying for services these days if they can't take a dick simply look elsewhere for work

in all the times I've met new escorts, no one has every asked, and I don't think that has ever been a problem for either of us.

I think this should only matter if you have a king cobra. As a man who is average, it’s not relevant. If a provider needs to know my size, she’s in the wrong business. But sure, if he’s whipping out a foot long, I get that advance discussions make sense for both.

I have met anaconda & it there was no way I could ever that’s for a size Queen. I am not interested in entertaining Anaconda dick, so please PSA go elsewhere. Please & thank you thank you. Being well endowed is one thing, but if your manhood is wider, than a coke bottle & longer than any child I birthed it’s a hard pass. I had to c-sections because I don’t need anything harming my vagina.

Almost always, except twice, when guys say they are really big, you don't meet them. It's the guys who just want to jack off. One reason I don't offer anal (and I like it irl) is that you have to really trust someone. And while my pussy would be able to handle big(tho I probably wouldn't be digging it) there is no way my little butt could. So I don't offer it. Plus I got to be having some good chemistry for me to want it.  

All that said I don't care what you look like or what you are packing as long as you are clean and respectful (funny is great too) we will have a good time. Any professional can usually work w what you got. Sometimes you just have to think outside the box (ha ha no pun intended).

You may not have intended the pun but it was a good one.  

Her: are you in?
Me: I’m finished. And I’m hungry.

I seem to recall when she and Tom Arnold split up she said something about him being a needle-dick bug fucker. Maybe it was the joke you just brought up I’m not sure. Anyways Tommy then said something about even a 747 looks small in the Grand Canyon.  

I think he said that on one of the late night shows. I should look up the video but I’m feeling lazy.

Not that Roxanne said anything like this but the same day this post showed up I had just happened across a reference to an academic article about dick size and intelligence. They found a statically significant negative correlation.

Of course my first thought was along the lines of "Are you kidding. With all the questions one might think we need answers to that was what you thought added value to scientific/social knowledge? Too much time on your hands?" Followed by, "Should someone verify that the data used was not cherry picked because someone has an agenda?"

LoL definitely not the most important topic one could study, I agree. Not the most bizarre I’ve seen either.  

You’re asking good questions of that study.  

A guy in Egypt ran a study with rats wearing underpants. Rats in polyester drawers don’t get laid.

LOL, But, on the other hand, sounds like they've solved the rat problem in Cairo and at all major ports I think.

Good point, that is an accomplishment. That’s why some guys started a clothing company to honor the researcher. I love the quote  

“We definitely were not laughing with this guy, we were laughing at him,”

And then she asked: "Who do you think you're gonna satisfy with that?"
I replied: "Me"

Good question. Reminds me of the thoughts I have when I treat myself to the delicacy of a lingua (cows tongue) sandwich every so often.

Who's tasting who?

Businesses are allowed to refuse service and so should a provider. Better to get it out of the way before they both waste each other’s time. If you know your dick is humongous, I would think you would prefer to know in advance if she can handle you. It reminds me of a couple
of virgins I bedded in my teenage years. They were so tight and couldn’t relax themselves. In the end, we didn’t bang and just did other things. This wasn’t a pay for service, so I lived with it. If I was paying though, I would not want to find out when I was trying to get it in that she can’t take it.

I am on the large end of normal and have never had a problem, even with Greek.

But with 200 lbs pushing it, it has to do some damage 😂

Poor opsec for both of you to discuss body parts prior to meeting. Keep an aire of plausible deniability for as long as possible, and you'll never have anything to worry about.  

That and, for me, there's no reason for anyone to get introduced to lil'sauce until it's time for a proper introduction.

As stated in previous posts, I must use a penis pump to get erect.  

Whenever I use a new cock ring, the constriction of the ring holds every ounce in the shaft.  Cock head becomes engorged and hard as a dildo.  

Point being is I have, on occasion, have had providers who will not allow penetration.  I have an ATF who, to the best of my knowledge, never had kids and is in her early 30's.  She is tight and boy does she struggle sometimes.  I got to hand it to her, 9 out of 10 times I can slide inside.  Once in it is no big deal.

Subject usually comes up after my cock is pumped up.  No puns inteneded.  

Otherwise, I never bring the subject up.

When ALL other providers don't want ANYTHING incriminating ever discussed, even AFTER screening, here you are asking if clients share their dick sizes before the appointment. SMH.

This is probably one of the fastest ways to get blacklisted.  

You're trying way too hard to be relevant.

I am not sure why you’re taking this so personally. You realize this is an open forum on an adult community…

There are no dumb questions. I don’t need to be relevant darling. I was simply asking a serious question because for us providers it’s a surprise every time we meet a new person. I have had clients who join my OF & send me dick pics for ratings. Many will contact me before our date to share their anatomy after sending a tribute. Not everyone is one size fits all honey.

-- Modified on 2/27/2024 6:19:18 AM

Does it cut both ways?  Are you okay with a screened customer asking you how deep and how loose your pussy is?  This is a legitimate question for a 40's provider who has had children.  

-- Modified on 2/27/2024 1:09:59 PM

Then you might want to at least read his reviews (if available) to get a clue ,or at least ask  him what you will be working with,because if you have other appointments scheduled you don't that put you in a peculiar position that screw up your money (so to speak) by having to cancel  dates because of a swollen kitty and a damaged passage to Greece.

assuming an oversized ass means she has a loose butt-hole.  There are very few providers who can take ANY size sausage without reaching a point that brings tears to their eyes.  Is it happiness or pain?  It could be either.  Lol  

Are  you saying she should deal with surprises as they come. Isn't  preparation and thinking ahead the way to go.

what I said.  Read it again.  Anal is ALWAYS YMMV.  It doesn't matter who the provider is.  Once they see how much sausage you are packing, they ALL reserve the right to say, "Where do you think you are going to stick THAT!!!"

Size doesn't matter unless it's Greek which is ymmv for me anyways since I'm not super experienced with it. And I prefer to be suprised ;)

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