TER General Board

Re: Question for the Gentlemen.....
balathazar 1 Reviews 412 reads

It was nice that she decided to white list me. I didn't ask, but she told me she did it. I haven't used as a way of verifying myself for another provider because I have yet to see another provider.

If I were to seek another provider, then I would probably use it, and the reference from my ATF as verifying information.


Do you use the Whitelist? If so, do you ask a lady to place you on the list or does she do it on her own?

Thanks for your responses,


-- Modified on 2/20/2008 2:26:06 PM

I only have 2 whitelist referrals, and both ladies asked me. I just never think to ask. By the end of the evening I'm usually both physically exhausted and morally bankrupt. I usually rely on my Date-Check and P411 memberships for references.

I haven't asked, so I was honored when I was Whitelisted.  I have included it in my screening info, but I don't know if it was used to get me in the door.  I don't usually ask what the deciding factor was, I am usually just happy to have passed the test. :-)

Last time I looked, there were 4 of them for me.  I didn't request any of them, but each gave me a little smile.

I usually mention 2 of them when asked for provider references, but don't specify that they have white listed me.

I am uncomfortable with any mention of this website outside of my bedroom.

I never acknowledge this site except for Erotic Fiction.

I am somewhat comfortable with Date-Check but I will look more into p411 to see if I am comfortable with the whole referral/ reference scene.

Date check members have been VERY indiscreet and subsequently put on SL (shit list). I don't know if these members are stupid, disrespectful and indiscreet jerks ,or LE.

Did these guys have provider references on the site, or were they just verified by "staff"? I think that may make a difference.

the ladies that have placed me there are quite nice to do so.... but they are also very special to me... and I think it is their way of telling a client that in their book, they enjoyed the encounter - as much as I.

I do not use it when I see someone for the first time, mainly because here lately I have been seeing those under the radar ladies... or it has not come up.... kinda strange... but when I discovered that I had been White Knighted... well, It really felt like the complement that I think the ladies intended.  It is nice to know that kindness and gentleman behaviour is recognized.

I have 4 total and I asked for 2 and 2 other ladies did it on their own without mentioning it to me.

I as helped w/ the verification process in my case because a few of my references are from out of town providers.

Thanks you ladies..


I never have asked for it, and wouldn't use it anyway. I just use a reference from the last person I've seen each next time. Not looking for a permanent record, or outing myself through this handle.

It was nice that she decided to white list me. I didn't ask, but she told me she did it. I haven't used as a way of verifying myself for another provider because I have yet to see another provider.

If I were to seek another provider, then I would probably use it, and the reference from my ATF as verifying information.


wishingmadeitbigger941 reads

Almost everyone I've seen has whitelisted me without being asked, resulting in a pretty long white list.  It looks like if they notice your are whitelisted a lot, they just go ahead and add to it without being asked.

For the most part, If I am seeing a new lady in my area who is active on the local board, I rarely have to supply references.  I mention that they are welcome to contact anyone who has white listed me- but after the visit have found that they did not check anyone.  

Long history of participation on the local board along with whitelisting seems to generate trust without as much screening.

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