TER General Board

Re: Provider gave me oral herpes on purpose.
needacure 357 reads

I should apologize. I can't hate on the whole hobby nor a particular provider.  When I contracted it from her I was negligent about being careful. You guys are right. I was hesitent at first because it smelled fishy. I should have refused and not worry about  her feelings and just saw a different provider. Well perhaps I had hsv-1 before. Like scoed mentions there are different strains. I didn't have sex until after thirty , nor even kissed someone on the lips. But I had skin hives usually on my chest and belly sensitive to itchy materials and grass. I had chicken pox. So what I caught from her was probably another strain of hsv-1 that my immune system couldn't handle like the others. I've never done anal, and don't do any lfk anymore. Screws up my civvie dating life which is nonexistent anyways. All I can say is that the lady does/did doubles with many other profile ladies in my area and probably seen over 10,000 clients. (usually 100 reviews means provider seen 10x that much). I guess pretty much means entering this hobby pretty much guaranteed to get some form of hsv-1. So the solution for infected people like me is not hobby and abstain until kingdom come? Still gonna have the "mark" on my forehead come judgement day.. well under my tongue at least.

needacure2991 reads

I had seen the provider as one of my first when I first started the hobby about five years ago. Before that I had never done DATY and I never had any std. I think she was pissed at me because I had very little sexual experience when I first saw her and then hadn't seen her in over a year. She has lots of reviews and is very available almost 24/7 since she sees clients like a revolving door. And yet she's very popular with the clients. So when I saw her that time she pressured me to do daty on her. She smelled fishy but I did so anyway. When I got home the day after I had sores on my tongue. It went away after a while. Then the next week it came back. I finally got tested at an independent clinic and they said I had contracted hsv-1 oral only . The sores come and go almost every other week. I refuse to tell my doctor about it. I don't do DATY anymore and I avoid lfk and dfk completely. No other part of my body is infected.The sores are usually under my tongue and no where else, so at least it's not visible. But it continues to pop up again every other week and cause days of pain. Needless to say it's screwed up a lot of my life. I do intellectual required work and it screws up my focus and concentration at work with the pain and got me into trouble. The underside of my tongue is ravaged with scars. It's painful and I hate it and I hate the provider who gave it to me on purpose. And she still has new reviews at least every month of sicko clients and reviewers who boast how well they DATY her.

salonpas747 reads

......so you only have yourself to blame. Your story has so many holes in it that I'm going to say it's completely bogus.  

Just curious:
1.You state that you were pressured. Were you asked at gunpoint to perform DATY on her?

2.Is the incubation period to show symptoms of oral herpes less than 24 hrs? It's more like 2-4 days

3. Do oral herpes sores show up and disappear weekly????

4. You state she gave you oral herpes on purpose.
I think NOT, one of her legion of DATY fans probably gave it to her.

Fact is you can't ever know when you got herpes babe. Up until a month ago when I boasted about being clean of all diseases, I was told that there is NO test for herpes. By that I mean if you get a blood test it will only show you have an antibody in your blood but cannot detect which strain. You can only test the lesions, so you could be a bigger germ farm than that monkey in "Outbreak" and never know it until you have a flare up. There is no way to pin point the time you got it or from who unless you were only wth one person in 10 years...even then, you may never have an outbreak.

Fishy smell is bacteria, not related to hsv-1 or 2.  Guys, particularly heavy guys who don't wash throughly, can get fishy smelling skin bacteria too.  While distasteful, the bacteria is not related to STDs.  You have concluded you got it from one particular provider but you really don't have proof.

You need to go to a doctor or clinic.  Someplace familiar with STDs.  They will not be judgemental. My wife of 20 years gets cold sores (oral herpes) occasionally...  and I still do not.   Valtrex (prescription) will suppress outbreaks when they occur.  She can feel them coming on before any visible sign.  Unless you are immune supressed, these serial outbreaks you are getting are unusual.  (I know all this because my wife is a Hospital Lab Technition...  does the testing.)

Your testing should take a few days to come back after being tested.   If you can not confide in your doctor, find another...    You'll need a doctor to prescribe treatments when ever you have an outbreak.    

-- Modified on 4/23/2012 9:59:43 PM

Sometimes, people need to be told that they are clueless. Sometimes it needs to be done in a way that leaves no doubt how clueless everyone knows they are.

If you went to a clinic, they should have offered you treatment...  Why not?  
antiviral medicines, such as (Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex) acyclovir, famciclovir, ganciclovir, or valacyclovir
It's just silly to suffer with something that can largely be controled.  

See link below to web-md http://www.webmd.com/genital-herpes/pain-management-herpes

needacure330 reads

Thanks for the suggestions. I should probably find another doctor somewhere. And at least get the meds I need even if through the canadian border.

This is what we always worry about. Damn it man I feel really really bad for ya.

Just take time to get things straight and see what your options are in terms of treatment. I can only imagine what you must be going through psychologically.

For this reason, I am aiming to only call up providers under really reputable agencies. Not that it prevents anything, but at least I know that they have strict guidelines in terms of testing for STD. They know that a single outbreak can really bring the agency down south.

Take care man.

Zsa_Zsa_TaTas437 reads

Oh my, just because a lady is from a reputable agency is no guarantee of anything!  Heavens!  They are bullshitting about testing!  My God!

Posted By: prepkid
This is what we always worry about. Damn it man I feel really really bad for ya.

Just take time to get things straight and see what your options are in terms of treatment. I can only imagine what you must be going through psychologically.

For this reason, I am aiming to only call up providers under really reputable agencies. Not that it prevents anything, but at least I know that they have strict guidelines in terms of testing for STD. They know that a single outbreak can really bring the agency down south.

Take care man.

who adhere to more strick testing regimes than agency gals. Besides, indpendents tend to be more low volume than agency gals. Touring ladies see more than 1 or 2 guys a day otherwise the economics don't work.

TheSkyFell325 reads

Any agency that says they have strict STD screening protocols in place are LYING THEIR ASSES OFF.

This is LOL hysterically funny to me!

I've NEVER worked for or seen any agency that did anything besides saying "when do you want to start?  Where are you willing to go?  Okay, go to this hotel" after viewing her pictures and deciding whether or not she could sell!

TheSkyFell314 reads

I worked for a service once that was pushing 8 appointments in on me a day and I wasn't even one of the most popular girls!

Now that volume was extreme because of the rates.
But touring providers don't tour through services for one or two appointments a day.

There is nothing wrong with using a service but don't do it with blinders on or think for a second that you're safer with an agency than an independent.

And many people, (about 50%) get it before puberty. In fact DATY while not an unheard of way of spreading is one the rarer ways it is spread, shared cutlery, shared drinking glasses, and kissing being the most common. Most everyone has HSV-1 (70% to 98% of adults depending on study). It is also true that HSV-1 can lay dormant for years and that many that has HSV-1 do not know they have it. It is impossible to tell when and how you got it. Quit blaming the provider. Hell HSV-1 isn't even considered an STD unless it is infecting the genitals or anus.

Grow up and do some damn homework. You will see how faulty everything in your post is. You need to be glad I can't say what I really want to say. Now go ask your doctor some question, read some stuff about your new life long partner, and come back when you get a clue.

Scoed, what medical book did you get your information from? An estimated 25% of the population has either HSV-1 or HSV-2. You cannot in fact get it from a drinking fountain, shared cutlery, or sharing a drinking glass. You can however get it from skin on skin contact with the infected site on a parter - whether that site happens to be genitals, anal area, or the oral area.

HSV-1 and 2 are both considered to be STD's because both can be passed to the genital area.

Seriously, where did you get your info from?

To the original poster:

Your partner of the previous evening could not have given you herpes. Following exposure, onset of symptoms typically occurs within 3-5 weeks following contact. Initial onset generally results in tingling, burning, and itching sensation at the site of infection, accompanied by mild to moderate flu like symptoms including fever, aches and pains, nausea, and chills. Blisters will appear within a day or so, which will then burst and scab over. In the case of an oral infection, the blisters will burst leaving an ulcerated sore that generally heals within 1-2 weeks.

While it is possible that you may have been exposed to the HSV virus many years ago without showing any symptoms until now, it is more likely that a partner you saw roughly a month before symptoms appeared is the one who gave them to you. If you saw a Doctor, I am baffled as to why they would not prescribe a course of anti-virals to control future outbreaks.

Finally, everyone should be aware that both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be passed freely from oral to gentials. A man with genital herpes can pass herpes through receiving a BBBJ. Likewise, a woman can pass oral herpes the same way. A man can contract oral herpes through DATY, and likewise, a man can be infected orally via DATY.

This is why the hobby is about what level of risk you are willing to accept. Any uncovered activity, whether it is oral sex or intercourse, has the potential to pass herpes if one partner is infected either orally or genitally. Its up to the two individuals involved to decide what level of risk they are willing to take, and use protection accordingly.

I thought 90% of what he wrote is common knowledge but less then 5 minutes of research on the internet will confirm everything. Try reading past the Wikipedia article next time.

Carriers, and yes believe it or not you can pass it through a drinking fountain, or anything else your mouth comes in contact with and could leave your saliva.  

Every thing (for the most part you said is true about genital infections of HSV-1 and all cases of HSV-2. But HSV-1 on the mouth spread very easily and is scarily common.

As to my sources try:





note deals with genital infections of HSV-1 and HSV-2 only

To inform you of the different kinds of HSV.
Now please do your own homework.

but all the resy he mentioned were in the link from Web MD which source my own doctor refers me to as reliable information.


AnotherPerspective394 reads

Some call it clairvoyance  . I could only tune in  his smarter brother .

"I would laugh at you , but stupid isn't funny .

 Although I have many reservations about this story, how many people are really this fucking stupid ?
Alcohol, and alcohol consumption are  not necessarily  bad things , especially  compared to sober  and DUH  .

Speaking as someone who once fucked 30  different women over a five  day period ,while drinking every day, I have never picked up a STD .

Even the most spineless of  he-cunts should walk with bait and switch or smelly fish ."


Posted By: needacure
I had seen the provider as one of my first when I first started the hobby about five years ago. Before that I had never done DATY and I never had any std. I think she was pissed at me because I had very little sexual experience when I first saw her and then hadn't seen her in over a year. She has lots of reviews and is very available almost 24/7 since she sees clients like a revolving door. And yet she's very popular with the clients. So when I saw her that time she pressured me to do daty on her. She smelled fishy but I did so anyway. When I got home the day after I had sores on my tongue. It went away after a while. Then the next week it came back. I finally got tested at an independent clinic and they said I had contracted hsv-1 oral only . The sores come and go almost every other week. I refuse to tell my doctor about it. I don't do DATY anymore and I avoid lfk and dfk completely. No other part of my body is infected.The sores are usually under my tongue and no where else, so at least it's not visible. But it continues to pop up again every other week and cause days of pain. Needless to say it's screwed up a lot of my life. I do intellectual required work and it screws up my focus and concentration at work with the pain and got me into trouble. The underside of my tongue is ravaged with scars. It's painful and I hate it and I hate the provider who gave it to me on purpose. And she still has new reviews at least every month of sicko clients and reviewers who boast how well they DATY her.

It's in your bloodstream.  It seems to me that you are chastising this so-called herpes-giving provider but you should stop hobbying if you actually have herpes because you can pass it on.  My feeling is that you put this post up with the hopes that you can "out" this popular provider and keep her from getting work.  My instinct is screaming FRAUD big time, and I've read your post several times.  Just my opinion, but here's my take on the description of your symptoms...

I you contract herpes orally, then your breakouts can be oral or genital and it can also be passed on both ways.  Herpes affects your bloodstream, not just certain "parts."  For example, a woman diagnosed with herpes is almost always told she must have a cesarean birth when delivering because the chance of a breakout happening from the stress of birth is high and they don't want the infant in contact with the infection.  This even applies to women who have only had oral breakouts of hsv-1 -- she can still have a vaginal breakout.  So you're contagious on throughout your body, not just where you've seen breakouts.  

Also, it was commonly thought herpes could not be passed on when the infected person was not having a breakout but new research is saying otherwise.  Many people are though to be 'carriers' of the virus at all times so you can be infected at any time by a person like that.  There were a few reports about this in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2008 - 2010 (I read them for grad classes).  This information is also on Planned Parenthood's web site -- please check there for more info.

Another thing, your reports of breakouts every week are inconsistent with common herpes breakout patterns.  Most people only experience a breakout 1 to 8 times per year at the most (the average time between breakouts is 1 1/2 years) and they are never as bad as the original breakout.  Some people never have a breakout after the initial one (less than 10 percent, not sure of exact number), and may not even consider themselves people with the herpes virus.  

Your story has holes in it the size of Montana.  If you really have herpes and breakouts every week, so bad that there are 'sores are usually under my tongue and no where else, so at least it's not visible' (another detail that doesn't make any sense), you need to drop whatever it is you are doing right now and go directly to the nearest Center for Disease Control.  You have an extreme infection that cannot be explained by any sort of STD reasoning.

Don't take my word for it -- do the research on your "disease" instead of complaining on a message board where this kind of thing is not well received.  Anyone who admits to supposedly seeing a provider with a fishy smelling pussy and chowing down because she begged for your tongue on her stinky snatch perhaps needs to find a new hobby.  Have you tried knitting?  

Posted By: needacure
I had seen the provider as one of my first when I first started the hobby about five years ago. Before that I had never done DATY and I never had any std. I think she was pissed at me because I had very little sexual experience when I first saw her and then hadn't seen her in over a year. She has lots of reviews and is very available almost 24/7 since she sees clients like a revolving door. And yet she's very popular with the clients. So when I saw her that time she pressured me to do daty on her. She smelled fishy but I did so anyway. When I got home the day after I had sores on my tongue. It went away after a while. Then the next week it came back. I finally got tested at an independent clinic and they said I had contracted hsv-1 oral only . The sores come and go almost every other week. I refuse to tell my doctor about it. I don't do DATY anymore and I avoid lfk and dfk completely. No other part of my body is infected.The sores are usually under my tongue and no where else, so at least it's not visible. But it continues to pop up again every other week and cause days of pain. Needless to say it's screwed up a lot of my life. I do intellectual required work and it screws up my focus and concentration at work with the pain and got me into trouble. The underside of my tongue is ravaged with scars. It's painful and I hate it and I hate the provider who gave it to me on purpose. And she still has new reviews at least every month of sicko clients and reviewers who boast how well they DATY her.

needacure332 reads

You are probably right in that I should in good conscience stop hobbying, then by the same vein that provider should stop providing. My main point in posting was to remind the ter "community" of what is commonly swept under the rug and rarely mentioned on the boards on in reviews. I was under constant pain as I wrote the thread o-post. I had to put myself to sleep to "turn it off".

Now I understand why more than a few times providers (even cityvibe "featured" ones) have cancelled an appointment we've set up days in advance due to a "cold" or "sore throat". They are probably having having their hsv-1 outbreaks. Same with massage only providers who can't do anymore services because they've been infected with both hsv-1 and 2 and don't want to spread it. I have a lot more respect for these kind of providers with conscience than the one I saw who is revolving door and has hundreds of reviews. If those of us infected are not going to all quit, provider and client alike, then at least take those steps mentioned. This is probably the point I should have first made.

Based on your break out times and other info in YOUR post.  So there is no reason for her to stop providing.  Case closed.

Your ramblings about City Vibe and blah blah fucking blah just further show that your ability to get over shit does not exist.  That is definitely a skill you need to cultivate and you need to cultivate it FAST.  You will not survive this life if you cry like a little girl who ate too much Halloween candy every time you don't get your way.

It is so obvious that you are trying to undermine this provider.  Whatever she did to you has left you seriously scorned.  Why not out your energy into something else.  Again, may I recommend knitting?  It could really calm down that misplaced anger you're exhibiting here.

Posted By: needacure
You are probably right in that I should in good conscience stop hobbying, then by the same vein that provider should stop providing. My main point in posting was to remind the ter "community" of what is commonly swept under the rug and rarely mentioned on the boards on in reviews. I was under constant pain as I wrote the thread o-post. I had to put myself to sleep to "turn it off".

Now I understand why more than a few times providers (even cityvibe "featured" ones) have cancelled an appointment we've set up days in advance due to a "cold" or "sore throat". They are probably having having their hsv-1 outbreaks. Same with massage only providers who can't do anymore services because they've been infected with both hsv-1 and 2 and don't want to spread it. I have a lot more respect for these kind of providers with conscience than the one I saw who is revolving door and has hundreds of reviews. If those of us infected are not going to all quit, provider and client alike, then at least take those steps mentioned. This is probably the point I should have first made.

Sounds like the guy had a canker sore outbreak. This is not herpes, but very related to high stress situations.
Probably had hs 1 since he was a little kid. Pure coincidence. Did the doc culture the sore, or take blood?
Way too soon for a herpe outbreak if you were exposed the day before. What about all the other symptoms involved with herpes? If you really want to expose this to TER, than why use an alias? You said yourself that you are done with the hobby. I'm sorry dude. You may be or think you are being accurate and honest, but I personally don't buy it.
Revolving door? What do you have against this lady that you are not telling us about?

Are you actually reading ANY of the responses you have received?? The provider in question could NOT have given you oral herpes, it is NOT medically possible. The incubation period is NOT 24 hours. If providers have cancelled appointments in the past due to a cold or sore throat, then maybe... I don't know.. they had a COLD... not an STD. And the reason some providers are massage only, is because THEY WANT TO, not because they have an STD. And the number of reviews a provider has is not conductive to how many people she has seen.. that is a huge misconception. 100 reviews=10K clients?? I don't think so, lol.

Go back to your doctor and get some FACTS.

Posted By: needacure
You are probably right in that I should in good conscience stop hobbying, then by the same vein that provider should stop providing. My main point in posting was to remind the ter "community" of what is commonly swept under the rug and rarely mentioned on the boards on in reviews. I was under constant pain as I wrote the thread o-post. I had to put myself to sleep to "turn it off".

Now I understand why more than a few times providers (even cityvibe "featured" ones) have cancelled an appointment we've set up days in advance due to a "cold" or "sore throat". They are probably having having their hsv-1 outbreaks. Same with massage only providers who can't do anymore services because they've been infected with both hsv-1 and 2 and don't want to spread it. I have a lot more respect for these kind of providers with conscience than the one I saw who is revolving door and has hundreds of reviews. If those of us infected are not going to all quit, provider and client alike, then at least take those steps mentioned. This is probably the point I should have first made.

You've always had it and need not be blaming the provider.

Nevertheless, the first outbreak is usually the worst. BUT if you've had a cold sore before and the outbreaks are now more severe it could be because your immune system is suppressed.

Are you taking immune suppressive drugs? Your dosage may need adjustment.

Have you been exposed to HIV? If so the increasin severity could be due to onset of AIDS.

GuinessStout310 reads

You can have both, you know.  They are independent viruses.

If she smelled fishy you shouldn't have gone down on her. As providers we have the right to refuse to give service if something is not right, and as do clients if something doesn't look right or smell right you can refuse to go on with the session. As a provider if my gentlemen has a rash or a real fowl odor i would take it as a loss and not go on with the session because my health is more important than anything. People involved in this hobby need to be aware of std's know what the signs and symptoms are and if something looks fishy don't do it.  There are so many std's out there and if you don't know about them you become a risk to everyone, including significant others.  Any one can go to a clinic and get tested confidentialy for a small fee, it is a wise investment for anyone.

-- Modified on 4/24/2012 7:33:53 AM

needacure358 reads

I should apologize. I can't hate on the whole hobby nor a particular provider.  When I contracted it from her I was negligent about being careful. You guys are right. I was hesitent at first because it smelled fishy. I should have refused and not worry about  her feelings and just saw a different provider. Well perhaps I had hsv-1 before. Like scoed mentions there are different strains. I didn't have sex until after thirty , nor even kissed someone on the lips. But I had skin hives usually on my chest and belly sensitive to itchy materials and grass. I had chicken pox. So what I caught from her was probably another strain of hsv-1 that my immune system couldn't handle like the others. I've never done anal, and don't do any lfk anymore. Screws up my civvie dating life which is nonexistent anyways. All I can say is that the lady does/did doubles with many other profile ladies in my area and probably seen over 10,000 clients. (usually 100 reviews means provider seen 10x that much). I guess pretty much means entering this hobby pretty much guaranteed to get some form of hsv-1. So the solution for infected people like me is not hobby and abstain until kingdom come? Still gonna have the "mark" on my forehead come judgement day.. well under my tongue at least.

You said and I quote, "I never had sex til after 30, nor kissed anyone on the lips." Really? Then you say, "I don't LFK ANYMORE" suggesting you've done it. You have no clue where you got this from, so stop whining. Maybe it's your gf from college or whoever, but as I said there is NO WAY to 100 percent tell who gave it to you and when.

While I can only imagine the physical and mental discomfort your oral sores give you, you are not listening to logic or reason.  You are great at ignoring what many have already said - herpes would not have appeared the day after exposure.  That "fishy" smell was most likely a very common simple bacteria imbalance in her system (bacterial vaginosis), it is not indicative of a virus.  You are pinning your illness on a provider who did NOT cause your sores, and ignoring that you are exposing others around you as you continue to play in this pool.  YOU are the problem that you are complaining about.

Stop blaming others for whatever is wrong with you, take responsibility for your own health, and get yourself to a doctor.  There is no reason to needlessly suffer.

MSHSEX368 reads

This post is a testament to the need to eliminate the use of aliases outright.

Posted By: needacure
I had seen the provider as one of my first when I first started the hobby about five years ago. Before that I had never done DATY and I never had any std. I think she was pissed at me because I had very little sexual experience when I first saw her and then hadn't seen her in over a year. She has lots of reviews and is very available almost 24/7 since she sees clients like a revolving door. And yet she's very popular with the clients. So when I saw her that time she pressured me to do daty on her. She smelled fishy but I did so anyway. When I got home the day after I had sores on my tongue. It went away after a while. Then the next week it came back. I finally got tested at an independent clinic and they said I had contracted hsv-1 oral only . The sores come and go almost every other week. I refuse to tell my doctor about it. I don't do DATY anymore and I avoid lfk and dfk completely. No other part of my body is infected.The sores are usually under my tongue and no where else, so at least it's not visible. But it continues to pop up again every other week and cause days of pain. Needless to say it's screwed up a lot of my life. I do intellectual required work and it screws up my focus and concentration at work with the pain and got me into trouble. The underside of my tongue is ravaged with scars. It's painful and I hate it and I hate the provider who gave it to me on purpose. And she still has new reviews at least every month of sicko clients and reviewers who boast how well they DATY her.

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