TER General Board

Re: Prefer
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 3296 reads
1 / 57
Zeel 67 Reviews 58 reads
2 / 57

Landing strip or nude or both fine. As long as she's clean around her pussy lips, since I refer not tasting hairs. I'm fine with other shapes too, like a heart or a well groomed triangle that is bush like.

ickylib 81 reads
3 / 57


No "clumps".........

mrfisher 108 Reviews 59 reads
4 / 57

The only thing I do not like is stubble.

netnoy 38 Reviews 61 reads
5 / 57

Not a huge fan of bald.  Some girls look great with it where most would be amazing with a landing strip, pattern or full bush

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 67 reads
6 / 57

is a pass, I have eaten enough pussy to know exactly where to find it.  During the same time, I have learned that hacking your way through the overgrowth is rarely worth the trip at the end of the day.  Shaved smooth the same morning or preferably close to the time I'm seeing her is the only way to go for me.  If their TER profile says, "shaved", and she's not, I will ask her to take a few minutes at the start of the session and go shave for me.  Providers should always make sure their profile is up to date with respect to appearance aspects and services offered.  

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 66 reads
7 / 57
MassMan 200 Reviews 63 reads
8 / 57

Bald. Preferably waxed.

Asslater 36 Reviews 64 reads
9 / 57

Overgrown jungle growth is not my favorite, but neither is nude--makes me think of a really young girl and that's weird.  Avoid stubble for obvious reasons.  I prefer a well-trimmed triangular shaped bush.

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 60 reads
10 / 57
SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 48 reads
11 / 57


BUT,,,, I’d never pass on a meal just because of the place setting!!!

But that begs the question  
Being a provider aside, what’s your preferred way to present yourself

justsauce16 4 Reviews 65 reads
12 / 57

Lasered smooth. No chance of hair, no stubble, no mess.

Hair serves to hang onto bad smells, and it's not exactly stimulating in a pleasant way. It's 2024, burn that forest down with lasers, never worry about it again.

axmr41 10 Reviews 63 reads
13 / 57

I absolutely prefer and seek out natural, bush or at least trimmed.

Not a fan whatsoever of bald, even though that seems to be the norm..

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 64 reads
14 / 57

A landing strip and a full on 70’s bush. Lips and right next to them shaved, the rest trimmed. Completely bald is much more common so obviously that doesn’t stop me, nor would a bush. But my preference is trimmed.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 68 reads
15 / 57

But am back and fort between the other two.Sometimes I get a hard - on just thinking about the bush, other times I just want a clean shaven kitty - no obstacles.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 64 reads
16 / 57

Bush is both a thing of the past and, quite frankly, often unsightly.

I prefer bald or a neatly and closely trimmed landing strip that doesn't get in the way of my efforts to please.

"Dining" is easily one of my favorite parts of the experience and a "smooth" presentation makes the occasion all that much better!

PistolPetey 59 reads
17 / 57

As long as I don't get hair stuck in my teeth I'm good.

I've seen a gal who has a full bush but the area right around her pussy was shaved. That was kind of a nice change of pace. I get to tickle my nose but my mouth is unencumbered by hair.

Otherwise, bald seems to be the norm and I love it, but strips or little puffs of bush are fine too..

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 59 reads
18 / 57

Agreed. Stubble is a no-no, and to me so is very overgrown/badly kept bush.

As long as its not prickly and not crazy bushy and good hygiene, all styles are cool to me. In fact I can get bored seeing only shaved kitty for prolonged time. Variety is good for me.

brownjack 60 reads
19 / 57

I make sure that the region surrounding my happy place is smooth.  I prefer the same in my partner.

impposter 49 Reviews 68 reads
20 / 57

Maybe TER needs to modify the Profile fields again?
Shaved [ ] today [ ] yesterday [ ] last week [ ] last month [ ] last year

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Landing strip . . . .
is a pass, I have eaten enough pussy to know exactly where to find it.  During the same time, I have learned that hacking your way through the overgrowth is rarely worth the trip at the end of the day.  Shaved smooth the same morning or preferably close to the time I'm seeing her is the only way to go for me.  If their TER profile says, "shaved", and she's not, I will ask her to take a few minutes at the start of the session and go shave for me.  Providers should always make sure their profile is up to date with respect to appearance aspects and services offered.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 61 reads
21 / 57
Matthewgp 1 Reviews 60 reads
22 / 57

I prefer a nicely groomed pussy (not too close) that has been freshly showered and smelling nice. Freshly shaved is great too.  If the jungle is out of control it better be super clean and smelling heavenly.

There is nothing worse than hearing her say she is clean and finding out that clean was 3 guys ago, or if she believes she is clean that it still stinks like a dead mackerel.  GROSS!

MojoStu 14 Reviews 64 reads
23 / 57

I'm still hoping it will make a comeback someday.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 68 reads
24 / 57

Smells like mackerel or any other bait fish is not about hair or no hair. That’s a vagina that hasn’t had maintenance. Most likely an infection, hopefully bacterial.  

Whether a civie or a regular provider, sometimes there has been a vaginal “ripeness” whenever she’s not just out of the shower. But the dead fishy thing? That’s hygiene not grooming.  Caution.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 69 reads
25 / 57

I thought you would be in FAVOR of some deep bush.  Lol

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 59 reads
26 / 57
followme 61 reads
27 / 57
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 69 reads
28 / 57

The bush is never making a comeback for me personally. I need to shave everyday. I could never image having a full grown bush again & would not care to eat pussy on any female who is not clean shaved. My personal preference for female grooming is no hair. Thanks for sharing TER friends.

-- Modified on 3/13/2024 1:11:44 AM

fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 64 reads
29 / 57

I prefer her to be clean shaven, waxed or lasered. All holes bald. No hair above the lip. Lol

AllbSure 14 Reviews 65 reads
30 / 57

Personal preference is bald, close to bald ok .. full 70's bush turn off.

divemaster13 34 Reviews 50 reads
31 / 57

I agree. I am very aroused by a neatly trimmed "Delta of Venus."  And by trimmed, I don't mean landing strip.  Now, I'm not talking about jungle bush, but a visually appealing "V" is my preference.

I mainly see K-girls, and I realize all I'm going to get is shaved.  But such a wasted opportunity.  Asians tend to have silky pubic hair, rather than a brillo pad.  I would feast on that all day.

I've mentioned on these boards before that I'd pay double for a K-girl with a silky Asian kitty.  Alas, it appears not to be.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 67 reads
32 / 57

On the flip side can I request guys at least do somewhat of a trim job? If the hair is so long that I have to part it and play a game called "find the pecker" very little chance I am going to be putting my mouth down there.  
Full disclosure I have a landing strip. I did go bare for awhile but it made me feel pre pubescent, so I grew the strip back!!

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 62 reads
33 / 57

Sometimes you need to relived the good ole date. The sexual revolution-1960-1978.
Bush ,hippies, and freedom fighters.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 52 reads
34 / 57

Well ,if you like to dine all the time and every time I see your point. You missed out on the 70's, the best period in history,

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 69 reads
35 / 57

Fishy smell is a bacterial infection. That can either be just the flora being off (some women get this after their period) or an STI. Usually poor hygiene is going to be a strong musky smell, while the fishy smell is a lot more going on that needs to be addressed, usually with antibiotics.  
Bread smelling and cottage cheese discharge is going to be a yeast infection, which would be the opposite of the bacterial infection. A healthy vagina is going to have both bacteria and yeast present but when one gets thrown out of wack the infection happens. No, I am not a doctor, but I play one on TV.  :)

TiannaTemptation See my TER Reviews 55 reads
36 / 57

About that - I tried lasering down there. It hurt and they could only do so much per session. I went a bunch of times and spent the $$$ and eventually realized progress was minimal at best.  

Turns out that hair with red pigments was not actually able to be removed with laser at that time.  Unless there have been new lasers developed in the past 5 years (and if there have please tell me!), current lasers won’t work on blonde, white, gray or red hair.  

Frustrating because I would love to be done with hair removal forever!  

impposter 49 Reviews 59 reads
37 / 57

You could try a more powerful laser, but you'd have to rob Fort Knox to pay for the treatments.

Posted By: TiannaTemptation
Re: Lasers
About that - I tried lasering down there. It hurt and they could only do so much per session. I went a bunch of times and spent the $$$ and eventually realized progress was minimal at best.  
 Turns out that hair with red pigments was not actually able to be removed with laser at that time.  Unless there have been new lasers developed in the past 5 years (and if there have please tell me!), current lasers won’t work on blonde, white, gray or red hair.    
 Frustrating because I would love to be done with hair removal forever!  

Valida 17 Reviews 61 reads
38 / 57

You were scammed.  
Folks doing laser hair removal know perfectly well that it only works on dark(ish) hair.  They committed fraud by taking you on. l

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 61 reads
39 / 57

Exactly what I was thinking as I read her post. They knew they were robbing her when she walked in the door, I was going to say the same thing.  

I thought we recently learned that lasers burn everything that isn’t blue, Marge Simpson should be the only one having this problem. But apparently hair lasers are more picky?

Either way, seems like shady business.

impposter 49 Reviews 76 reads
40 / 57

I'm not an expert, but some sites say that you can get good results with light hair if you select the right laser and use the right settings. Results are always easier / better with darker hair, but "Effective treatment of light coloured fine hair requires a laser with a high attraction to melanin such as the Alexandrite 755nm laser. Darker thicker hairs will respond better to the diode 810nm laser or Nd Yag 1064nm laser."

Posted By: Valida
Re: Scammed!  Re: Lasers
You were scammed.    
 Folks doing laser hair removal know perfectly well that it only works on dark(ish) hair.  They committed fraud by taking you on. l
She MIGHT have been scammed if the laser-er knew that their laser was sub-optimal for light, fine hair. OTOH, even if the laser-er had the preferred laser for light hair, she wasn't doing it correctly.  
I have read that Goldfinger used a real, industrial CO2 laser as a prop. They special effected in a red-orange beam for the laser dick removal scene.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 56 reads
41 / 57

I take that back.   This is actually more than I ever wanted to know about lasers:

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 53 reads
42 / 57

should not be asking the ladies for a hygienic level they will not offer for themselves.  Other than having two different types of plumbing that can fit together when necessary, we should all be treated equally.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 49 reads
43 / 57

Am a clean cut and occasional  bush man,  but guess I better  keep an open mind.People are so creative. Never know what you  gonna encounter.

WICardinalfan 31 Reviews 47 reads
44 / 57

I came of age in the late 1970's.  Huge fan of tan lines and some muff down below, but not a full bush.  

Landing strips are great.  In the words of the great James Bond in "Diamonds are Forever", "As long as the cuffs and collar match".

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 57 reads
45 / 57

(No pun intended), but have you ever seen blonde pubic hair on a black girl?  That's a remarkable contrast.  The hair on her head was blonde, too.  When I commented on her matching head and public hair color, she said, "It was easy, I just whipped up a double batch for a snatch to match."  

46 / 57

The carpet coordinates with the drapes. Always a nice touch.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 46 reads
47 / 57

Am talking about what 'I'saw. Am sure you saw what 'you'  saw .As a matter  of fact  ,Anybody can be blonde one minute  and something  else the next.  Just get some hair dye .Same goes for the black  hair on that girl. Amazing what hair dye can do.

Some people are all natural though.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 36 reads
48 / 57

I keep mine Shaved. When it comes to men's.....I prefer it to be shaved.

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 29 reads
49 / 57

Is all the necroposting necessary??

tozer 72 Reviews 31 reads
50 / 57
SEVENNY 83 Reviews 33 reads
51 / 57

...I am adding a 4th. It doesn't matter to me as long as it is wet; bonus points for squirting!

Lip-lock2 42 Reviews 33 reads
52 / 57

What about your mustache? Do you wax or shave it.

SnowKing69 5 Reviews 26 reads
53 / 57

Clean shaven bald pussy is the best pussy for me.  :)   Although I'm sure the is a Hot to bush ratio scale somewhere...

axmr41 10 Reviews 28 reads
54 / 57

Full bush or lightly trimmed for me, truly rare in So Cal.

AllbSure 14 Reviews 25 reads
55 / 57

The important for me is that the immediate areaa my mout is going is hairless.. whats above it..  dont care.

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 25 reads
56 / 57
holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 19 reads
57 / 57

I agree. I don't want hair stuck in between my teeth.  

I have seen a lady with a bush but the area right around her pussy was shaved. That's fine with me.

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