TER General Board

Nice surprise
mrskins 64 Reviews 1886 reads

I was visiting an atf recently (one of many since they're all good to me) and a funny thing happened.  

We're going at it and finish the first round.  While I'm trying to catch my breath, she tells me a story.  She remembered our last time together and even relayed it back to me via the review I wrote of her.  (She mentioned she liked the review as it was honest and erotic; nice boost for my ego).  She said she doesn't usually read her reviews but another one of her client's pointed my review out to her.  The client visited her and on the way out told her he was a little disappointed (I'm pretty sure that was the word she used).  Apparently she was great but he was disappointed in himself since they didn't "move the earth" the way I described my time with the lady.  

Gotta say it was a nice boost for the ego.  For a while there I thought I was the only one who worried about not measuring up to other hobbyists and their experiences!  Good to know I'm not the only one who wonders this.

ConnectionsRock574 reads

When you have a great experience, which is usually due to a great connection between you being very real and your lady being very real, it shows in the experience and your review.  

Often times when you feel the great connection and have a wonderful time, your lady is feeling it too and she will remember the experience and remember and appreciate your review.  I've been pleasantly surprised more than once when booking a second visit to have the lady recall in detail our first visit and the review.

I've tended to focus my visits on the couple ladies I've felt a strong connection with- much more enjoyable to me than the adventure/misadventure of new meetings!

Yes, I've read reviews where my experience with the gal didn't measure up.  Used to bother me a little, but I've learned over time two things:

One- many reviews are incredibly embellished and wishful thinking by the hobbyist- especially on the number of pops and how he 'thrilled' her

Two- I don't connect with every lady as strongly as the ones I do, and sometimes another hobbyist will have that kind of connection with one I didn't!  Regardless of how much of a 'business transaction' it is, it does involve two people with feelings!  And thus it is a very individual experience.

I still remember a single red rose, among other things. You're difficult to forget, my dear. -e

BackDoorGirl631 reads

task task...

cannot believe on charming boys, they use the same tricks on every girl they see.



You are definitely hard to forget yourself.  Can't wait to see you soon!

everyone has their own likes and in seeing ladies, it could be their beauty, "performance," or a special connection that you can't quite put your finger on. That connection is hard to beat and it's one that's developed over time, really. Be glad you felt the earth move as this guy apparently is stuck searching elsewhere.


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