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Re: Love making or hot sexteeth_smile
ROGM 47 reads

Posted By: 20strojl
Re: Love making or hot sex
ROGM`s post is spot on and I agree with his spin. I have two ATF`s that I see continuously for the past year and a half since getting in the hobby. For me it`s all about the connection and it`s there with both, big time. Friendship, bonding, affection, intimacy and sex. Not any one without all the others. They`re both like ripe fruit, sweet and delicious. Some days I want the apple and some days the orange.  
 My A girl gave me green lights right from day one and I never asked for any. She gave me some off the charts compliments which really lit me up. Each succeeding session got better and better with OTC dinners, friendly emails etc. Prior to each tryst we both joked about  that it could not be possible to top the last session  and then end up besting it to our delight.  
 She books me now only on Fridays as she takes weekends off. The last two times she let me stay overnight after dinner OTC. and it sure made me feel special. With me there`s no clock on her wall.  
 I have no clue where or how far this will go. I want even more but I`m petrified to ask for that for fear of getting a stop sign. I think the smart thing for me to do is to continue to let her drive the bus and see where it goes. Frustrating yes but the buzz I get from knowing that this beautiful provider who is half my age is terrific.  
 So yeah, with her it`s love making no doubt.  
 It`s the same with my B girl but she has an ironclad rule that there can be nothing outside the room so that`s that. Still I get terrific friendship, intimacy, etc. from her so I continue to see her. Its a nice feeling to know I`ve got two providers who I am reasonably sure have feelings for me. The negative me thinks sometimes that they continue with me for the income I provide them. Maybe a little of both? Hmm
Just like you I let the girls lead to where this is going. How long this will last? Who knows? I'm just enjoying this as it goes along. Don't look at the money as a negative. More like the cost of having a relationship. Just goes to show that these girls are like any other non escort girl. One has a birthday in April. The other has one in May. And May is also my birthday month. Guess what I'm doing in May.  

am i thinking wrong about this?...how often,if ever,does a regular appt fuck-turn into REAL intense love making?....can clients&providers really become lovers??...do multiple toe-curling orgasms mean you're in love??...is that what we are looking 4?...just had local regular-use the "L" word and it caught me off guard...we have fun,but its hard too get to know someone 2-4 hrs at a time to become" lovers"...sooo..guys and gals...even with ur best hangs...love making or hot sex????..

MNHotdish45 reads

Perhaps the provider feels like you have awesome energy or an amazing connection and that equates to making love.  Raw primal fucking can be making love too.  Hopefully, if professional, she is just catering to your investment.  Mwah.

And they sometimes transpose that love to the person who was the giver. I've been there.
It happens sometimes. Specially when you instantly like each other on the surface and then you have that sexual chemistry.

...calls it our own kind of love making and, while it certainly encompasses a lot of hot sex, I see her point -- there is some passion to it that goes beyond the "usual" hour's worth of client/provider time.

It's a rare combination, so I tend not to talk about it too much, lest I spoil the rarity of the treat.

I suppose that some of us may view very intense, no holds barred, totally gratuitous, completely exhausting, previously unequalled, satisfying sex LOVEMAKING and I have no problem with that or the characterization......however I would note that  I still don't think I have had the best ORGASMS of my life, yet.......nexxxtttttttttttttt.

-- Modified on 2/19/2018 11:23:34 PM

Diversify your emotional risk; see two other girls before seeing her again; and keep repeating this cycle. A good provider is selling a fantasy— and it’s easy to get sucked into the vortex. I know. Been there. Done that.

That is, that one little word can mean many different things.  You can be in love with a person. You can love chocolate chocolate chip ice cream. And everything in between.

The very few times a provider told me she loved me, it was clearly not the IN love variety.  But there was REAL intense love making with multiple toe-curling Os.  I think the "love" was more about loving the sex than loving the person.  Or if love for the person, just an appreciation for the person vs being in love with them.

Never ever equate sex with love.

Libertine_Proust40 reads

I've met ladies where we both seemingly had an immediate affinity for each other, and the sexual chemistry was beyond belief. There was a certain level of intimacy that is on-par with displays of love...but at the end of the day, all parties remained realistic and kept emotions in check.  

Admittedly, it feels great to achieve that level of passion over a session(s), without the responsibilities/ expectations that come with being "in-love" and in a long-term relationship.

EVERYTHING that happens during a paid session is part of a fantasy.  It can be intense, but not real love.  If you start dating her OTC on the outside, then the relationship is real and its possible to find real love together.  Until the girl says the magic words, "You're my boyfriend now, so you don't have to pay anymore."  whatever happens between the two of you is part of what you're paying for.  I agree it can often be intense, but intense sex does not automatically equate to love.  I have only gotten to this point with 6 out of 600+ providers.   Many of these 600+ where long term regulars that I would see off and on over a period of years and the sex was often intense.  Providers will often use the "L" word during a paid session for a variety of reasons, some good, some bad.   It could be because the sex was good, or because you tipped them, or merely that it is time for you to leave.  I wouldn't read too much into it during a paid session.    

... that after seeing over 600 providers, you believe that "EVERYTHING that happens during a paid session is part of a fantasy."  I haven't seen anywhere close to 600, yet I know there's fantasy, of course, but also there's often (usually, in my experience) some very real stuff that happens during a session with a provider.  It could be (and often is, but not always) real O(s).  It could be real emotions and responses expressed.  It could be thoughts honestly expressed, without pretense.  Love, of whatever kind other than love of the physical acts?  That's much more rare.  And that's a good thing, because if a provider ever told me she's IN love with me, it would be the last time I'd see her.  I'm already in love with one woman, and although I can and do love many people, including some providers, I make it a habit to be IN love with only one woman at a time.  

that happens, but its mostly physiological and not emotional.  She cums, you cum, the endorphin rush starts, which can often be confusing because those same things happen in a real life love relationship.  Ask your current favorite sometime after a session if she would consider waiving the fee because you have real love for her, and everything seemed so real to you emotionally.  If she says yes, then she loves you too.  If not, those feelings were part of the fantasy she created for you and she is good at her job.  Comfort level, friendship, honesty and trust are emotionally based, but not the same as love.  

ROGM44 reads

With two girls I'm seeing the Sex is off the charts Awesome. Am I in Love with these two? Oh hell yeah. I spend some OTC time with each of them. With two others I'm seeing the Sex is great. But it's sort of like two good friends having Sex. Nothing more. I guess it depends on  the personalities and attitudes of  the girls and how things go moving forward.  

Arden_James47 reads

I agree with trex44. If the intellectual and chemistry connection is strong with a client I've seen at least several times, I do classify it as its own unique brand of love-making. Still, as is the consensus here, end of day this is not a culture of falling in love. If that happens, I'd expect it would change the nature of the relationship and shift it back to the civvie universe.

But of course, it isn't.   It's just real good sex.   Don't settle for less.

HappyChanges44 reads


Love with a hooker is driving her to Walgreens to buy her a tube of PrepH and kissing her goodnight when she gets back.

Why not both? You can have both with a partner so why not with a SW? I definitely have and one is not better than the other - both are fucking amazing to be frank - and combined create great balance that sustains what you have. Have I ever ventured outside the veil to see if the chemistry we have transcends how we met? Sure...but always tread carefully...


Posted By: mrposition

am i thinking wrong about this?...how often,if ever,does a regular appt fuck-turn into REAL intense love making?....can clients&providers really become lovers??...do multiple toe-curling orgasms mean you're in love??...is that what we are looking 4?...just had local regular-use the "L" word and it caught me off guard...we have fun,but its hard too get to know someone 2-4 hrs at a time to become" lovers"...sooo..guys and gals...even with ur best hangs...love making or hot sex????..

...having both with a partner develops over time...there's often a clock ticking when with a provider...it takes a few times together to have it become more than just fucking...overnight/weekend hangs allow time to get comfortable..clock is still ticking,but at least i can hit snooze....how much time do you hang with ur favorite "friends"?/how often do you see them?-how often does it become more than just physical?

ROGM41 reads

Posted By: mrposition
Re: Love making or hot sex
...having both with a partner develops over time...there's often a clock ticking when with a provider...it takes a few times together to have it become more than just fucking...overnight/weekend hangs allow time to get comfortable..clock is still ticking,but at least i can hit snooze....how much time do you hang with ur favorite "friends"?/how often do you see them?-how often does it become more than just physical?
I have two girls I see on a consistent basis. First few meetings it was just have fun and go on our way. But over time with seeing these girls on a steady basis it seemed to turn out more than the client/provider meeting. One even introduced me to her family recently. It was her idea. I just went along with it. Pretty Awesome. Her family welcomed me like a friend of the family. We still play. Now it feels more like having a girlfriend than the client/provider meeting. And I love it!  

ROGM`s post is spot on and I agree with his spin. I have two ATF`s that I see continuously for the past year and a half since getting in the hobby. For me it`s all about the connection and it`s there with both, big time. Friendship, bonding, affection, intimacy and sex. Not any one without all the others. They`re both like ripe fruit, sweet and delicious. Some days I want the apple and some days the orange.

My A girl gave me green lights right from day one and I never asked for any. She gave me some off the charts compliments which really lit me up. Each succeeding session got better and better with OTC dinners, friendly emails etc. Prior to each tryst we both joked about  that it could not be possible to top the last session  and then end up besting it to our delight.
She books me now only on Fridays as she takes weekends off. The last two times she let me stay overnight after dinner OTC. and it sure made me feel special. With me there`s no clock on her wall.  
I have no clue where or how far this will go. I want even more but I`m petrified to ask for that for fear of getting a stop sign. I think the smart thing for me to do is to continue to let her drive the bus and see where it goes. Frustrating yes but the buzz I get from knowing that this beautiful provider who is half my age is terrific.
So yeah, with her it`s love making no doubt.

It`s the same with my B girl but she has an ironclad rule that there can be nothing outside the room so that`s that. Still I get terrific friendship, intimacy, etc. from her so I continue to see her. Its a nice feeling to know I`ve got two providers who I am reasonably sure have feelings for me. The negative me thinks sometimes that they continue with me for the income I provide them. Maybe a little of both? Hmm

ROGM48 reads

Posted By: 20strojl
Re: Love making or hot sex
ROGM`s post is spot on and I agree with his spin. I have two ATF`s that I see continuously for the past year and a half since getting in the hobby. For me it`s all about the connection and it`s there with both, big time. Friendship, bonding, affection, intimacy and sex. Not any one without all the others. They`re both like ripe fruit, sweet and delicious. Some days I want the apple and some days the orange.  
 My A girl gave me green lights right from day one and I never asked for any. She gave me some off the charts compliments which really lit me up. Each succeeding session got better and better with OTC dinners, friendly emails etc. Prior to each tryst we both joked about  that it could not be possible to top the last session  and then end up besting it to our delight.  
 She books me now only on Fridays as she takes weekends off. The last two times she let me stay overnight after dinner OTC. and it sure made me feel special. With me there`s no clock on her wall.  
 I have no clue where or how far this will go. I want even more but I`m petrified to ask for that for fear of getting a stop sign. I think the smart thing for me to do is to continue to let her drive the bus and see where it goes. Frustrating yes but the buzz I get from knowing that this beautiful provider who is half my age is terrific.  
 So yeah, with her it`s love making no doubt.  
 It`s the same with my B girl but she has an ironclad rule that there can be nothing outside the room so that`s that. Still I get terrific friendship, intimacy, etc. from her so I continue to see her. Its a nice feeling to know I`ve got two providers who I am reasonably sure have feelings for me. The negative me thinks sometimes that they continue with me for the income I provide them. Maybe a little of both? Hmm
Just like you I let the girls lead to where this is going. How long this will last? Who knows? I'm just enjoying this as it goes along. Don't look at the money as a negative. More like the cost of having a relationship. Just goes to show that these girls are like any other non escort girl. One has a birthday in April. The other has one in May. And May is also my birthday month. Guess what I'm doing in May.  

Posted By: mrposition
Re: Love making or hot sex
...having both with a partner develops over time...
Not always...but I had to think about why because you are right about a ticking clock creating limitations.  I think the men that I have have had off the charts chemistry with from day 1 are the ones that have opted for a dinner date - the longer space of time allows you to really think explore the chemistry you are feeling. If you have the same rhythm (in the sense that you have almost identical sexual energy) you also have the time to explore deeper levels of limitations and connections. I do agree that this will just intensify to another level altigtyer though over time...and it’s just insanely fucking delicious...


and have such a powerful orgasm from love-making that is brought on by a full body presence, expression and acceptance.  Being in tune with our own bodies, the build up not just in the groin, but our mind can create full body pleasurable orgasm that blurs the lines of fantasy.  I have said "I love you".  And in the truest sense, I do.  But like Tartus said, it's fantasy.  I am not in love with you.  

ROGM80 reads

As with any relationship money plays a factor in keeping it going. It's not the only factor. But it does play into a relationship to a certain degree.

Oh yeah, very true. If you have a nice car you have to put gas in the tank to get where you want to go right?

ROGM38 reads

Posted By: 20strojl
Re: Money Sustains A Relationship.
Oh yeah, very true. If you have a nice car you have to put gas in the tank to get where you want to go right?
Everyone needs gas in their car. Even providers.

still struggling with this concept..is there a tipping point where sex becomes love making...ladies and gents in this hobby who have a real life relationship...is sex different with ur partner than with a hobby friend?...do you compare?...you make love or just fuck?...have you been with someone in the biz that gives you same feelings as ur partner?...is it just personal emotion?....my partner of 14 yrs passed from cancer..she was bi-i think we spent as many 3some weekends together as we did alone...no matter how hot the sex ,i never felt that i made love to another woman...

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