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Has Anyone Notice A Change In Prices?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 716 reads

I was curious if anyone noticed a change in hourly rates lately. Have they gone up or down recently? I’m asking because I noticed something and I don’t know if it’s a national or local trend. I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys. Thanks.

I have seen some insanely high rates for new providers. I just updated my website to offer sweet incentives. Not everyone can afford to hobby at high rates. What have you noticed Willy?

I've seen increases over the past few years but nothing really recent.

But if by "lately" you mean the last 6-12 months, I would say they have stabilized and remained flat over that time frame, in general.

ickylib4 reads

Back in 2008, when I first came into the hobby, it was fairly common to see $260 for what would be $500+ types of gals.

So, yes....in the span of over a decade, pricing has obviously gone up.  But if you look hard enough, there are still a lot of $300-400 gals (agency and indy) that you would be completely happy with.

It all depends on what area you're in.  In the DC area, I would say, a slight increase for agencies, about the same for Asian agencies and a HUGE increase for White indys.

similar to yours.  I started in 2007 with indies and with Asian agencies in 2008.  I don't think providers are charging proportionally more than what I'm paying for other consumables I buy regularly.  

I think what has happened is, now that FOSTA/SESTA seems to be a noisy dog with no teeth, more young women feel comfortable coming into the business.   However, they see what providers with 5-10 years' experience are charging, and they think they can charge the same just because they are younger, and that all they have to do to get top dollar is to look pretty and lay there while the guy fucks them.  By all accounts, the new younger versions do not represent the same value we get from seasoned providers.  This is where a dozen or more recent reviews on TER is a STARTING point for me when checking out new talent.  As Warren Buffet says, . . . .  "Price is what you pay, but value is what you get."  (He wasn't specifically referring to pussy, but it still applies.)   Always look for good value for the price.  

Why don't you tell us what you noticed instead of just posting cryptic message? Also where are you located?  
Details matter, guys......

  Well, some prices may have gone down & others may have gone up.

The inflation/wage chase has hit a lot of people.  I think discretionary spending might be indicated by restaurant business as a proxy measure.

420Smoka4Eva5 reads

I'm not seeing anyone drop their prices and I don't think women are keen to do it. However, some providers are lowering their minimum bookings or providing other incentives for booking. They keep their advertised price high but drop their rate in other ways. Providers are complaining about how dry it is all over social media, so something has to give at some point.

Where have you seen providers talk about how dry it is? On X?

I am on X almost every day and I have not seen any providers saying this, so not sure.

Wherever it is, it will be a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the total number of providers. There will always be, in any economic environment, some providers who are slow. I, like Scarlett, am on twitter quite often and I haven't seen any mention of women saying it is slow.  
But placing online posts about that topic aside for a moment, 420 said he hasn't seen any price decreases. Isnt that the more important metric? I am sure women talk about being slow from time to time, but do they ever really lower their rates en masse due to it? Or is it more of just a group complaint, to make them feel better in the moment, without it actually resulting in them lowering their rate? To me, with my experience, it has always been the latter.  
I wish we could go back to the rate structures of 2018-19ish but I just don't think it's going to ever happen. What women tend to do is keep at bay any future price increases for a much longer time and I think that is more likely to be the case over the next few years, with one offs here and there of course.

not an en masse doubling or more as occurred not so many years ago, but a provider here, a provider there raising rates a hundred or two at a time.  

IMO, the price pressure is still upwards and the market of guys willing to pay those prices is shrinking (or perhaps those willing/able to pay regularly).  

As always, the provider can set her price, but it is the client who makes the choice.

One place may have increased by 10 but that's hardly an issue. Plus, I'm not sure if that is across the board or just for the specific providers I recently saw.

I didn’t want to bias people’s responses. So anyway, DC is kind of a hard market to put your finger on. I’ve seen prices range from 300-2000 an hour. There seems to be quite a few agencies, including Asian ones that I would think would drive down prices, but many people here are well to do, so higher prices remain. Over the last few years I’ve been bothered by how many foreign girls were here, and I worry that they may be in an exploitative situation. So often I will do my hobbying out of town where there’s a higher selection of American girls and the prices are more reasonable. I haven’t looked around my area much in a few months, but recently I was looking around and it seems like there’s been a big increase in the number of girls charging 600 or less. It’s hard to tell if there’s just fewer people engaging in this hobby, but if so it would indicate less discretionary spending. Part of what made me wonder about this is that one of my favs recently told me she was thinking of cutting her rates in *half*, which really surprised me.

In all these years, I don't think I have ever seen a woman with any clout at all cut her rates in half or have any real cut at all albeit maybe a marginal one. Not saying it has never happened, as I don't follow every rate of every girl, but I have never seen it. Someone cutting their rates by 50% sounds like a move born out of desperation but I am not privy to the woman you speak of.
in Philly and NYC, I certainly haven't seen a move to the downside at all. Are you referring to verifiable, reviewed girls or just someone on eros or tryst no one know has verified yet? I cant account for that market. As for Indys, I am not seeing any downward movement of pricing at all but I haven't seen an increase recently either, by and large.

The K-girl market has had about zero effect on pricing in the larger market. I think they cater to very different clientele.  

And LA is one of those places where attractive women concentrate, apparently because it will support higher pricing.

Way back in the day, a lady might offer a limited time "special", such as a discount on certain days or for return engagements. Haven't seen that in years.

When I was in DC I charged $400 and had no issues filling my dance card. I guess it would really depend on how much your fav was charging. If she was charging 1K + she probably was not getting as many bookings as she would have liked. I have said this to gals MANY times. When you get into that price point the pool of men that are going to inquire for your services is going to be smaller. Even if she cuts that in half to $500 she is going to be getting more inquiries. She would only need to get 20 appointments a month to make 10K. She could take one day off a week and a week off during shark week and she would be golden. She is much more likely to get more clients that will repeat with her at $500 than she will at $1,000. A guy may see a gal once to see what all the fuss is about for the $1,000 and see her once. At $500 he might book every month with her. So first scenario she makes $1,000 a year from said client. Second scenario she makes $6,000 a year from the same client. Repeat clientele is always what you want in this industry to be successful. Always.

That we raised our rates by $100 per hour once in 2016 and nothing since.

Price gouging sucks!

Hope that answers your questions.

wrps075 reads

I have seen some with 20-40% increases recently.  Not surprised cumulative inflation since 1/2019 is about 23%.

Agency increases are lower and slower, but definitely happening for independents. Some girls jumped last year and earlier this year but it seems more and more are joining at the new "standard". In the large cities like NYC 1000 seems to be the new standard. And girls who used to be 1000 are now edging up to 1200 or 1500.

I can't blame them because general inflation has happened, and the rate cut that just enacted won't really impact prices for another few months. Also in NYC you're seeing the full effect of the Airbnb ban, with hotels jacking up all their prices which impacts incall rates. Once rates go up they rarely come down.

My salary has not increased at the same percentage so unfortunately it means I see less girls than I used to, and ones that I had on my tdl who were 600-800 range are now in my 1k tdl behind the others there previously.

Look, I have been in this biz since 1998.  And back then, gents were bitching about prices  It never ends.  I remember a lady named Morgan Ashley who was charging 500 per back in 2001.  People raised holy hell about it.  But she got it and she was very busy.

There will always be gents willing to pay whatever to see whomever.  U don't want to pay it, then don't.  Simple.

My favorite saying.  Everybody loves Capitalism until it bites you in the ass!!!.

On the one hand, it's a simple yes or no question. And the answer is largely yes.

On the other hand, it seems like the same complaint, week after week. Maybe just read the last 20 threads about pricing rather than starting a new one.

The women here do not owe any of us bargain pricing or in fact any particular price point. This is what a free market looks like.

Hooker communism: From each according to her ability. To each according to his need.

People are always complaining about escalating prices especially when it involves the same good or service.  Prior to the pandemic, it was about $500-600 a night to stay at the Ritz in Laguna.  Now $1000-1200.  Same room, same grounds, same service.  The real issue is whether standard prices of $800-1000/hr are sustainable.  I don't agree that there are always gents that will continually pay whatever it takes.  I expect that the future will be a multiple pricing regime.  One price on the web site, another on HX and a differing one on p411.  Depending on how business is going you pay the top price or the lower one.  

Back in the day there were plenty of girls from various towns that would tour. And it’s not like touring doesn’t still happen, but today it seems like there’s less touring and many girls flock to a few big cities, leaving mid and lower tier towns dry. Of course there’s also legal reasons for doing this as well. If one locality has more lax laws on this hobby, that’s a good reason to work out of such a town.

in larger cities is the wider the potential customer base, the better chance they have to stay busy.  Staying in one place also allows time to develop a roster of regulars who will see a girl weekly or monthly.  Having regulars creates minimum cash flow that they can count on to meet basic expenses like rent.  Staying put allows providers to age along with their customers, so they can have a comfortable life with a certain amount of financial security.  I knew some girls that have semi-retired, which means they are not accepting new customers, but are living a comfortable life off of their loyal regulars.  

It's hard for touring girls to keep very many regulars, even by returning to the same cities on an annual rotation.  Overhead is usually higher for touring girls, but it still beats staying in their hometown when business is slow.  Many mongers are always on the lookout for the "new girl," and will line up to see touring girls when they hit town, but these kinds of customers don't usually become regulars, so touring girls keep touring.

The drop in touring is also probably because numerous touring-related agencies were shut down, either forced or voluntarily. Their prices used to be fairly reasonable but what's left now are expensive touring independents, who are in high demand in bigger cities and facing higher hotel and living costs (hotels are becoming cartels with rigged pricing).  

Couple that with retiring locals and younger girls going the Onlyfans route and you get a perfect storm for big price increases.

Yes prices are up for those who meet with clients.

There are several offering more much lower rates but their only contact information is an onlyfans account.  You have to pay to subscribe to their OF before you can message them there.  Of course I don't.  BTW, the last I heard,  OF has a policy against using their system to arrange meetings in real life.  

One I tried to contact has their text number auto-reply promoting their OF.

I also saw one or two who had no contact information at all, lol.

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